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Open Letter To "Geoteam" Company From Residents Concerned With Futur

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  • Open Letter To "Geoteam" Company From Residents Concerned With Futur


    19:01 March 13, 2015

    Residents Concerned with Future of Gndevaz and Vayots Dzor

    Getting acquainted with Amulsar project we got very concerned and
    we need clarifications and assessments of the risks we will face,
    environmental, health and ecological hazards, so are addressing an
    open letter to Geoteam Company and independent experts to assess the
    risks and to make the population aware of them.

    1. You mentioned that you have changed the location of the heap
    leach facility three times since 2011, we would like to know about
    the advantages of the selected location as compared with the previous
    two, whether environmental, health and ecological risks are lower or
    higher and whether the locations is nearer to the communities than
    the previous ones.

    2. Your project says it complies with international standards, so we
    would like you to lay down the international standards, which say that
    a heap leach facility can be constructed in a distance of 500 meters
    from the community, in the orchards of Gndevaz, if the worldwide
    accepted to build such structures 30 km away from residential areas.

    3. You plan to use annually 2000 tons of sodium cyanide and incase
    of preparing solutions of 500 mg/l concentration, which will be
    poured into the area of heap leach pad within one year and plan to
    construction 2 ponds, collection pond (capacity - 200,000 cum) and
    a storm event pond (capacity - 170,000 cum).

    We would like to get clarifications what kind of environmental disaster
    will be generated in Vayots Dzor after the water polluted with million
    tons of heavy metals, cyanide and hydrochloric acid due to rains and
    snow melting in 3.63 million tons of cyanic solution and 134 ha of
    area will flow into the Arpa River, as almost all the villages in
    Vayots Dzor irrigate their fields with the water from the Arpa River.

    4. You will destroy the orchards and fields in the land areas you
    purchased for heap leach facility and other premises, so please specify
    whether it's possible to use the harvest of the orchards and kitchen
    gardens located in a distance of several dozen meters or to sell them
    to you as food.

    5. You mention that in the heap leach facility the PH of the sodium
    cyanide shall be 11 and over in order not to have hydrogen cyanide
    leak, the small amount of which is lethal. We would like to get
    clarifications how this process will be implemented in the area of
    134 ha with 4 million tons of solution under temperature fluctuations
    from -30 to +30 degrees in the rain or snow or what kind of equipment
    will be installed in this area of 134 ha, where 20 tons of cyanide
    vapors will turn into emissions of 600 kg and 10 tons of hydrochloric
    acid will turn into emissions of 300 kg. If all this comes true,
    whether 4 million tons of alkaline solutions and 600 kg of cyanide,
    300 kg of hydrochloric acid won't be hazardous for the residents and
    area ecology.

    Now let's discuss the hazards and risks of inorganic dust. Analyses of
    40 samples taken from Amulsar mine show that besides precious metals,
    the ore also contains 26 heavy metals and toxic elements (bismuth,
    cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, gallium, molybdenum, nickel, lead,
    antimony, scandium, titanium, uranium, strontium, vanadium, zinc and
    wolfram) and toxic elements (arsenic, beryllium, thallium, selenium,
    mercury and cadmium), which are all very toxic for the human organism.

    If these elements penetrate into human organism in overdose
    concentrations, they can cause mutations, poisoning, cardiovascular
    diseases and cancer with lethal outcomes.

    1. In the open pit area of 113.9 ha annually 12088.2 tons of explosives
    will be used: each well will be charged with 239.6 kg of explosives,
    50452 explosions will be carried out, dust emission accounts for
    761.56 tons per year and dust will be spread in distance of 100-1000,
    noise level will be almost inaudible in adjacent communities. If the
    person, who made these calculations, had been to Amulsar, winds would
    have blown him off for 100 meters.

    Emissions in case of mine development:

    Inorganic dust - 1185.8 t/y Nitrogen dioxide - 1365.86 t/y Carbon
    monoxide - 1107,75 t/y Hydrocarbons - 222.4 t/y Hard particles -
    113.92 t/y Sulfur dioxide - 106.35 t/y

    Though these figures are far from being real, we would like you to
    clarify the ecological impact in the area and Vorotan-Arpa Tunnel.

    From: Baghdasarian