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Hrant Dink School students dream of a real classroom

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  • Hrant Dink School students dream of a real classroom

    Hrant Dink School students dream of a real classroom

    Baruyr Kuyumciyan 03.13.2015 11:36 SOCIETY

    The Hrant Dink School in the basement of the GedikpaÅ?a Armenian
    Evangelical Church where students from Armenia whose families have
    come to Turkey to work study under difficult conditions is waiting for
    the support of the Armenian community.

    Since 2008, the education problem of students from Armenia, whose
    families have come to Turkey to work, has sought a solution and
    various methods have been tried. The GedikpaÅ?a Armenian Evangelical
    Church opened its doors to the students, and they now receive
    education in the basement of the church. After extended meetings, the
    Istanbul Provincial National Education Directorate recognized the de
    facto existence of the school and permitted its activities. Most
    recently, a support of supplies provided by the Foundations General
    Directorate further legitimized the school's status. We saw this
    development as an opportunity to draw attention to the difficult
    circumstances of the school. The Hrant Dink School where currently 150
    students study in a congested environment without daylight is waiting
    for the support of the Armenian community. During the full day we
    spent at the school, we listened to this call from different voices.

    Small classrooms dispersed across various rooms in the basement of the
    church. In fact, it is difficult to call them classrooms; the rooms in
    the basement have been converted into makeshift class rooms. Those who
    at the moment face the most difficult circumstances are those in the
    fourth-year class. In this congested environment, they have to make do
    with a corner of the dining room. This is the Hrant Dink School. Hrant
    Dink and his brothers had also passed through the basement of this
    church, which through history has opened its doors to children who
    migrated from Anatolia to Istanbul for one reason or another. In this
    school that was created in 2008 out of nothing, children from Armenia
    study today.

    School Principal Heriknaz Avakyan says that the number of students
    increases in direct proportion to the number of migrants coming from
    Armenia. The already inadequate conditions of the school of 150
    students have now been forced well beyond capacity. Avakyan says they
    try to do their best despite everything so the students can get the
    best education possible: `We have two nursery classes for 4 and 5-year
    old children, and we provide education up to 8th year. We have a total
    of 16 employees. Of our 14 teachers, 3 are nursery class teachers. We
    do not have art, music or physical education teachers. Each of our
    teachers tries to compensate for the lack in the fields of art and
    music. The main reason parents send their schools to the Hrant Dink
    School is their desire to return to Armenia after a certain period.
    The Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia officially recognizes
    our school. A student that returns from here to Armenia can continue
    his or her education there after passing an exam.'

    Support necessary for expenses

    The greatest support to the school so far has come from the
    international aid organisation Caritas. However, when after 2011,
    there was a big increase in the number of migrants coming to Turkey,
    the aid was cut. The most important development that has given the
    school hope was the official visit of Deputy Patriarch Archbishop Aram
    AteÅ?yan. The School Principal says, `The visit was very important for
    us. AteÅ?yan's visit means we are accepted as a part of the Armenian
    community here'.

    Avakyan states that the financial difficulties the school faces
    continue, adding, `We receive a monthly payment of 60 dollars from
    parents who have the means. However, this is only enough to pay the
    salaries of the cook and the caretaker. Therefore, our need for more
    support towards our expenses continues'.

    Even the smallest invitation from institutions creates excitement.
    Avakyan summarizes the situation: `We do not have the chance to
    organise dinners to raise donations, so we have to go to each
    philanthropist separately and explain our situation. But we have to
    make that effort to sustain our existence.'

    `We have begun to dream this dream'

    The family of almost every student at the school has a story. They all
    came to Turkey with great expectations. Lusine, whose two daughters
    study at the school, is one of them. The young woman, whose mother and
    father have been in Istanbul for over ten years, came from Armenia
    four months ago. She works in the jewellery sector, and she is one of
    the few lucky migrants who can practice her own profession. She will
    soon receive a work permit as well.

    Lilit BoÄ?osyan, the Armenian language teacher of the fourth year
    class, which is stuck in a corner of the dining room, shares the
    following striking words: `My childhood was during the Karabagh war. I
    studied under bombardment in the Goris village on the Karabagh border,
    so it is similar for the children here.'

    BoÄ?osyan is also a parent. Her duties are not restricted to teaching.
    The only reason she came to Turkey in 2011 was the Hrant Dink School,
    she has done nothing else since: `There will always be political
    problems. One problem may be solved one day, but another may arise the
    next day. At the moment, the thing that I focus on most is what I can
    do for this school. I am an optimist. If I weren't aware of the
    beautiful aspects of life, I couldn't spend so much time with
    children. I believe that one day we will see a hero we only see in
    fairy tales will come to our school. I believe that day is near. All
    these difficulties will become a thing of the past.'

    A dream one of BoÄ?osyan's students had therefore seems to sum up
    everything: `The day we set up class in the back of the dining hall,
    we were studying with the fourth-years, and a student of mine
    recounted a ream. It was about a school, a school with real
    classrooms. It even had a sports hall, and all the class was playing
    volleyball and football. There was even a patch in the corner of the
    courtyard where the students could plant flowers and vegetables. Well,
    we have already started to dream that dream. I am sure that a hero who
    will transform this dream into reality exists in real life.'

    The Hrant Dink School is waiting for its heroes that will come from
    within the Armenian community.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress