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4th Digital Exhibit 'Iconic Images Of Armenian Genocide' Launched

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  • 4th Digital Exhibit 'Iconic Images Of Armenian Genocide' Launched


    March 23, 2015 - 17:17 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - The Armenian National Institute (ANI), Armenian
    Genocide Museum of America (AGMA), and Armenian Assembly of America
    (Assembly) announced the launch of a fourth digital exhibit entitled
    'Iconic Images of the Armenian Genocide' that brings together as a
    single collection key images recording the brutal mistreatment of the
    Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire and the utter destruction
    of their historic communities.

    The exhibit is designed to serve as an easily accessible educational
    tool that can be displayed in the classroom in digital or print format.

    As more and more photographs of the Armenian Genocide are uncovered,
    and as the 'Iconic Images' exhibit illustrates, the general outline
    of the main events that defined the genocide can now be illustrated
    with compelling and dramatic images that survive from that era. Many
    of the images were taken in the teeth of a strictly enforced ban on
    photography by the Ottoman authorities. Other photographs capture
    the aftermath of the atrocities as witnessed by third parties.

    Many invaluable pictures were destroyed during the war years and what
    remain are today scattered across continents. In view of how much was
    lost, these photographs are also survivors, many waiting for the time
    when they would be identified and reconnected to the events to which
    they attest.

    These scattered images are now gathered and organized into a narrative
    exhibit that reconstructs many episodes of the Armenian Genocide.

    Together they recreate a sense of the terror exercised by the Young
    Turk regime and reveal the extent of the dispossession and decimation
    of the Armenian people in their historic homeland.

    The photographs were collected from numerous repositories, sources
    and individuals, including the US National Archives, Library of
    Congress, Near East Foundation, Oberlin College Archives, University
    of Minnesota Library, California State University Fresno Armenian
    Studies Program, Republic of Armenia National Archives, Armenian
    Genocide Museum-Institute, AGBU Nubarian Library, Armenian Assembly of
    America, Armenian National Institute collections, Maurice Kelechian,
    and National Geographic photographer Alexandra Avakian.

    "The exhibit creates a panoramic view of the entire duration of the
    Armenian Genocide," stated ANI Director Dr. Rouben Adalian. "All
    facets of the genocide that the photographic record allows, ranging
    from the deportations, executions, massacres, murders, starvation,
    extermination and destruction, are reconstructed panel by panel."

    "The exhibit also documents the immediate aftermath of the atrocities,
    attesting to the catastrophic ruination of Armenian society in the
    Ottoman Turkish Empire," added Dr. Adalian. "With panels displaying
    photographs of survivors, rescued women, homeless children and
    refugees, the scale and depth of the uprooting of the Armenian people
    is revealed."

    Among the iconic images are also the rare pictures of concentration
    camps where deportation and extermination became synonymous. The
    postwar refugee camps where survivors gathered are hauntingly
    reminiscent in appearance of these concentration camps. In the
    refugee camps, however, located beyond the borders of modern-day
    Turkey, a generation of Armenians scarred by the atrocities began
    life anew in exile, making their locations the beginning points of
    the Armenian Diaspora.

    The exhibit recalls as well the humanitarian activities of
    American philanthropists who organized critically needed relief,
    especially on behalf of the tens of thousands of orphans who were
    gathered, housed, fed, and educated in orphanages operated by the
    Congressionally-chartered Near East Relief organization.

    The principal perpetrators of the Armenian Genocide, the Young Turk
    triumvirate of Enver, Talaat, and Jemal, are also included, and
    their infamy contrasted with the moral voice of those who condemned
    the massacres, such as Theodore Roosevelt, Henry Morgenthau, and
    James Bryce.

    The exhibit concludes with prominent memorials to the Armenian Genocide
    as a reflection of the commitment of the Armenian people the world over
    to remember and honor the victims of genocide. Concluding the exhibit
    are pictures of the memorial chapel of Deir ez-Zor, in present-day
    Syria, before and after its destruction, as a reminder that the
    legacy of the Armenian Genocide remains unresolved and continues to
    be violently challenged.

    "With a symbolic 100 images in all, across 20 panels, and a map,
    'Iconic Images of the Armenian Genocide' illustrates the scale of the
    Young Turk program to eradicate the Armenian people from its homeland,
    while reconstructing the multiple facets and lasting consequences of
    the deportation, massacre, and exile of the Armenians," continued Dr.


    "By gathering and organizing these key photographs a comprehensive
    picture of the Armenian Genocide has been reconstructed," said Adalian,
    "that will serve educators as an instructional guide for teaching
    about human rights and the consequences of their violation as applied
    to an entire people in the form of genocide."

    "The exhibit," stated ANI Chairman Van Z. Krikorian, "was created to
    honor the exemplary figures in the United States diplomatic service
    whose conscientious reporting remains a permanent testament to the
    horrors of the Armenian Genocide, among them Jesse B. Jackson, U.S.

    Consul in Aleppo; Leslie A. Davis, U.S. Consul in Harput; Oscar Heizer,
    U.S. Consul in Trebizond; George Horton, Consul-General in Smyrna;
    and in Constantinople, Gabriel Bie Ravndal, Consul-General; Hoffman
    Philip, Charge d'Affaires; Abraham I. Elkus, Ambassador; and Henry
    Morgenthau, Ambassador."

    "The response to the prior exhibits has been greatly encouraging,
    and their widespread use is exactly what we intended by making these
    materials accessible for free," Krikorian said. "We are pleased to
    add this latest installment to the series. I especially commend the
    staff of the Armenian National Institute and the Armenian Assembly
    of America, in particular Dr. Adalian, Joseph Piatt, and Aline
    Maksoudian," concluded Krikorian.

    'Iconic Images of the Armenian Genocide,' is the fourth in a series
    of online exhibits released jointly by ANI, AGMA, and the Assembly
    and issued for worldwide distribution free of charge.
