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Deadly Response: Sargsyan's Call For Karabakh Peace Followed By Azer

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  • Deadly Response: Sargsyan's Call For Karabakh Peace Followed By Azer


    ANALYSIS | 20.03.15 | 10:29

    ArmeniaNow correspondent

    Hours after Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan spoke of the need to
    settle the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict peacefully, Azerbaijani commando
    forces launched an attack on Karabakh positions, killing three and
    wounding four Armenian servicemen.

    Speaking at a March 18 media forum in Yerevan attended by foreign
    journalists, Sargsyan also reproached Russia for arms deliveries
    to Azerbaijan. Answering a question from a Russian journalist, the
    Armenian leader, in particular, said that "an Armenian soldier who
    defends the country's borders realizes that Azerbaijan is trying to
    kill him with a Russian weapon."

    Armenian analysts tend to see a link between the commando raids
    attempted by the Azerbaijani army and developments in Russia and
    statements in Armenia. In particular, analyst Hakob Badalyan cites
    the whole chronology of the bloody Azeri subversive activities in
    Karabakh and on the border with Armenia after the arrival to Armenia
    of the CSTO Secretary General and anti-Armenian statements in Yerevan.

    Karabakh lawmaker Vahan Badasyan also sees this link. He believes
    that the March 19 attack was a response to Sargsyan's statements.

    Azeri attacks also happen after visits to the region of the co-chairs
    of the OSCE Minsk Group when Armenia categorically rejects the
    possibility of the introduction of peacekeepers into the region and
    cede territories.

    President Sargsyan says that Azerbaijan practically rejects the
    mediators' proposals and thwarts not only the negotiation process,
    but also tries to undermine the format of the Minsk mediation. Baku
    accuses Armenia of attempts to maintain the status quo.

    Armenian Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan said that now the situation
    at the border is fully controlled. Earlier, his spokesman Artsrun
    Hovhannisyan said that the Azerbaijani side is imposing a "slow war"
    on Armenia. Soldiers get killed in periodic fighting, and while the
    Armenian side also reports destruction of a greater number of enemy
    soldiers it does not deter Baku.

    Analysts say that subversive activities on the part of Azerbaijan
    will only intensive closer to April 24, the day when Armenians
    will commemorate the Centennial of the Ottoman-era Genocide. A
    number of heads of state are expected to arrive in Yerevan for the
    commemoration events that day. Meanwhile, Turkey is intensifying its
    diplomat efforts to contain the international acknowledgement of the
    1915 Armenian Genocide.

    It is yet difficult to say on which side Russia will be in this
    "battle". At the media forum Sargsyan said that in a conversation with
    him Putin confirmed that he will come to Yerevan on April 24. But
    Putin's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said yesterday that the date of
    Putin's visit to Yerevan has not been specified yet. It happened
    after President Erdogan called Putin and talked to him about the
    "Armenian issue" and the "1915 events".

    In any case, soldiers and officers of the Armenian army are being
    instructed to be especially vigilant in the coming days.
