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  • THE CHOIR OF FOREIGN INTERESTS Is Not Able To Hamper Artsakh In The


    Sunday, 22 March 2015 13:09

    It turned out that the mood of the Azerbaijani society, including
    the ruling regime, is in direct dependence on the ongoing political
    processes in the Nagorno Karabakh Republic.

    Observations show and prove that the closer the date of the next
    parliamentary elections in the NKR scheduled for May 3 the higher the
    level of depression and nervousness in Azerbaijan, often increasing
    to mere hysteria.

    The grounds for this conclusion are the recurring waves of information
    there, raising the dirty mud from the bottom of the Azerbaijani
    propaganda, which is struggling to prove to the world and, first of
    all, to its own brainwashed people that the parliamentary elections
    in Nagorno Karabakh are illegal and have no meaning. But, the
    representatives of the Azeri propaganda, sparing neither forces nor
    means for disinformation campaigns and considering themselves aces in
    this sphere, do not notice the contradictions in their own words and
    actions. In this context, a reasonable question arises - if, according
    to Baku, the upcoming elections to the National Assembly of Artsakh
    have absolutely no meaning, so why is Azerbaijan so alarmed, filling
    the media space with materials for discrediting the public-political
    event of state importance in the NKR?

    Surely, we'll not get an answer to this question from the Azerbaijani
    party, although it lies on the surface - conducting different-level
    elections in the NKR, especially in full compliance with the universal
    democratic norms and principles, has long become a tradition in
    Artsakh; it consolidates the independence of the Karabakh state and
    the international image of our Republic. Especially that in terms of
    the level of democratic development Azerbaijan, in comparison with the
    NKR, always lost, which had been repeatedly confirmed by the reports
    of independent observers invited to our elections and the Freedom
    House international human rights organization, which put Artsakh
    above Azerbaijan on the degree of democratic freedoms and human rights.

    Apparently, realizing the inferiority and invalidity of its statements
    on the illegality of the elections in the NKR, the Azerbaijani party
    resorts, with enviable consistency and persistency worthof better
    application, to the support of foreign structures, scratching their
    "special opinion" and exploiting this opinion in their propaganda
    purposes. Thus, the Azeri mass media were distinguished this week with,
    so to speak, "huge ejection" of comments by the Ministries of Foreign
    Affairs of Great Britain, Russia, Switzerland, Latvia and others on the
    upcoming parliamentary elections in the NKR. Surely, it is senseless
    to cite each comment, but if we sum up the statements by the foreign
    ministries, we can see that their essence is that these countries do
    not recognize our parliamentary elections, that the elections cannot
    influence the course of the peaceful settlement of the Karabakh
    conflict and predetermine the status of Nagorno Karabakh, etc.

    We cannot, surely, exclude that the Azerbaijani party, in its usual
    manner of disinformation, has distorted to a certain extent the
    essence of the foregoing; nevertheless attention is drawn by the fact
    that the foreign ministries of the abovementioned countries didn't
    condemn the elections, though Azerbaijan tries to present it so. At
    the same time, due to their unwillingness to recognize the elections,
    a logical question arises - does the international community really
    prefer anarchy and chaos as an alternative to the process of formation
    of power bodies in Artsakh, in this case - the legislative? Can the
    international non-recognition of the NKR serve a justification for
    depriving its people of the right to create legitimate power and
    administration bodies, based on the democratic principles and norms
    of the civilized world? But, the desire of the Karabakh people to
    live in accordance with the generally accepted laws, to have a civil
    society and an efficient and responsible power in itself is worthy of
    support and encouragement. Otherwise, the international structures
    are pouring water on the mill of Azerbaijan, which, hoping to get
    Nagorno Karabakh, tries vainly to poke its long nose in the internal
    affairs of the neighboring state.

    In this context, we cannot ignore a very important aspect. Do the
    international structures understand that Azerbaijan is struggling to
    destroy Artsakh, because it has taken the path of implementation of the
    Pan-Turkic plan of territorial reunification of Turkey and Azerbaijan,
    that all the Pharisees ranting of Ankara and Baku on international law,
    which is allegedly violated by Artsakh, serves as just a verbal cover
    for achieving this goal? Do they realize such a danger, convicting
    in different ways and with the filing of Baku the state-building
    processes in the NKR, which was proclaimed through the free will of
    its people? But, while those in the European and American offices,
    which are so far from our region, cannot understand this, Russia,
    which is also involved in the "anti-election choir", cannot afford
    this, due to its vital interests. It must not do this. On the contrary,
    as a strategic partner of Armenia, it should understand that in case
    if the plan of the Turkish-Azerbaijani tandem is realized, Russia,
    to say it in a specific slang, will be simply "thrown", and it will be
    inevitably, or more likely forever forced out from the South Caucasus
    region. We hopeit realizes this.

    In due time, the great Russian humanist, Academician Andrei Sakharov
    said, "For Azerbaijan, Karabakh is an issue of ambition, and for
    Armenians - the issue of life and death". Russia should always remember
    this statement by its patriot and act accordingly. As for Artsakh,
    it held and will hold different-level elections, as it is guided by
    its own and not foreign interests.


    Editor-in-Chief of Azat Artsakh newspaper

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress