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It Is Necessary To Realize Armenia's Value And Importance For Russia

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  • It Is Necessary To Realize Armenia's Value And Importance For Russia


    [ Part 2.2: "Attached Text" ]

    March 23 2015

    Interview with expert of the Armenian Center for Democracy, Security
    and Development Marta Ayvazyan

    - Riga is going to host the EU summit in May. The European officials
    mention that we need to have realistic expectations of the Riga
    Summit. How do you explain the Europeans’ recent activeness
    and increased interest towards our country?

    - First and foremost, the Europeans and generally, the Western
    countries’ concern and attention to the developments in our
    region have been increased. And this has taken place in the implication
    of the Islamic extremism and currently ongoing developments in the
    relations of the West-Russia, the West-Iran, Russia-Turkey and the
    South Caucasus countries, particularly the spread out of activities of
    the “Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant” and many other
    factors. The EU, based on its political, economic, energy and military
    security interests, is continually seeking to peace and security in
    the South Caucasus and ensuring the possibility for sustainable and
    integrated economic development in the region. From this point of view,
    Armenia’s interests unambiguously coincide with the interests
    of the EU. Russia, whose position in the international platform has
    considerably weakened in the last year, naturally, is also guided
    by its own interests, but, unfortunately, without having any other
    way to preserve and strengthen its presence and influence in our
    region, it operates based on the principle of instability, corrupt,
    and therefore, manageable government support, the existing conflicts,
    and in our case, preservation of NK conflict and escalation of tension
    and incitement of hostilities, as appropriate. To achieve its goals
    in our region, Russia uses Armenia, which serving Russia’s
    geopolitical interests has turned into a source of instability and
    also possible military threat in the South Caucasus. In my opinion, the
    growth of tension on the borders with Armenia, in the Nagorno-Karabakh
    frontline, the sharp increase in the number of incidents in recent
    years should be considered in this implication.

    All of this, as well as Russia’s aggressive intervention and
    role in the Ukrainian crisis, Crimea’s annexation to Russia
    are causes for Europeans’ concern and some activation in our
    region and, in particular, in Armenia. The EU, whom Armenia in fact
    deceived by making a sharp turn to the EaEU, and whose policy is based
    on long-term policy planning, however, has never turned its back to
    Armenia. In the current situation and led guided by the principle of
    its involvement policy, the EU considers it necessary and possible to
    continue the political as well as economic cooperation and signing of
    an appropriate document with Armenia. At the same time, formulation of
    “realistic expectations” is remarkable, which perhaps is
    a reference to the Russian factor and from this perspective contains
    certain restrictions and expressed lack of confidence in RA government
    authorities and other political forces current operating in Armenia.

    - Armenia would prefer that Russia does not sell weapons to Azerbaijan,
    mentioned Foreign Minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandian recently in
    his interview to Slovenian daily newspaper.

    What will be the consequences for the expression of this level of
    attitude by official Yerevan? How can Armenia achieve results on this
    issue? What kind of work is necessary to conduct in this direction?

