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5th Three-Day International Forum "At The Foot Of Mount Ararat" Kick

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  • 5th Three-Day International Forum "At The Foot Of Mount Ararat" Kick


    2015-03-18 17:13:00 | News

    The fifth, three-day international media forum entitled "At the Foot
    of Mount Ararat" kicked off in Yerevan on March 18.

    The main topic of the forum, which has brought together more than 200
    journalists from 34 countries, is the Armenian Genocide perpetrated
    by the Ottoman Empire in Western Armenia and other territories of
    the Ottoman Empire a century ago.

    The panel discussions of the forum with the slogan "I Remember
    and Demand" are four principles, including remembrance, gratitude,
    international struggle for recognition of genocides and renaissance,
    and this is the logic for the events dedicated to the Centennial of
    the Armenian Genocide.

    The discussions on the first day were devoted to the key issues of the
    Armenian Diaspora today, cyber-security, reparations for the damage
    caused by the Armenian Genocide, economic policies and other issues.

    RA President Serzh Sargsyan greeted the gathered and gave a speech
    in which he touched upon the activities of the State Commission
    on Coordination of the events for the commemoration of the 100th
    anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and mentioned the following:
    "It is obvious that in our days, media outlets have huge potential
    to disseminate universal values, fight against their encroachment
    and consolidate the international community. Today, a highly
    representative group of international media outlets has gathered
    under the same roof. You have already built an effective media
    platform for the discussions pertaining to the Armenian Genocide with
    the objective to once again uncover the realities regarding one of
    the most serious crimes committed in the 20th century. This forum,
    why not, is also a unique platform to thoroughly and comprehensively
    present the achievements of the Republic of Armenia in various areas,
    and challenges faced by our country."

    The President of the Republic of Armenia also answered questions
    concerning the participants of the forum.

    Chief of Staff of the RA President, general coordinator for the events
    dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide Vigen Sargsyan
    gave a speech in which he recalled the claim of genocide scholars
    that the genocide won't end as long as it continues to be denied,
    emphasized the fact that Turkey continues its policy of hostility
    against Armenia and brought up the example of the closed border with
    Armenia and the anti-Armenian position that Ankara expresses within
    international organizations.

    Touching upon the Armenians living in Turkey, RA Minister of Diaspora
    Hranush Hakobyan mentioned that there are approximately 3 million
    Armenians, most of whom have been compelled to hide their identity.

    "There are now Armenians living two different lifestyles. They live
    as Turks until 18:00, and then they live as Armenians at home,"
    the minister stated.

    The RA Minister of Diaspora called on the participants of the media
    forum to reflect on the consequences of the Armenian Genocide and
    emphasized the following: "Diaspora Armenians continue to suffer the
    consequences of the Armenian Genocide because all Diaspora Armenians
    spend tremendous amounts of money and spiritual resources to achieve
    justice, and who has "counted" that suffering? Turkey overtly
    falsifies its own history and world history, and this is an issue
    that we need to treat seriously. All Armenians won't keep silent and
    will continue the struggle for recognition and condemnation of the
    Armenian Genocide. They won't keep silent because the memories of
    their tortured ancestors will always trouble the generations."

    Talking about the problems with Armenia's economic development,
    Minister of Economy Karen Tchshmarityan mentioned that the closed
    borders, the external factors and the economic turmoil in the 1990s
    have had their impact on the country's economy.

    Discussing with the participants of the media forum the problems with
    cyber security in terms of freedom of speech, information security
    expert Ruben Muradyan reminded everyone that the 24th of April will
    be one of the important dates for Turkish and Azerbaijani hackers to
    hack Armenian websites and introduced the illegal tools and certain
    elements of censure applied to silence the opponent.

    Director of the Public Relations and Information Center of the
    Structure of the President of the Republic of Armenia Ara Saghatelyan
    mentioned that Turkey doesn't have access to many Armenian and
    international websites and that this doesn't provide Turks with the
    opportunity to confront their past.

    President of Cooperation between Journalists Media Congress Ashot
    Jazoyan said he was pleased to note that most of the more than 20
    journalists participating in the forum were visiting Armenia for the
    first time and that becoming familiar with the mythical land will
    help form a real opinion not only about the issue being discussed at
    the forum, but Armenian culture as well.

    The international media forum continues.
