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Armenia President: Close Cooperation With Russia A Key Component Of

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  • Armenia President: Close Cooperation With Russia A Key Component Of


    19:04, 18.03.2015

    YEREVAN. - Armenia's foreign policy has always been based on the
    principle of complementarity of different systems and accommodation
    of the interests of great powers involved in the region, President
    Serzh Sargsyan said in his address to the participants of "At the
    Foot of Ararat" media forum.

    "Joining the CSTO, the Republic of Armenia has simultaneously enhanced
    its cooperation with NATO, by contributing to the strengthening of
    international peace and security through its participation in the
    peace-keeping missions. Our country has developed and continues to
    develop allied strategic partnership with Russia. The Armenian-Russian
    allied inter-State relations are anchored in the close historical
    ties that existed between the two nations. The close collaboration
    with the RF is a key component of our security, economic development
    and stability. The RF is Armenia's largest trade partner: in 2014,
    our trade accounted for more than 1.4 billion dollars, there are 1.3
    thousand enterprises with Russian capital in Armenia and the amount
    of Russian investments in our economy have exceeded three billion
    dollars. I am confident that for very many persons sitting in the
    hall these numbers seem small and ridiculous, but believe me that for
    a small state and a small economy such as Armenia these numbers are
    extremely important. We cooperate with Russia in different sectors
    - energy, infrastructure, industry etc. According to non-official
    data, there are around 2 million Armenians living in the RF. We also
    continue to deepen our collaboration with the RF within the framework
    of international organizations - the Eurasian Economic Union, CIS
    and CSTO. We attach great importance to the Russia's efforts aimed
    at a peaceful settlement of the NK conflict within the framework of
    the OSCE Minsk Group.

    Our foreign policy is also aimed at reinforcement of our friendly
    partnership with the US and of the special relationship with France.

    Since independence, Armenian-American relations have continued to
    develop dynamically. Currently our bilateral agenda includes various
    sectors - political, economic, human, security and other dimensions -
    in which we have been making further progress year to year.

    I must express my content with the fact that owing to mutual efforts
    our partnership has now reached its highest level in the history of
    Armenian-American relations. The reciprocal visits at various levels
    conducted in the recent years bear testimony to this.

    We highly appreciate long-standing US support for the RA's economic
    development, multi-sectoral reforms, consolidation of democracy and
    civil society, which pursue the objective to strengthen our statehood.

    We also place great value on the US role in the maintenance of security
    and stability in the region, especially on its active involvement in
    the peaceful settlement of the NK problem.

    Armenia is very keen on continuing interstate relations based on
    shared values and the age-old friendship between the Armenian
    and French peoples. We value the achievements embellishing our
    interstate relations during the last two decades, which involve regular
    promotion of political, economic, cultural, scientific and educational
    cooperation, and effective implementation of the assistance programs.

    The consistent and concerted efforts in the relations between Armenia
    and France have resulted in a crucial haven, special relations we
    enjoy. France's role is invaluable both in the condemnation and
    international recognition of the Armenian Genocide at the highest
    level, and in the peaceful resolution of the NK conflict within the
    framework of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmanship.

    Of course, deepening and broadening of our traditionally friendly
    partnerships with neighboring countries, particularly, with the Islamic
    Republic of Iran and Georgia are top priorities for our country.

    We highly appreciate our mutually beneficial and multifaceted
    cooperation with Iran, which is rooted in historical and cultural
    similarities, reciprocal economic interests and in common approaches
    to a number of regional issues.

    The multifaceted relationship between Armenia and Iran is maintained
    at the high level. This is testified by our active and high-level
    political contacts, and agreements reached therein pertaining to the
    effective implementation of joint political, economic and humanitarian

    We are closely following the negotiations between the Islamic Republic
    of Iran and the P5+1 over Iran's nuclear program. We wish the issue to
    be resolved as soon as possible, and the settlement to be acceptable to
    all the parties. We are hopeful that the agreements that have already
    been achieved will result in a comprehensive settlement of this issue.

    I must express my content with the fact that in recent years
    the high-level contacts between Armenia and Georgia have tangibly
    intensified. Our active interstate dialogue rooted in the traditional,
    historical and good-neighborly friendship and mutual understanding
    between our peoples establishes serious prerequisites to outline
    new dimensions in our partnership. As a result, we are building
    effective mechanisms to swiftly address any issue on our current
    bilateral agenda.

    We have always attached great importance to Georgia's role not only in
    the development of our bilateral relations, but also in strengthening
    and maintaining security in the South Caucasus."

    From: A. Papazian