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Allies And Allegiances: Armenia Again Voices Discontent With Russian

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  • Allies And Allegiances: Armenia Again Voices Discontent With Russian


    ANALYSIS | 16.03.15 | 10:21


    ArmeniaNow correspondent

    Armenia would prefer if Russia did not sell arms to Azerbaijan, the
    nation's top diplomat said in a recent interview with the Slovenian
    Dnevnik newspaper.

    "But we are not asking friendly countries, partner countries to do
    something for Armenia against somebody else. What we are expecting
    concretely on the Nagorno-Karabakh issue is not to support one
    side against the other, just to be in line with the position of the
    international community expressed by the Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk
    Group. And Russia is one of the three Co-Chairs," Foreign Minister
    Edward Nalbandian said.

    Russia, which is a strategic ally of Armenia, has sold weapons worth
    billions of dollars to Azerbaijan, which has, in fact, declared war
    on Armenia. And this fact in recent years has become a major stumbling
    block in the relations between Yerevan and Moscow.

    Foreign Minister Nalbandian, perhaps, for the first time expresses
    dissatisfaction with Russia. Before him, on several occasions President
    Serzh Sargsyan and Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan spoke about the
    matter publicly. However, Russia did not consider it necessary to
    cut off supplies.

    The information background of the Armenian-Russian friendship has
    clearly deteriorated. While officially only cautious discontent is
    heard, in parliament, in the press and in public forums there has
    been a more frequent talk about the negative role of Russia in the
    events after the 1915 Genocide, the Russian support for Armenia's
    enemies today, etc. The information background has been pretty
    much messed up by the tragic events in Gyumri where on January 12
    a soldier of the locally stationed Russian military base allegedly
    killed a seven-member Armenian family in a shooting spree. And Russia
    consistently does not want to transfer the accused to Armenian justice.

    The negative impact on the myth of the eternal Armenian-Russian
    friendship and Russia's saving role was also made by the apparent
    compulsion of Armenia to join the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU). The
    first results of Armenia's membership are almost disastrous for
    Armenian producers and exporters, and the official statistics of
    Armenia demonstratively does not hide it.

    In Moscow they understand that the deterioration of the information
    background may lead to a rupture of political relations. As a step to
    reduce the degree of tension it was stated that on April 24 Russian
    President Vladimir Putin will visit Yerevan for the commemoration
    of the centennial of the Armenian Genocide. However, against the
    background of rumors about the disappearance of Putin and certain
    political processes in Moscow this information has had no propaganda
    influence on Yerevan.

    Will Armenia remain an eternal and, perhaps, only ally of Russia?

    Moscow is rapidly losing allies - at the end of last week, China
    suddenly denounced the annexation of the Crimea by Russia and
    said about strengthening of relations with the United States. Even
    Belarus and Kazakhstan - Russia's partners in the EEU - are actively
    developing relations with the West. Armenian leadership remains,
    perhaps, alone in the camp of allies of Russia, which, on its part,
    torpedoes relations between Yerevan and its Western partners and Iran.

    The words of the Armenian foreign minister, who is known for his
    unconditional support of friendship with Russia, are also evidence
    that Armenia's political allegiance is not infinite. zerbaijan
