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ANKARA: Armenian Genocide Resolution Introduced To US Congress Amid

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  • ANKARA: Armenian Genocide Resolution Introduced To US Congress Amid


    Daily Sabah, Turkey
    March 19 2015


    A bipartisan group of Congressmen on Wednesday introduced the
    Armenian-lobby-backed controversial Armenian Genocide Truth and
    Justice Resolution and faced harsh criticism from leaders of the
    Turkish-American community.

    Reps. David G. Valadao (CA-21), Robert Dold (R-IL), Adam Schiff (D-CA)
    and Frank Pallone (D-NJ), along with 39 other Members of the House of
    Representatives publicized House Resolution 154 with a press conference
    in front of Congress. Rep. Schiff said that the draft resolution,
    if passed by Congress, would officially recognize the Armenian
    genocide and call upon President Obama to work with the Turkish and
    Armenian governments to bring about the reconciliation based upon
    full acknowledgment of the historic fact of "Armenian genocide."

    Representatives declared last month that they would be introducing
    the resolution on February 24, which accuses the Ottoman Empire of
    committing genocide in 1915 by killing 1.5 million Armenians, but
    they failed to find enough signatories.

    The Turkish Institute for Progress (TIP), a New York-based increasingly
    influential Turkish-American association, condemned such "divisive
    tactics" implemented by the Armenian National Committee of America
    (ANCA) and said that the resolution undermines U.S. interests and
    jeopardizes the chance for peace and reconciliation between the
    Turkish and Armenian communities. TIP adviser and former U.S.

    Representative, Solomon P. Ortiz, said, "We ask the Armenian Diaspora
    and the powerful lobbying groups behind them to cease the tactics
    that create further conflict and join us in our mission to look toward
    the next hundred years."

    The resolution, marking the 100th anniversary of the 1915 incidents,
    recalls President Barack Obama's early remarks on the issue before
    entering the office, when he stated that he firmly held the conviction
    that the Armenian Genocide is not an allegation or a personal opinion
    but rather a widely documented fact. The resolution also blames the
    Turkish government for the collapse of diplomatic reconciliation
    between Turkey and Armenia by quoting then Secretary of State Hillary
    Clinton's statements, "the ball remains in Turkey's court."

    Ä°brahim Uyar, co-chair of the Turkish American Steering Committee -
    a joint endeavor of 145 Turkish American organizations - said that
    the resolution might not succeed. "Armenians clearly see that the
    Congress will not pass the resolution. They have a new date, which is
    2023, the 100th anniversary of Turkish Republic, to complete their
    task. This is why they focus more on state-level resolutions in New
    Jersey and Massachusetts."

    The Armenian lobby recently increased its pressure on Turkish
    communities abroad and has sometimes used somewhat bold tactics. The
    Turkish Ambassador to France Hakkı Akil was attacked with a cup of
    pomegranate juice by a French-Armenian protester on March 2 during
    his talk on "Secularism in Turkey and France" at the faculty of law at
    Paris Descartes University. An Armenian publication recently targeted
    Congressman Bill Schuster because of his refusal to become one of
    signatories of the Armenian resolution. Publisher of the Armenian
    community daily, The California Courier, said that Armenians should
    apply "such pressure" to Bill Schuster to create an example showing
    other representatives that they too would be targeted for defeat. The
    same newspaper called on Armenians to pressure American companies
    to cancel their official contract with the Gephardt Group, one of
    Turkey's lobbying firms.
