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Turkish Policy Of Denial Sets Dangerous Precedent For E Recurrence O

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  • Turkish Policy Of Denial Sets Dangerous Precedent For E Recurrence O


    YEREVAN, March 18. / ARKA /. Addressing an international media forum
    in the Armenian capital entitled 'At the Foot of Mount Ararat,'
    dedicated to the centenary of the Armenian Genocide, President
    Serzh Sargsyan said Armenia, Armenians all over the world and the
    international community will remember and commemorate the Armenian
    Genocide committed in the Ottoman Empire one century ago.

    'The genocide took lives of one and a half million Armenians,
    hundreds of thousands of people became refugees or were forcefully
    converted into other religion. Each Armenian from any corner of
    the world continues to feel the consequences of the Mets Yeghern
    psychologically, culturally, linguistically and politically.

    We wish we could have also commemorated the Centennial of the Armenian
    Genocide together with the Turkish people, thereby heralding a new
    haven of the rapprochement of the two nations and normalization of
    their relations. This was the goal pursued by the protocols between
    Armenia and Turkey signed back in 2009 and of my invitation to the
    President Erdogan of Turkey to join us on April 24 in honoring the
    memory of the Armenian Genocide victims. Unfortunately, once more we
    encountered denial, one that acquired a particular manifestation this
    year,' he said.

    'I believe you are well aware that this year Turkish authorities
    decided to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Gallipoli
    on the very day of April 24. The only motive for that was the
    simple-minded goal to distract the attention of the international
    community from the events dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian
    Genocide. By the way, in this context your Norwegian colleague BÃ¥rd
    Larsen published in February an article titled "Useless Diplomacy,"
    in which he very aptly put that "this would be tantamount to Germany
    celebrating heroic victories of Wehrmacht in the Eastern Front during
    World War II."

    I regret that the Turkish authorities instead of availing themselves
    of this Centennial to confront their own history and reconcile,
    put themselves in an awkward position by obviously distorting the
    well-known chronology the Battle of Gallipoli, and thereby embellishing
    their policy of denial with new manifestations.

    The Turkish policy of denial pursued not only vindicates the crime
    committed by the Ottoman authorities - the dispossession of Armenians
    - but also sets a dangerous precedent for the recurrence of new
    genocides. The Holocaust, the Rwandan and Cambodian genocides, the
    ethnic cleansing and destruction of cultural heritage carried out by
    the Islamic State in recent years have all been striking examples of
    this. Their efforts to avoid responsibility or consign the Armenian
    Genocide to oblivion can be characterized as continuation of the
    crime and encouragement of new genocides.

    Nevertheless, I must note that larger and larger segments of the
    Turkish intelligentsia and progressive youth are demonstrating courage
    to confront their historical past, desiring to live a dignified life
    and relieving themselves of such a heavy burden of sin.

    It is a matter of plain fact that the policy pursued by the current
    Turkish government rules out the possibility of bringing the
    famous Protocols into life at which official Ankara looked from the
    perspective of the absurd preconditions perpetually set forth by it.

    For that very reason I decided to recall them from our parliament.

    Thus, the process did not reach its logical conclusion, and everybody
    knows which party is to blame for its failure. This does not mean that
    we are closing the window for rapprochement with Turkey. Nevertheless,
    we are not going to get involved in a process, which may fall victim
    to the third country's unconstructive whims and, most importantly,
    without hope of restoring mutual trust.

    Initially, we thought that the policy "Zero Problems with Neighbors"
    proclaimed by the Turkish authorities enshrined Turkey's sincere
    intentions to normalize relations with neighboring countries, including
    Armenia. I do not want to comment on the nature of current relations
    between Turkey and other states, but as the subsequent developments
    demonstrated, Turkey had to face the reality of "Zero Neighbor and
    Numerous Problems." In fact, Turkey's real intention was not to
    have zero problems with neighbors, but to impose its own perception
    of those relations on the neighbors, which was nothing else than a
    manifestation of Neo-Ottoman policy.

    The State Commission for coordination of the events for commemoration
    of the Armenian Genocide Centenary was established. Its members
    encompassed heads of all the largest Armenian institutions. The
    Commission adopted All-Armenian Declaration, which determined the
    united will of the Armenian people; by that Armenia and the Armenian
    people reiterated their commitment to continuing the international
    struggle for the prevention of genocides, restoration of the rights
    and establishment of historical justice for the nations subjected
    to genocide.

    In that perspective, the Armenian Genocide Centennial events are not
    solely of all-Armenian nature; they are a unique appeal to prevent
    any encroachment upon universal values. For that very reason I have
    invited the leaders and high-level officials of various countries to
    visit Armenia on April 24 and, thus, send a powerful message of the
    inadmissibility of the crime of genocide to the world.' -0- for_e_recurrence_of_new_genocides_president_sargsy/#sthash.sfsBAsYm.dpuf
