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Putin Refused Serzh Sargsyan

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  • Putin Refused Serzh Sargsyan


    Hakob Badalyan, Political Commentator
    Comments - 19 March 2015, 16:13

    Serzh Sargsyan's statement on sale of Russian weapons to Azerbaijan in
    answer to the question of the Russian journalist at the international
    media forum organized in Yerevan on March 18 sounds more interesting
    in the general context of this statement.

    It was made at a stage of active discussions of the EU-Armenia
    relations, along with the Euronest PA held in Yerevan, on the eve of
    the EPP Assembly in Brussels where the EU summit will be held with
    an agenda including the new sanctions against Russia.

    There are several other circumstances, namely the Sargsyan-Putin
    telephone talk, the Erdogan-Putin telephone talk on the Armenian
    genocide, as well as the possibility of increase of the price of gas
    supplied to Armenia.

    The internal price of gas in Russia will increase by 7.5%. According to
    the 2 December 2013 gas deal, the price of gas in Armenia is contingent
    upon the internal price in Russia. If the price of gas in Russia is
    increased, the price will go up in Armenia too. Recently the head of
    the Pubic Services Regulatory Commission Robert Nazaryan has stated
    that they are currently negotiating with the Russian side to keep
    the Russian gas price low. Nazaryan did not specify who exactly is
    negotiating with the Russian side, the Armenian government or Gazprom
    Armenia which is fully owned by Gazprom.

    Apparently, the Armenian government is because the increase of the gas
    price is a serious challenge to the government, not Gazprom Armenia.

    Apparently, this question was on Hovik Abrahamyan's agenda who,
    according to the press, visited Moscow on March 5. Apparently, however,
    his visit was useless because after his visit no definite agreement
    was mentioned.

    Afterwards, Serzh Sargsyan decided to attend to this issue, which he
    has most probably discussed with Putin by telephone.

    Apparently, his efforts were also futile, and Putin did not change
    his mind on increase of gas price otherwise a few days after the
    talk Serzh Sargsyan would not have been so tough on the supply of
    Russian weapons to Azerbaijan, when he said that the Armenian soldiers
    standing at the border are killed with Russian guns. For the first
    time, Serzh Sargsyan announced that this is a problem that must be
    resolved. Earlier he only spoke about the "people's concerns".

    Will Armenia put forth to Russia specific solutions, such as a demand
    to stop supply of arms to Azerbaijan otherwise reserving the right
    for some steps? Or is Serzh Sargsyan's statement a mere reaction to
    Putin's stiff position on the increase of gas price.

    Or yet, Serzh Sargsyan has learned something unpleasant about the
    subject of the Erdogan-Putin telephone conversation, to which he
    reacts with a statement on Russian weapons.

    Is Sargsyan's step a policy step or hopelessness or yet a tradeoff
    with Russia: the latter agrees to bring the price down, and Armenia
    keeps silence on the Russian weapons?

    In these questions the key thing is what Armenia can do, what it is
    ready to do if Russia refuses the tradeoff, as well as any demand
    of Armenia relating to supply of arms, and continues to supply
    Azerbaijan. This question remains open. Although, it is not ruled out
    that Sargsyan will try to fill in this gap today in Brussels where
    he has gone to attend the EPP summit. The EU leaders have gathered
    in Brussels for the EU summit.
