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Lowell's Whistler House Pays Tribute To Genocide Victims With Exhibi

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  • Lowell's Whistler House Pays Tribute To Genocide Victims With Exhibi


    Lowell Sun, MA
    March 19 2015

    By Nancye Tuttle, Sun Correspondent
    Updated: 03/19/2015 09:13:16 AM EDT0 Comments

    Genocide isn't a pretty word.

    Instead, it's one that recalls images of mangled bodies in mass
    graves, gas chambers and crematoriums, killing fields, death marches,
    terrified people hiding from crazed captors and displaced millions
    living in crowded refugee camps thousands of miles from the places
    that they called home.

    But as horrific as genocide is, it is worth remembering, too, so that
    those who perished or were displaced did not suffer or die in vain.

    April has been designated as International Genocide Month. To honor
    and acknowledge that, Lowell's Whistler House Museum of Art presents
    Pursuing Justice Through Art: 2015, a Multi-Cultural Genocide
    Exhibition and Symposium.

    The exhibition, curated by Whistler House executive director and
    board president Sara Bogosian, runs from March 18 to April 25 in the
    museum's Parker Gallery at 243 Worthen St. The opening reception is
    on Saturday, March 21, from 2-4 p.m.

    The symposium, featuring genocide experts, takes place on Saturday,
    April 18, at the Whistler House from 1-4 p.m.

    "2015 is a significant year in genocide history," said Bogosian. "It's
    the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, the 70th anniversary
    of the end of the Jewish Holocaust and the 40th anniversary of the
    Cambodian Genocide."

    The word "genocide" was coined in 1944 to name a particularly shocking
    and horrific crime of violence. It is the systematic and widespread
    extermination or attempted extermination of an entire national,
    racial, religious or ethnic group.

    "That it has been put into practice so many times in one century is
    even more shocking," said Bogosian. "But, whether committed in time of
    peace or in time of war, genocide is a crime under international law."

    Indeed, over 262 million people throughout the world were murdered as
    a result of genocide in the 20th century. Armenian, Jewish, Cambodian,
    Bosnian, Guatemalan, Rwandan, Sudanese and Native Americans are only
    a few of the nationalities that have been affected by genocide.

    "We hope that education and awareness through the medium of art will
    help ensure a more peaceful future in the 21st century," said Bogosian.

    The Whistler House is "very proud to be presenting this important
    program to the public," she noted.

    Bogosian first became interested in paying tribute to genocide victims
    several years ago, when works by Arshile Gorky became a part of the
    Whistler House's collection.

    "Gorky was the father of the abstract expressionism painting style and
    is considered to be among the most famous survivors of the Armenian
    genocide," said Bogosian.

    That sparked her interest, she said.

    "Genocide has affected so many nationalities, and it is important
    that we never forget," she said.

    For information on Pursuing Justice Through Art: 2015, the exhibition
    and symposium, visit or call 978-452-7641. All
    events are free and open to all.

    The Artists

    The exhibition features a "great cross-section of work," said Bogosian,
    who is the curator. It includes paintings, sculptures, photographs
    and textiles from 75 artists, some locally known and others with
    international credentials.

    "We had 130 submissions from artists as far away as Cambodia, Bosnia
    and the Sudan and as near as Lowell," she said.

    Artists featured include Mohammed Ali and Al Asadi, Gagik Aroutiunian,
    Bayda Asbridge, John Avakian, Ani Babaian, Stephen Clements, Ellen
    Davison, Adrienne Der Marderosian, Dave Drinon, Charlotte Eckler, Amy
    Fagin, Areknaz Fanardjian (loaned by Stephen Dulgarian), Lynne Foy,
    Gillian Frazier, Charles Gallagher, Mary Hart, James Higgins, Raymond
    Howell (loaned by Eve Soroken), JoAnn Janjigian, Andrew Ellis Johnson,
    David Jones, Lucine Kasbarian, Mico Kaufman, Chantha Khem, Puthearith
    Kret, Sandra Lauterbach, Markus Lewis, Adam Mastoon, Talin Megherian,
    Crissie Murphy, Ruth Naylor, Marsha Nouritza Obadashian, Judith Peck,
    Dany Pen, Sandra Presley, Bill Reedy, Hope Ricciardi, Jennifer Rocco
    Stone, Alain Rogier, Elliott Salloway, Linda Saphan, Ruth Segaloff,
    Susanne Slavick, Jessica Sperandio, Rose Sielian Theriault, Nora Tang,
    Sopheap Theam and New England Quilt Museum's Community Quilters, Rita
    Thompson, Robert Thurlow, Holly Tomlinson, James Aguer Tungarliit
    (loaned by Susan Winship), Carol Vinick and Denise Warren.

    The Symposium

    A symposium, featuring experts in the field of genocide, will be
    held on Saturday, April 18 from 1-4 p.m. in the Parker Gallery at
    the Whistler House Museum of Art, 243 Worthen St., Lowell.

    It is free and open to all.

    Participants include:

    Diana Der-Hovanessian, is a New England born poet, Fulbright professor
    of poetry and author of over 25 books of poetry and translation.

    Winner of numerous awards from the National Endowment for the Arts,
    Armenian Writers Union, Armenian Ministry of Culture, and the Poetry
    Society of America, among others, she is also featured in numerous
    literary journals and anthologies. She serves as president of the New
    England Poetry Club and works as a visiting poet and guest lecturer
    on American poetry, Armenian poetry and the literature of human rights.

    Kim Servart Theriault, Ph.D., is an associate professor of art history
    at Dominican University in River Forest, IL. An authority on artist
    Arshile Gorky, she has written extensively on him and given historical
    lectures at such venues as the Library of Congress, National Gallery
    of Art and the Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art.

    Dr. Elliott W. Salloway, is the USA founder of Project eXodus,
    an international organization that explores issues of genocide and
    human nature through art exhibitions to raise awareness throughout
    the world. A Harvard Dental School faculty member and Worcester
    periodontist, he is also an avid painter and photographer, whose works
    have been exhibited locally and nationally. His artwork is featured
    in the exhibition.

    Sayon Soeun is a survivor of the Cambodian Genocide and featured in
    the documentary Lost Child: Sayon's Journey. He was abducted at age
    six and exploited by the Khmer Rouge, his family life and education
    stolen. After living in a refugee camp, he was adopted by a loving
    American family. After over 35 years, he has re-connected with
    siblings he assumed were dead. The documentary follows his journey
    back to Cambodia to heal by finding his family and forgiving himself
    for his complicity as a Khmer Rouge child soldier.