    - I do not think that such expression of the attitude may have
    consequences, moreover, the mentioned interview as a whole excludes
    any practical continuation and even to some extent it shows dominance
    of Russia’s interests over Armenia’s interests. Moreover,
    interpreting the content of ally’s notion in a very unique way,
    it once again confirms that Armenia or better to say, Armenia’s
    current government authorities will no way dispute Russia’s
    actions under the present conditions, regardless of their nature,
    motives and possible consequences for Armenia. Generally, selling
    weapons to Azerbaijan is only one episode of Russia’s attitude to
    Armenia and the entire picture of the policy led. Even the most recent
    examples are many and refer to a variety of fields, ranging from the
    sale of weapons and contrary to our national interest, the membership
    to the EaEU up to shooting of the Avetisyan family members carried
    out by a soldier or soldiers of the Russian military base in Gyumri,
    and in particular, the flagrant violation of its international treaty
    obligations by Russia with regard to the investigation of the case. And
    the main problem is first and foremost among us, our inability to
    protect our interests. While, Armenia has a range of leverages
    and opportunities to influence Russia in different dimensions,
    bilateral and international partnership frameworks and to protect
    its interests. These levers are available in political, economic and
    military cooperation spheres with favorable conditions for Armenia,
    ranging from import of gas from Iran, review of financial terms for the
    military base deployment in Gyumri, and intensifying the international
    cooperation with other states for ensuring military, particularly,
    border security, raising the issue of international obligations
    commitment by Russia towards Armenia at the international instances
    up to withdrawal from the EaEU membership. No matter what, I consider
    the change of the format of our southern border, in particular, the
    protection of the international airport a necessary step. How can
    one totally trust the borders and generally the security provision
    to someone, who has never been a reliable partner and for whom, the
    source of the threat to your security is historically more important
    and valuable than you? However, all of this will be possible only
    through repeatedly voiced systemic changes, in the case of formation
    of a government and equivalent opposition not intertwined by corruption
    schemes and private interests with Russia’s power and oligarchic
    system legitimate in Armenia. It is also a necessary condition to
    ultimately realize Armenia’s value and importance for Russia,
    not to overestimate Russia’s importance for Armenia and to
    instill this awareness in our society.

    - Former Foreign Minister of Armenia Vartan Oskanian recently
    had left a post on his Facebook, telling that he had received an
    invitation to speak at the event organized in one of the Diaspora
    Armenian communities marking the centennial of the Armenian Genocide,
    but the Embassy to Armenia had objected to his participation.

    “I must say that this is absolutely incomprehensible and
    unacceptable. I am sorry for this kind of fainthearted behavior,”
    said he. You and your colleagues were deprived of the employment
    at MFA for the statement about lawful holding of presidential
    elections in 2008 during the tenure of Oskanian as a Minister of
    Foreign Affairs. How do you feel about this and other statements by
    “democratic” Oskanian in recent years?

    - For me, there is no fundamental difference between Vartan Oskanian
    and, let’s say, the same Gagik Tsarukyan, both of them, each
    in his own realm and within the scope of his abilities, are a mean
    or a tool serving the interests of other players or forces. Suffice
    it to recall the enthusiasm that Oskanian was displaying to support
    the actions of the authorities who had organized the March 1, 2008
    slaughter, instead expecting to take over the post of the prime
    minister of Armenia, which, however, did not become a reality so
    forth. Hence, I no way treat the statements made by Oskanian in recent
    years, nor his actions. And what comes to others’ fainthearted
    behavior,” then Oskanian’s this kind of assessment is
    worthy of only irony.

    - What do you think, what happened in the political arena on February
    12 after Serzh Sargsyan’s famous speech? Can the events following
    this speech, the PAP dissolution, be considered a surprise?

    - PAP dissolution, more precisely, Gagik Tsarukyan’s overthrow
    was not a surprise, as well as the pending reduction of the PAP
    membership, which is the logical continuation of Tsarukyan’s
    fall. What happened to Armenia’s political arena was that the
    plan for implementing a bourgeois-democratic revolution through
    this “Armenia-origin force”, which on the one hand
    is practically aimed at nullifying the strong and true opposition
    movements formed in Armenia in 2008, which in its turn was obviously
    dictated by Moscow, and on the other hand, basically, was mainly due
    to Serzh Sargsyan-Robert Kocharyan competition to gain the trust and
    support of Moscow, ended, or, rather to say, served for its purpose
    and exhausted itself. What agreements the key role-players achieved
    in the meantime under what influence will become apparent over the
    time. However, as a result, a quite strong ruling pyramid headed
    by Serge Sargsyan is left in nowadays Armenia’s political
    arena, which is based on personal economic interests, is dependent
    on the Russia’s government authorities, is totally unbalanced
    by adequate opposition force, thereby is vulnerable and contains
    numerous risks for Armenia.


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