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Armenia and Russia: Stuck with each other - The Economist

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  • Armenia and Russia: Stuck with each other - The Economist

    Armenia and Russia: Stuck with each other - The Economist

    10:32 * 21.03.15

    How long might the so-called "frozen conflict" that is developing in
    eastern Ukraine last? A look at Armenia may give some idea. Its
    conflict with Azerbaijan over the disputed territory of
    Nagorno-Karabakh first broke out in 1988, and is still going strong.
    Armenia's borders with Azerbaijan and Turkey are closed to this day,
    leaving it isolated and economically stagnant. On March 19th three
    more Armenian soldiers were killed in a skirmish.

    The increasing threat of escalation leads Armenia to depend upon
    Russia for protection, but Armenians are growing increasingly
    frustrated with the relationship. They are particularly unhappy with
    Russian arms sales to Azerbaijan, which account for 85% of that
    country's acquisitions over the past five years, according to a new
    report. Armenia officially joined the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), a
    Moscow-led customs union, at the beginning of this year. But the
    decision to join the EEU was taken under duress, as Russia threatened
    to reconsider its alliance if Armenia signed an association agreement
    with the European Union.

    The EEU does the Armenian economy few favors, according to Richard
    Giragosian, director of the Regional Studies Centre, a Yerevan-based
    think tank. The absence of shared borders with the other three
    members--Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan--makes trade difficult.
    Membership requires Armenia to introduce high tariffs, which undermine
    competitiveness and deter foreign investors. That, combined with the
    poor protection of intellectual-property rights, could threaten some
    of the economy's bright spots, such as the IT sector, which
    contributed 5% of GDP in 2013.

    Russia's economic woes in the wake of falling oil prices and
    international sanctions have caused further damage. Remittances from
    abroad accounted for 21% of Armenia's GDP in 2013. They fell by 7.7%
    in 2014, and are forecast to fall a further 30% this year. Russia has
    sent thousands of Armenians home, allegedly for violating migration
    rules, and more could be coming. Exports were down by 22% in January
    compared with a year earlier, and the Central Bank expects meager
    growth in 2015.
    Popular frustration with Russia came to a head in January, after a
    Russian soldier murdered six members of an Armenian family in the city
    of Gyumri. The soldier was quickly spirited away to be tried in
    Russia. Thousands of Armenians took to the streets, protesting both
    Russian arrogance and their own government's subservience. A
    heavy-handed police response only made matters worse.

    Armenia cannot afford to turn its back on Russia, but the government
    is trying to draft a new association agreement with the European Union
    that would be consistent with its membership of the EEU. The EU is
    still interested in better commercial ties, as is America. In January,
    ContourGlobal, an American power company, made a significant
    investment in Armenia's energy sector.

    See more here>>>

    From: Baghdasarian