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Russia's Putin Reappears After 10 Day Absence

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  • Russia's Putin Reappears After 10 Day Absence


    16:04, 16 March, 2015

    YEREVAN, MARCH 16, ARMENPRESS. Life would be boring without rumors,
    Vladimir Putin said after appearing on public in St Petersburg
    on Monday.

    As reports "Armenpress" citing RT, Putin met his Kyrgyz counterpart
    Almazbek Atambayev on Monday in his first public meeting open to the
    press since March 5.

    Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov mocked all the rumors about his boss's
    alleged disappearance.

    "Have you seen the president [Putin] crushed with paralysis and
    captured by the generals?" Peskov asked the journalists, smiling,"
    [He] just arrived from Switzerland where he was delivering babies,
    as you know."

    When a representative of western media asked Peskov about a foreign
    doctor arriving to Russian President, the spokesman said the doctor
    in question "was among the generals who captured Putin."

    The Kremlin is not going to comment on Putin's state of health,
    Peskov said Monday.

    "We've said 10 times, we can't comment anymore," he told journalists,
    adding that the more comments that are released, the more fantastic
    theories are being invented.

    Earlier social media were boiling with tweets and blogposts about the
    mysterious alleged disappearance of the Russian leader. After Putin
    canceled a meeting with German chancellor Angela Merkel on March 11,
    sympathetic users suggested he may have been ill. This theory was
    denied by the Kremlin.

    Other users who joined the 'Russian-invasion-is-coming' mood wrote
    that Putin was preparing for a full-scale war.

    Among the speculative theories was that Putin's alleged girlfriend
    and ex-Olympic champion gymnast, Alina Kabaeva, had given birth to a
    baby and that the Russian leader had abandoned the whole country for
    paternity leave. The UK's Daily Mirror even reported that a baby girl,
    a love child, has recently been born at a clinic in Switzerland.

    The New York Daily News went one further, and wrote that it's not
    even the first baby of the couple, as they also had two kids together,
    wrote Corriere Del Ticino, a Swiss newspaper.

    In the meantime, Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov called the mass
    media fuss just a "Spring exacerbation."

    "No need to worry, everything is all right. He has working meetings all
    the time, only not all of these meetings are public," Dmitry Peskov
    said Thursday in an interview with Echo of Moscow radio. He added
    that the president is "absolutely healthy" and that "his handshake
    is so strong he breaks hands with it."

    Several tabloids speculated about Putin's alleged problems at work
    in the Kremlin. They wrote that Putin had been overthrown by a coup
    or security agencies in Moscow. The Interpreter wrote that, while
    some Russians were posting photos on social media showing tanks near
    the Kremlin.

    From: A. Papazian