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Nagorno Karabakh: The Benefits Of Being In The Margins

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  • Nagorno Karabakh: The Benefits Of Being In The Margins


    European Leadership Network
    March 18 2015

    By Laurence Broers

    Caucasus Programme Associate at Conciliation Resources and Research
    Associate at London University's School of Oriental and African Studies

    Wednesday 18 March 2015

    As Russia consolidates what Alexander Cooley has called a new
    semi-sovereign space embracing secessionist entities in eastern
    Ukraine, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transnistria, there is one such
    entity that looks on with great interest, but from a certain distance.

    The Nagorno Karabakh (NK) conflict was the first of the secessionist
    conflicts accompanying the collapse of the Soviet Union; in terms of
    scale and numbers of casualties it was second only to Chechnya. Ending
    in 1994 with an Armenian military victory and the seizure of wide
    Azerbaijani territories beyond that originally under dispute, the
    conflict has lingered in the margins of Eurasian politics ever since.

    Mediating the peace process between Armenia and Azerbaijan is the
    OSCE's Minsk Group, which has since the mid-1990s generated no less
    than five peace plans. Yet to date the political fallout from the
    likely compromises involved and the top-down nature of the process
    has prevented progress.

    Since a much anticipated but ultimately unsuccessful meeting of the
    Armenian and Azerbaijani Presidents in Kazan in 2010, escalation and
    uncertainty have dominated the NK conflict, reflecting both local and
    regional dynamics. Escalation has been the main short-term dynamic
    along the 160-mile Line of Contact between Armenian and Azerbaijani
    forces. The type, intensity and range of ceasefire violations have
    significantly increased over the last 18 months. Last year, skirmishes
    in July-August and the shooting down of an Armenian helicopter in
    November grabbed the headlines. Constant strafing and sniper fire
    across the de jure Armenia-Azerbaijan border in the Tavush/Tovuz
    areas, and exchanges in the area of Azerbaijani exclave Nakhchivan,
    have also extended the geographical range of violations.

    Over the medium to long-term, the arms race between Armenia and
    Azerbaijan has become a much-reported aspect of the conflict, pitting
    Azerbaijani petro-dollars against Armenia's deepening alliance (and
    reliance) on Russia. In September 2013 Armenia was effectively coerced
    into turning its back on an association agreement with the European
    Union in favour of accession to Russian President Vladimir Putin's
    Eurasian Union integration project. Yet as Russia has strengthened
    its grip over Abkhazia and South Ossetia with new boundary-dissolving
    treaties, there are reasons to believe that the de facto entity in NK
    may be able to keep some distance from Russian integration. Russia
    has no direct border with Armenia or NK. Neither does it have
    "passportized" citizens to "protect", nor peacekeepers on the ground.

    Russia's influence over NK is largely indirect, via the deep
    penetration of Armenia's economy, infrastructure and security
    architecture. Armenia's accession to the Eurasian Union has however
    raised the possibility of a customs point at the border between
    Armenia and NK. Unlikely in practice, this still adds to Russian
    leverage over Armenia.

    Over the last year Azerbaijanis have looked at the situation in
    Ukraine as vindication of their argument with Armenia, claiming that
    there is no essential difference between Russia's actions in Crimea
    and eastern Ukraine in 2014 and Armenia's actions in NK in 1988-1994.

    Yet while Armenia's growing integration with a Russian-controlled space
    may be a source of short-term validation of Azerbaijani positions,
    there is little doubt that neither side desires an increased Russian
    presence in the theatre of conflict. Although the current peace
    proposal, the Madrid Principles, envisages the deployment of an
    international peacekeeping operation in NK, conversations on all
    sides of the conflict reveal consensus on apprehensions regarding
    the composition, mandate, location and duration of any such
    force. This negative consensus, serves as a reminder of an easily
    forgotten feature of the NK conflict: the relative sustainability
    of a self-regulating ceasefire. Recent escalations detract from
    this aspect of the Armenian-Azerbaijani truce, which until 2014 had
    seen no major escalations comparable to those disrupting ceasefires
    in the Georgian-Abkhaz (in 1998) and Georgian-South Ossetian (in
    2004 and 2008) contexts. Reprehensible though the lapses in the
    Armenian-Azerbaijani ceasefire are, it is still a ceasefire that is
    managed by Armenians and Azerbaijanis, by themselves, for themselves,
    on their own.

    In this light, the escalation in the range, breadth and severity of
    Line of Contact clashes, which are driving calls for an increased
    international presence in the area, is not only worrying, but also
    puzzling. Azerbaijani frustration with a status quo that over time is
    normalising the occupation of large swathes of its de jure territory
    is understandable. There is a clear benefit on the Azerbaijani side
    of countering perceptions of a "frozen"--and hence in some sense
    acceptable-- conflict. Yet there is a common Armenian-Azerbaijani
    interest in preserving the exceptionality of NK against the wider
    canvas of the incorporation of de facto space into Russian-controlled
    semi-sovereign space. The treaties concluded between Russia and
    Abkhazia and South Ossetia respectively have further embedded the
    asymmetry in this process for de facto entities, and leave little
    doubt as to the fate that would befall NK were it to become part
    of this space. Whatever outcome might eventually issue from an
    Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiation would be averted and this conflict
    would become entangled and submerged in entirely different dynamics
    on a Eurasian scale.

    The "proxification" of Armenia i.e. the depiction of Armenia as a
    proxy already entirely under Russian influence, and hence the absence
    of a real interlocutor, is popular in Azerbaijan. Yet local agency and
    bilateral scope remain much greater in this conflict than others in
    Eurasia. The dynamic of escalation and the appearance of diminishing
    control over the Line of Contact area are contracting this scope. In
    the face of accelerating centripetal pressures that could reshape the
    NK conflict beyond recognition, Armenia and Azerbaijan need to act
    to avoid local instability converting into metropolitan opportunity.

    The opinions articulated above represent the views of the author(s),
    and do not necessarily reflect the position of the European Leadership
    Network or any of its members. The ELN's aim is to encourage debates
    that will help develop Europe's capacity to address the pressing
    foreign, defence, and security challenges of our time.

    From: Baghdasarian