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Promise To Convict Permyakov At 102nd Russian Military Base In Armen

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  • Promise To Convict Permyakov At 102nd Russian Military Base In Armen


    ArmInfo's Interview with Sergey Grinyayev, Director General of the
    Center for Strategic Assessments and Forecasts

    by David Stepanyan

    Wednesday, March 18, 09:31

    Over two months have passed since the murder of the Avetisyans'
    family in Gyumri, however, the information disseminated by the Russian
    law-enforcers conducting the "Permyakov case" is nothing more but
    regular statements saying that "Valery Permyakov should serve his
    sentence in Russia". So, instead of clearing up the unstable situation,
    the law-enforcers aggravate it. Don't you find it strange?

    How can you comment on this given the rumors about possible withdrawal
    of the Russian 102nd military base from Armenia?

    I perfectly realize the seriousness of the crime and the possible
    consequences. I remain committed to the world standards and rules when
    assessing the situation around the murder of the Armenian family. The
    international practice shows that the military servicemen face charges
    and serve their sentence in the Motherland. The United States, for
    instance, has the biggest number of military bases abroad, and the
    US servicemen have no calm temper. The issue can be discussed if one
    finds at least one case when American servicemen undergo judicial
    proceedings in the country where the crime has been committed. In
    the contrary case, there is nothing to discuss. Therefore, all the
    steps being currently taken by the Russian investigation bodies,
    as well as the promise to hold the judicial proceeding in the
    territory of the Russian base are already a big gesture of Russia
    with due regard for the world practice. As regards the destiny of
    the 102nd Russian military base, I would not pile up the agony. The
    base performs its duties, and one of its key duties is to ensure
    stability in the Caucasus. If the situation changes for the better
    in the coming years and if one finds the way to diffuse the tension,
    there will be no need for the Russian base in the region.

    The West's response to the Moscow-Baku strengthening relations (the
    matter concerns not only military hardware deals but also energy
    projects) is the list of the Azeri officials, who are denied entry to
    Western countries. On the other hand, the United States has expressed
    willingness to develop relations with Armenia not only in economy but
    also in other fields despite the presence of the 102nd military base
    in Gyumri. Can one speak of new trends in the geopolitics of the West
    and Russia in the South Caucasus?

    The world has changed so much that today Russia no longer wants to
    play the role of a "milk cow". Yes, Russia has become a pragmatic
    player on the world arena. It takes tough and consistent measures when
    its interests are affected. The matter concerns Syria, Ukraine and
    a number of other events in the past few years. Russia is no longer
    ready to be engaged in unresponsive charity. Russia should build its
    relations with the focus on its own state interests and it should take
    even the most unpopular steps if the situation requires. I think the
    situation with the South Stream is such a demonstrative step.

    Bulgaria, the old "ally" of Russia, has demonstrated its unwillingness
    to display a firm stand. Despite its seeming commitment to maintaining
    the pro-Russian policy, Serbia also refused to sign a number of
    agreements with Moscow during Putin's visit to Belgrade. In such a
    situation, Moscow's decision on the South Stream was quite expected. I
    suppose quite many people should draw relevant conclusions from
    that situation.

    Has the crisis around Ukraine strengthened or weakened the superpowers'
    positions in the South Caucasus? Has Ukraine adjusted the positions
    of the USA, Russia and the EU in the region?

    Yes, the crisis around Ukraine has adjusted Russia's positions, which
    have become tougher. Today Moscow is ready for decisive steps. It is
    even ready to use armed forces and does not yield to "arm-twisting".

    This is also a signal for all those who want to go along the same
    path with Moscow. I think it is high time for those countries to find
    their position.

    The establishment of an actual customs point on the border between
    Russia and Belarus has once again revealed the flaws of the Eurasian
    Economic Union and the gap between realpolitik and Moscow's integration
    projects. Can one say that Eurasian integration is still relevant?

    This is the consequence of the developments around Ukraine and
    the changes in the global policy. Unfortunately, Minsk wants to
    benefit to the fullest extent from the current hard situation of
    Moscow. Today many products, whose entry to Russia from a number of
    European countries is banned, enter Russia via Belarus. There have
    recently been some confusions about the Russian oil refining at the
    Belarusian plants and petroleum deliveries back to Russia under the
    guise of solvents and technical fluids. There have also been other
    facts of "tactless" behavior of Minsk. However, it is impossible to
    ceaselessly display such an attitude to Russia. Enough's enough. As
    regards the relevance of the EEU, today Eurasian integration is topical
    more than ever. The ideas of revival of the transcontinental transport
    corridors like the Great Silk Road and revival of the Russian Northern
    Sea Route open grand opportunities. A few years ago, on Armenian media
    pages we spoke of Armenia's role in these processes as "the gateway to
    the global world". Armenia and Armenian Diaspora can and should become
    the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) economy proxies on the world market.

    Unfortunately, we were not heard at that time and we remain unheard
    now. However, no think time is left.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress