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Perincek case is highly politicized, says Armenian Turkologist

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  • Perincek case is highly politicized, says Armenian Turkologist

    Perincek case is highly politicized, says Armenian Turkologist

    13:24 * 21.03.15

    The European Court of Human Rights' final ruling in the Perincek vs
    Switzerland case is likely to be highly politicized, according to an
    Armenian Turkologist.

    "The Perincek case is originally more politicized and belongs more to
    the political rather the the legal domain," Ruben Melkonyan, the dean
    of the Yerevan State University's Oriental Studies Department, told, commenting on possible outcomes.

    The Turkologist noted that the recent hearing saw prominent Turkish
    political figures, including the opposition leader, the EU minister,
    as well as the son of Turrkey's third president, present in the
    courtroom to follow the proceeding. "So the entire Turkish state backs
    [him] with all possible methods. And that's being openly declared by
    the Turkish parliament speaker. So I don't think we can expect an
    unbiased ruling against the backdrop of all that, given especially
    that there are 17 judges each of whom will naturally face the
    influence of the leverages by the Turkish state," he explained.

    Melkonyan citied Armenia's integration into the Russia-led Eurasian
    Economic Union as another factor not favorable for Armenia. He noted
    that the court, which is not pro-Russian in nature, may not act in
    favor of Armenia. "Therefore, I think, we can expect a political
    decision. And we do not have to attach too much importance to the case
    because despite its indirect connection to the Genocide, an in-depth
    and legal [analysis] has to do with freedom of speech and law, where
    the Armenian Genocide is not the subject matter. "

    Asked whether a pro-Turkish ruling will give Turkey a trump card in
    light of the pan-Armenian campaign over the Genocide centennial,
    Melkonyan said he thinks the very fact of the tragic anniversary makes
    the case a central point on Turkey's political agenda. "In the context
    of the [Genocide] centennial, the Perincek case appears the most
    important episode, so that's why the Turkish state has now centralized
    all its leverages on the problem. That trial is more important for
    them in terms of propaganda than the 100th anniversary of the Battle
    of Dardanelles. So should a pro-Turkish ruling be passed, I am sure
    that it will mark a key point in the Turkish propaganda. "

    The Turkologist nonetheless said he expects strong efforts by the
    Armenian diaspora to counteract to Turkey. "I see its considerably
    good involvement in the same case's frameworks, as well as in the
    steps towards backing Armenia and the universal truth. So I believe
    that those steps too, will have a certain influence," he added.

    From: A. Papazian