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How Will Putin Respond To Serzh Sargsyan

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  • How Will Putin Respond To Serzh Sargsyan


    March 24 2015

    Serge Sargsyan's statement regarding the sale of weapons to
    Azerbaijan by Russia hours before leaving for Brussels to the
    European People's Party Summit was described as sensational. While,
    the issue of selling weapons to Azerbaijan by Russia was raised by the
    government authorities last year at different levels, and, basically,
    Serzh Sargsyan's statement is not new, this is already the fourth
    statements of such kind by the government authorities of Armenia. So,
    at the international media forum called "At the Foot of Mount Ararat",
    President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, in response to the question of
    a journalist from Moscow regarding the selling of weapons by Russia
    to Armenia's EaEU membership and the Nagorno-Karabakh conflicting
    parties, noted, "Since the establishment of the Armed Forces of the
    Republic od Armenia, we are grateful and thankful to our ally for
    assistance. Of course, in these relations, we are concerned about
    Russia's selling weapons to Azerbaijan out of different reasons and
    rationale, and the problem here is not the quality of armament. The
    problem is that an Armenian fellow standing on our border or on the
    line of contact realizes that they try to destroy him with Russian
    weapons. This is the hardest thing, and this is what might have a
    negative influence on our relations. For a long time, during 250
    years, the Armenians and Russians have been living side by side,
    had common enemies, foes, and have not fired at each other from
    guns produced in their country. This is an issue, a problem, and
    this problem must be resolved." A few days ago, Armenia's Foreign
    Minister Edward Nalbandian, in his interview to Slovenian
    daily, addressing the Karabakh settlement issue, said, "We would
    prefer that Russia not to sell weapons to Azerbaijan. We're not
    asking our friendly countries, partner countries to do something for
    Armenia against somebody else. What we are expecting concretely on
    Nagorno-Karabakh issue is not to support one side against the other,
    just to be in line with the position of the international community,
    expressed by the Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group. And Russia is
    one of the three Co-Chairs." First, it is not clear here why we do
    not ask or suggest our friend, partner, moreover ally countries to do
    something for Armenia something against somebody else, for example,
    Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan conducts consistent work against Armenia at all
    international structures and with many countries and often achieves
    success. Recall assassin Safarov's extradition, now Azerbaijan has
    joined the extradition of Azerbaijanis Dilham Askerov and Shahbaz
    Guliyev convicted imprisonment in Nagorno-Karabakh, and one gets the
    impression that official Baku is working with the OSCE Minsk Group
    co-chairs countries in this direction. Let's go back, however, to
    the Armenian-Russian relations. The TA government authorities cannot
    revise their decision and raise the issue of termination of Armenia's
    membership to the EaEU. This is simple. Or, at least at this stage
    it is not realistic to expect. The RA government authorities perhaps
    yet have considered that they had made a right decision, moreover, it
    is clear that it was a political decision rather than an imperative
    dictated by economic convenience and expediency. If this structure
    is established, yet only after then we can create bases to study the
    possibilities of Armenia's integration development under the Eurasian
    framework. Armenia, however, can revise the situation in the co-
    relationships with Russia by running a more sensitive policy for the
    benefit of Armenia. This does not require constant public speeches
    and remarks. On the contrary, Armenian government has a lot to do in
    the diplomatic arena, which should not always be visible to the public.

    The outcome of the work completed is preferable to be visible. Given
    the fact that since last year Armenian government authorities are
    publicly voicing the fact of selling weapons to Azerbaijan by Russia
    and are expressing their concern, one can conclude that they do not
    raise this issue to the Russian side behind the scenes and prefer to
    be limited with only public messages. This can even be considered an
    alarm by the RA government authorities, which hardly be welcomed in
    Moscow. In his interview with Clarin newspaper in Buenos Aires, last
    summer, Serzh Sargsyan for the first time publicly complained about
    Russia's selling arms to Azerbaijan. "It is a very painful subject
    and our people are worried that our strategic ally sells weapons
    to Azerbaijan." While, in the last fall, referring to Russia's arms
    sales to Azerbaijan, Armenian Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan said,
    "Supplying the enemy with ammunition is always at the core of our
    attention, and we express our concerns in all instances." The subject
    of supplying Azerbaijan with ammunition has always been raised
    in different instances and when working with the international
    organizations, however, the level of Armenian-Russian "strategic"
    relations suggests a more specific solution to this issue. Russia
    is an OSCE Minsk Group co-chair country with the United States and
    France, it implements a mission aimed at achieving peace through
    Karabakh talks and reconciliation of the parties. But Russia does
    exactly the opposite. Selling weapons to Azerbaijan, Russia pushes a
    military solution, or at least its propaganda. Indeed, it is clear
    to everyone that if Russia does not sell weapons to Azerbaijan,
    Aliyev would purchase it from other countries to show his country
    citizens how "patriotic" he is and where the money goes. But aren't the
    Armenian-Russian "strategic" relations worthy for Russia not to sell
    weapons to Aliyev, like the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairing United States
    and France do not do it. Armenia joined the EaEU perhaps taking the
    security guarantees given by Russia as a base and refused signing the
    EU Association Agreement. Armenia's and Nagorno-Karabakh's security
    has not been improved, but also our opponent country has become
    more uncontrolled and cynical. Official Moscow has not responded
    to Serzh Sargsyan's already two, RA Defense Minister's months ago,
    as well as RA Foreign Minister's quite transparent and unambiguous
    statements of Russia's selling weapons to Azerbaijan. As they say,
    the ball is with the Russian side.


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