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UNHRC Conference Addresses ISIS Attacks on Assyrians, Yazidis

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  • UNHRC Conference Addresses ISIS Attacks on Assyrians, Yazidis

    Assyrian International News Agency AINA
    March 21 2015

    UNHRC Conference Addresses ISIS Attacks on Assyrians, Yazidis
    Posted 2015-03-21 23:08 GMT

    Panelists at the UNHRC conference in Geneva on Assyrians and Yazidis.
    >From left to right: Michael Youash, Ali Seydo Rosso, H.G. Mar Odisho
    Oraham, Sam Darmo, Mahmud K. Feisel, Al Jasdin Osman.Geneva (AINA) --
    On Friday, March 20th the Assyrian Aid Society of Iraq brought
    together a robust showing of Permanent Missions to the UN Human Rights
    Council meeting in Geneva, including the United States, the Russian
    Federation, Iraq, the United Kingdom, Armenia, Ireland and Canada,
    among others. Numerous NGOs were also present, including the Assyrian
    Universal Alliance Americas Chapter, the Assyrian Human Rights
    Network, the Nineveh Center for Research and Development, the Assyrian
    Writers Union, the World Evangelical Alliance and the International
    Association-International Gulf Organization. The Assyrian Democratic
    Movement was also present at this event.

    The critical issue addressed is the reality that UN Human Rights
    Council processes are too slow moving to address the immediacy of
    genocidal violence facing Yazidis and Assyrians as well as the
    humanitarian needs of these groups. Assyrians and Yazidis will not
    survive while the UN Human Rights Council 'talks.' Using its decades
    of delivering humanitarian relief to the area's most afflicted
    populations, the Assyrian Aid Society of Iraq brought together
    speakers who put the issue to those missions with the power and
    interest to change 'business as usual' and recognize that change is
    needed to save Assyrians and Yazidis.

    The Republic of Armenia asserted its ongoing commitment to the
    preservation of Assyrians and other vulnerable minorities and to
    profile its resolution on genocide prevention. The U.S. and UK also
    made formal interventions restating their commitment and activities
    geared to the preservation of minorities but unable to indicate
    whether such concern will translate into notable action at the UN
    Human Rights Council. The Russian Federation was unable to make its
    formal intervention due to time constraints. However, the Assyrian Aid
    Society expressed appreciation for Russia's earlier efforts through
    its Joint Statement adopted by 62 other missions calling for the
    preservation of ethnic and religious minorities in the Middle East.

    The Assyrian Aid Society also expressed special thanks to the Assyrian
    Church of the East Diocese of Europe, H.G. Mar Odisho Oraham, whose
    attendance at the UNHRC was graciously facilitated by the World
    Evangelical Alliance. H.G. Mar Odisho's linking of Assyrian suffering
    throughout history into the present made a deep impression on all
    attendees. Also, Giorgees Hanna Mashko, Assyrian Democratic Movement
    Director for Mid Europe, highlighted the desperate plight of the
    Assyrians and outlined the necessary solutions.

    Special Note: This event marks the first time in Geneva that UN
    representatives of permanent missions, delegates and attendees heard
    the Assyrian language spoken in full presentation with
    Assyrian-to-English and Assyrian-to-Arabic translation. Mr. Osama
    Edward translated to English and Mr. Giorgees Mashko translated to

    View video at
