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Opening of the exhibition "100 portraits of exile, the pursuit of th

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  • Opening of the exhibition "100 portraits of exile, the pursuit of th

    Opening of the exhibition "100 portraits of exile, the pursuit of the
    Armenian identity" in Marseille History Museum
    By ARAM association with the support of Marseille Provence 2015 Armenia - Photos

    Thursday, March 19 at 18:30 a large crowd of nearly 300 people were
    present at the History Museum of Marseille, for the opening of the
    exhibition of the Association for Research and Archiving of the
    Armenian Memory (ARAM) "100 portraits of exile, the search for
    identity of Armenian refugees "in the presence of the Mayor of
    Marseille and Vice President of the Senate Jean-Claude Gaudin and with
    the support of the association" Marseille Provence Armenia 2015 ".This
    association led by Angèle Melkonian and launched dozens of events
    related to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide to be held
    in the Marseille region this year. On stage, Jean-Calude Gaudin,
    Jacques Oulassian (Chairman of ARAM), the member Valérie Boyer and
    Deputy Mayor Didier Parakian. In the room, among the hundreds of
    guests, numerous celebrities such as Artin Varoujan Christian Garbis
    Artin's son, the founder of ARAM Samvel Lalayan Vice Consul of Armenia
    in Marseilles Garo Hovsepian (chairman of the House Armenian Youth and
    Culture) and elected.

    First Oulassian Jacques, president of ARAM intervened to trace the
    origin of the exposure and the need for conservation of the Armenian
    memory. "I'm from Marseilles! I claim loud and clear and I am proud.
    How could it be otherwise, given that Marseille has stirred so many
    people from elsewhere, the end of the world while preserving its
    uniqueness and its peculiarities, "he said and continue" when you know
    that they came, some voluntarily, others in the most painful
    circumstances to find a haven of peace and hope for a better future to
    offer their children. When we know that this city was a haven for our
    elders, came from the gates of hell, exiled survivors of the 1915
    genocide When you know the hospitality of Marseilles, as noisy as
    warm, cultivating an art consumed live together in respect for
    differences. When we know this, we can say, yes! I Marseille and happy
    to be. Mayor Senator, I want to express our profound gratitude for
    allowing us the realization of this exhibition, in co-production. I
    take your presence to tell you how the team of the Museum of History
    is professional. I say to the director Laurent Védrine you with his
    team of collaborators animated by passion, the desire to live in this
    place and expertise ... a team of rare quality. Our deep appreciation
    also goes for the strong support given to this project by the
    association Marseille Provence Armenia 2015. "

    "Originally this exhibition, the records of the Prelature of South
    Armenians of France that the association carefully preserved in its
    archives. Birth certificates and baptism were written in French and
    handwritten. They have been used as a temporary civil status records
    for refugees of the Armenian genocide. This quest for identity has
    been both an important step in the personal reconstruction of refugees
    and an important step in building a diaspora in France. "" The
    photographs are preserved and that were associated with those
    documents were exhibited last year in Diyarbakir in Turkey. The symbol
    was very exposing portraits of genocide survivors, there, in their
    homeland in Turkey. The symbol is hard today to present the portraits
    of the refugees here in Marseille, on their new home in France.

    Dear friends, a few words about the association for research and
    archiving of the Armenian memory. More than 7000 old books, thousands
    of periodicals, 5,000 photographs and illustrations, many maps,
    hundreds of posters, 2,000 documents of all kinds, sound documents,
    more than 100,000 pages scanned and put online, all at available to
    the greatest number. In parallel with the scanning, archiving and
    exhibitions, we continue to gather the family archives to preserve the
    collective memory. Mr. Mayor, I take this presentation of the
    association to invite you to visit our area, in the heart of the 13th
    arrondissement of Marseille, Saint-Jérôme. One hundred years ... some
    might be tempted to want to tell us this story starting with "Once
    upon a time there was a century" ... No! No, the memory of the dead is
    related item to a banal story based on a novel, it is a genocide and
    the crime will never belong to the past, it can reproduce this, it is
    not page that can run without risk. Other pages should be turned, the
    resentment, the hatred of others and revenge.The memory of the dead
    have no fear of time passing. To do this, the work of memory and its
    transmission are the best shields against the infamous veil of
    forgetfulness. This is what we do with the ARAM association. One
    hundred years! Yet it is a victory against the ravages of time. Who
    would have thought that a hundred years later, we would talk again?
    What books would be written on the subject? That everywhere in the
    world where a person of Armenian descent living, memory alive. The
    State lies maintained by the leaders of Turkey against the historical
    truth to the international community is an open wound. A denial that
    protects through diplomatic immunity. Add to that the sacrosanct
    principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign
    state and the case is heard!

