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Solar Project In The Armenian Suburb Of Bourj Hammoud Promises More

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  • Solar Project In The Armenian Suburb Of Bourj Hammoud Promises More


    March 16, 2015

    The beneficiaries of the energy produced will primarily be the people
    of Bourj Hammoud, who will experience a sense that they own exceptional
    clean energy produced by the river that passes through their area.

    Bourj Hammoud is a suburb in North-East Beirut, Lebanon. The suburb is
    heavily populated by Armenians. Bourj Hammoud is an industrious area
    and is one of the most densely populated districts in the Middle East.

    Bourj Hammoud was founded by survivors of the Armenian Genocide
    of 1915.

    Al Monitor (Beirut) - A field stretches by a river, but it does not
    produce fruits and vegetables. It features, however, devices that
    produce electricity from the sun. A blue expanse of solar panels
    covers the Beirut River between the Armenia bridge and Yerevan bridge
    in Bourj Hammoud. This solar field now has 1 megawatt of capacity,
    and is estimated to guarantee 1.6 million kilowatt-hours (kwh) per
    year, fulfilling the needs of around 1,000 homes.

    The field is estimated to prevent the emission of around 1,000 tons
    of carbon dioxide annually. Implementation is nearing completion:
    3,600 solar panels have been built on a structure of concrete girders
    extending across the river with steel supports -- 325 meters (about
    1,066 feet) long and 32 meters (about 104 feet) wide -- that form a
    "suspension bridge" without any obstruction to the flow of the river.

    The solar field is expected to connect to the public network in May
    2015 through a transformer and without storage. The beneficiaries of
    the energy produced will primarily be the people of Bourj Hammoud,
    who will experience a sense that they own exceptional clean energy
    produced by the river that passes through their area.

    This is the first stage of the project -- called the "Beirut River
    Solar Snake" -- which is part of the national project for energy
    self-sufficiency being pursued by the Lebanese Center for Energy
    Conservation (LCEC), which was approved by the parliament in November
    2011. The project's ultimate goal is to produce 10 megawatts from solar
    fields extending 6 kilometers (3.7 miles) over the river in around 5
    years, to meet the needs of 10,000 homes. The Ministry of Energy and
    Water has guaranteed $3 million of funding for the first stage. It
    is hoped that with the beginning of the second stage, between 1 and 2
    megawatts will be produced in 2015. According to the budgeting plan,
    each stage will be funded by the value of electricity produced in
    the previous stage.

    Is Lebanon, the country with 300 sunny days a year, really proud of
    1 megawatt of solar energy, though?

    Pierre El Khoury, the director of the LCEC, said that the importance
    of the Beirut River Solar Snake is not in its material value alone,
    but also in its encouragement of the solar market. Since the project's
    implementation began in late 2013, photovoltaic systems have been
    assembled in Lebanon that amount to a capacity of 30 megawatts in
    the private sector, in factories, schools, hospitals and elsewhere.

    Phoenix-ASACO was contracted to execute the project as it was the one
    to bid the lowest price. The 12 companies that participated in the bid
    are presently working on installing the photovoltaic cells to produce
    electricity with solar energy. Khoury expects that between 200 and 300
    additional megawatts will be produced by 2020, if the private sector
    opens the gate to the production of solar electricity, and if that
    production is connected to the Lebanese electrical company's network
    (Electricite du Liban). In April 2014, parliament approved a law,
    which the government is now creating mechanisms to implement, to allow
    the government to give licenses to produce electricity based on the
    recommendation of the Ministry of Energy and Water and the Ministry of
    Finance. This suggestion has been made, and it is now being discussed.

    As for maintenance, the most important thing is cleaning dust off the
    solar panels, which will be done with hoses. Panels that break for
    whatever reason will also be replaced. A 3-meter (9.8-foot) fence
    will be installed on the banks of the river to prevent anyone from
    reaching the panels, with permanent guards and cameras monitoring
    the whole solar field.

    The "solar river" will not only be for electricity production. Those
    involved in the project hope it will become an "oasis of civil
    organization" through a future plan to create a public park
    that focuses on the spread of ideas about renewable energy and
    self-sufficiency, and the construction of a path to cross the "solar
    bridge" that divides Beirut and Mount Lebanon in Bourj Hammoud, the
    widest river bridge in Lebanon. A sign will be erected that shows
    the amount of electricity produced at different times, the amount of
    carbon emissions that are avoided and the environmental benefits of
    the project.

    Khoury added excitedly, "The value of the project is also that it
    is the first solar field in the world located above a river." Such
    a project could be implemented on a canal in Aqabah, and India is
    aiming to implement a plan to install solar fields over its canals. He
    indicated that a project for a solar field is coming in the Zahrani
    area, where the tapline refinery has been defunct for many years. The
    facilities there are used to hold fuel, and there is a wide area of
    land that belongs to the Ministry of Energy on which a solar field can
    be built with funding from oil facilities. The goal is the production
    of 1 megawatt in the first stage, with 2 megawatts to be added after
    connection to the network of the Lebanese electrical company. Nine
    suggestions were made, and a company will be chosen to implement this
    project soon and work is expected to begin in May 2015. The price will
    be lower and the implementation quicker than the Beirut River Solar
    Snake project, since the solar field will be located on the ground
    without the need for the extension of bridges above water. The first
    stage can be completed before the end of 2015. A problem in Lebanon
    could be the lack of land, but there is public property upon which
    solar fields can be created. The country must not be treated as if it
    is real estate only for sale that cannot be used for public interest.

    The commons must be used for the benefit of people, and not for sects
    and those with influence.

    From: Baghdasarian