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Armenia Leader: We Do Not Incite Hostility And Hatred Among Our Peop

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  • Armenia Leader: We Do Not Incite Hostility And Hatred Among Our Peop


    18:56, 18.03.2015

    YEREVAN. - The Republic of Armenia will also continue its fight
    against the crime of genocide within the framework of international
    organizations,President Serzh Sargsyan said during "At the Foot of
    Mount Ararat" media forum in Yerevan.

    "In 2013, at its 22th session, the UN Human Rights Council unanimously
    adopted the resolution on the prevention of genocide initiated by
    Armenia. This year we are going to table another draft resolution,"
    he said, addressing the participants.

    "It is inspiring that the representatives of the international
    community are also engaged in Armenian-led initiatives. Moreover,
    its members continue to bring their weighty contribution towards the
    recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide.

    We are forever grateful to all those states and peoples who both in
    times of the calamity and during the subsequent years, have granted
    asylum to thousands of Armenians, giving them an opportunity to
    survive and preserve their identity and become full-fledged members
    of society in the given countries.

    While attaching importance to the recognition and condemnation of
    genocides as a means of preventing their recurrence, we also extend
    our gratitude to all those states and organizations who continue
    to reflect upon the crime committed against our nation. This bears
    witness to the civilized world's sincere commitment to the protection
    of universal values, which inspires nations subjected to genocide
    to believe in the restoration of justice and violated rights, just
    condemnation of the crimes and inadmissibility of impunity.

    The resolution titled "The Armenian Genocide and European Values"
    adopted recently by the EPP Political Assembly on March 3, 2015
    was a striking example of such a commitment. It contained serious
    political messages on the recognition of the Armenian Genocide,
    its condemnation and denial, and called upon Turkey to confront its
    past. Such a position on the Armenian Genocide adopted by Europe's
    largest and most influential political force should indeed play a
    guiding role for European institutions and EU member states.

    It is clear that in today's world the guarantee of stability and
    normal development is peaceful co-existence and tolerance. This is
    the very principle guiding us through the Nagorno-Karabakh peace
    process, thereby not allowing Azerbaijan to ruin peace negotiations
    with its bellicose statements and provocative actions. In contrast
    to Azerbaijani authorities, whose provocative actions endanger the
    stability of not only their state but also of the region, Armenia is
    fully aware of the grave consequences of such adventurism. Therefore,
    by containing Azerbaijan's military provocations, we try to avoid
    a new spark of the conflict, which will seriously deteriorate the
    already unstable situation in our entire region.

    We do not incite hostility and hatred among our people, which has
    been an inseparable component of the policy carried out by the
    Azerbaijani authorities for years. In contrast to the Azerbaijani
    President who declared that the Armenian people are the number one
    enemies of Azerbaijanis, I would like to highlight once again that
    the Armenians do not have enemy nations.

    It was Azerbaijan's decades-long anti-Armenian policy and the
    determination to restore historical justice that ultimately drove
    the people of Nagorno-Karabakh to exercise their inviolable right to
    self-determination - to build their own homeland on their own land.

    Regardless of Azerbaijan's threats and provocations, the wheel of
    history is impossible to roll back: the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic is
    already a well-established reality and it is not feasible to break
    the freedom-loving spirit of its people. To ascertain it, I am calling
    upon you to visit Nagorno-Karabakh to get acquainted with the Artsakh
    state-building on the ground and represent the objective reality to
    your public.

    The Armenian position on the settlement of the conflict remains
    the same: it must be settled within the framework of the OSCE Minsk
    Group, through peaceful negotiations on the basis of the three famous
    principles of the Helsinki Final Act put forth by the Co-Chairs.

    Azerbaijan's efforts to alter the format provided by the Minsk
    Group, talk to the Republic of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh from
    a position of force, provocations and blackmail will not yield a
    lasting solution. This is an unequivocal truth.

    On January 27, 2015 the Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group issued a
    statement in Krakow on Azerbaijan's destructive policy, in which they
    called upon Azerbaijan to live up to its commitments to the peaceful
    resolution of the conflict. I strongly believe that continued sending
    of targeted messages calling to exercise restraint will incite certain
    degree of vigilance with their true addressee."

    Armenia News -