    Incidentally, is it not under cover of the same principle that took
    place insults to human rights and human tragedies that have marked the
    history of the twentieth century? And the beginning of the XXI
    century, nothing new, with the genocide in Rwanda, cowardice,
    commercialism and realpolitik have the same effect. Even closer to us
    is Eastern Christians, Assyrians, Alevis who are prosecuted and killed
    before our eyes, without the world really moving. Today we continue,
    the Middle East, methodically eradicate a priceless cultural and
    artistic heritage. The story continues as if nothing had happened, so
    goes the world! Yet we are still here. And we are always there to
    ensure justice for the victims of the genocide of Armenians in 1915.
    We will continue to fight relentlessly, without weakness triumph for
    justice and truth. But it is the truth today? The truth is that Turkey
    is responsible for the genocide of the Armenians before history,
    everyone knows! The truth is that the Turkish state is guilty of
    denial and he devotes significant funds there, everyone knows! The
    truth is that Turkey is not yet a democracy, except for those who
    close their eyes, because it is always crowded with his clique in
    uniform, everyone knows!In these circumstances why would it change of
    attitude, why change a strategy that still works, a century later.

    Condemn a crime against humanity is a universal cause. Given this
    truth, how is it that a crime can not be informed in a fair way? If
    hypocrisy and falsehood replace justice and fairness, humanity will
    still be unable long to answer this question. Dear friends, Turkey
    will have to submit to the truth of history. And we will work it,
    generation after generation, all together. We will also ensure
    denounce the political exploitation of a noble cause. Nothing will
    make us doubt the truth of this fight, that we will again and again,
    in all its forms. The elapsed time will not change the case. Thank
    you. »

    Jean-Claude Gaudin then took the floor to note the importance of this
    exhibition. He praised the work done by the Association for Armenian
    ARAM memory. Like those of his Deputy Mayor Didier Parakian who worked
    for events as part of this year the Armenian memory. He praised the MP
    Valérie Boyer for his work in the service of the law criminalizing the
    Armenian Genocide. Jean-Claude Gaudin referred to the arrival of
    Armenians in Marseilles and integration. He also traced the work and
    its implication for the outcome of the vote on the law on the
    recognition of the Armenian Genocide by France on 29 January 2001.
    Jean-Claude Gaudin also traced the bills penalizing the denial of the
    genocide Armenian. "I've worked hard," he said and added "tomorrow
    others will resume this issue and will further to completion." "The
    denial Turkey, I do not want in Europe! "Is he exclaimed in a
    thunderous applause. The public was then invited to visit the
    exhibition "100 portraits of exile, the search for identity of
    Armenian refugees."

    Krikor Amirzayan Marseille text and photo-reportage

    The History Museum of Marseille
    Jean-Claude Gaudin, Jacques and Didier Oulassian Parakian
    Jean-Claude Gaudin, Didier Parakian, Jacques Oulassian
    Jean-Claude Gaudin, Jacques Oulassian, Valérie Boyer and Didier Parakian
    Richard Findykian center and Garo Hovsepian
    The Vice-Consul of Armenia in Marseille Samvel Lalayan
    Left Christian Varoujan Artin's son Garbis Artin
    The large audience and personalities
    The public and personalities
    Nearly 300 attendees
    The public was present in large numbers
    President Jacques Oulassian ARAM
    Jean-Claude Gaudin evokes the Armenian Genocide Law
    Jean-Claude Gaudin "No Turkey in Europe!"
    Personalities, including the vice-consul of Armenia in Marseille,
    Richard Findykian and Garo Hovsepian
    Among those attending the uncle and mom (right) of Helene Segara
    Jacques Oulassian, Christian Varoujnan Artin, a friend of ARAM and
    Vartan Arzoumanian
    The director of the driver DLL Alcazar Gabrielian and Zaven
    The public visiting the exhibition

    Opening of the exhibition "100 portraits of exile, the pursuit of the
    Armenian identity"
    Opening of the exhibition "100 portraits of exile, the pursuit of the
    Armenian identity"
    Opening of the exhibition "100 portraits of exile, the pursuit of the
    Armenian identity"
    Opening of the exhibition "100 portraits of exile, the pursuit of the
    Armenian identity"
    Opening of the exhibition "100 portraits of exile, the pursuit of the
    Armenian identity"
    Many people at the opening of the exhibition
    Opening of the exhibition "100 portraits of exile, the pursuit of the
    Armenian identity"
    Opening of the exhibition "100 portraits of exile, the pursuit of the
    Armenian identity"
    Opening of the exhibition "100 portraits of exile, the pursuit of the
    Armenian identity"
    Opening of the exhibition "100 portraits of exile, the pursuit of the
    Armenian identity"

    Friday, March 20, 2015,
    Krikor Amirzayan ©

    From: A. Papazian