Country - 17 March 2015, 14:23
The new president of PAP Naira Zohrabyan announced yesterday that she
will not be answering questions on domestic issues for a month. She
said the reason is partisan and internal organizational works in
the party.
This decision of the PAP leader may serve as an important case for
the Armenian political field, and the mass media may be helpful. In
addition, this concerns not only Naira Zohrabyan but also everyone
else in Armenia who is doing "politics".
They had better keep quiet and not answer any question, whether
domestic or generally political, and better if they do it not for a
month but once and for all. It would have been better for everyone,
including the public and the very "politicians".
The public will rid of demagogy, false vows, vanity, complexes and
other things. It will rid us of "regime is in panic", "regime's days
are numbered", "we are beside people", "safe Armenia" and other forms
of cynicism. This is the only thing that "politicians" are good at.
Otherwise, over twenty decades of independence the country would not
have been criminalized to this extent, and the government would not
have been usurped by the criminal oligarchy.
The economy would not have appeared in the hands of several clans
who misappropriate the nation's wealth and rule tax and customs
privileges for themselves, reaping the income and leaving losses on
the public's shoulders.
In only twenty years the victory in Karabakh would not have been
wasted to the extent of territorial and other humiliating concessions.
The country would not have been given away with such zeal, in return
for Moscow's mercy and delegation of power.
Silence could be highly helpful to the so-called politicians because
there is no politics in Armenia but usurpation and trade of government
under this name. It is especially urgent as the veil of the PAP was
ripped off the "political field", revealing the field to the public
in its magnificent nudity.
Hence, silence is useful for "politicians", especially that not keeping
quiet does not matter any longer. The government will decide who goes
to parliament and who takes to the street. They delegated this right
a long time ago.
The new PAP leader starts with a rough but very important initiative.
Apparently, even in its present situation, PAP remains the leader of
the Armenian "political field".
Country - 17 March 2015, 14:23
The new president of PAP Naira Zohrabyan announced yesterday that she
will not be answering questions on domestic issues for a month. She
said the reason is partisan and internal organizational works in
the party.
This decision of the PAP leader may serve as an important case for
the Armenian political field, and the mass media may be helpful. In
addition, this concerns not only Naira Zohrabyan but also everyone
else in Armenia who is doing "politics".
They had better keep quiet and not answer any question, whether
domestic or generally political, and better if they do it not for a
month but once and for all. It would have been better for everyone,
including the public and the very "politicians".
The public will rid of demagogy, false vows, vanity, complexes and
other things. It will rid us of "regime is in panic", "regime's days
are numbered", "we are beside people", "safe Armenia" and other forms
of cynicism. This is the only thing that "politicians" are good at.
Otherwise, over twenty decades of independence the country would not
have been criminalized to this extent, and the government would not
have been usurped by the criminal oligarchy.
The economy would not have appeared in the hands of several clans
who misappropriate the nation's wealth and rule tax and customs
privileges for themselves, reaping the income and leaving losses on
the public's shoulders.
In only twenty years the victory in Karabakh would not have been
wasted to the extent of territorial and other humiliating concessions.
The country would not have been given away with such zeal, in return
for Moscow's mercy and delegation of power.
Silence could be highly helpful to the so-called politicians because
there is no politics in Armenia but usurpation and trade of government
under this name. It is especially urgent as the veil of the PAP was
ripped off the "political field", revealing the field to the public
in its magnificent nudity.
Hence, silence is useful for "politicians", especially that not keeping
quiet does not matter any longer. The government will decide who goes
to parliament and who takes to the street. They delegated this right
a long time ago.
The new PAP leader starts with a rough but very important initiative.
Apparently, even in its present situation, PAP remains the leader of
the Armenian "political field".