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Flu Concerns: Authorities Extend School Vacation Amid URI Outbreak

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  • Flu Concerns: Authorities Extend School Vacation Amid URI Outbreak


    HEALTH | 24.03.15 | 14:43

    Gohar Abrahamyan
    ArmeniaNow reporter

    Authorities in Armenia extended the spring school vacation for one
    more week after a drastic increase in cases of upper respiratory
    tract infections (URI) and flu last week, hoping that the curve of
    illnesses will go down.

    Head of the Armenian Health Ministry's Division of Epidemiology Liana
    Torosyan told reporters still last week that results of epidemiologic
    analysis show that cases of respiratory infections in the country
    exceeded the epidemiological threshold by 1.5 times.

    According to Torosyan, analysis shows that almost 80 percent of cases
    were registered among the 0-18 age range.

    The Ministry of Health said that 5,800 cases of respiratory infections
    were registered within the last two weeks, as compared to 5,600 cases
    of the same period of last year. Currently 570 patients are receiving
    medical treatment. As many as 160 cases of pneumonia were registered,
    120 among them - young children.

    "This was the reason that we considered the alert and analyzed the
    epidemiological state of the region and extended school vacations,"
    Torosyan said.

    And although on Tuesday there was information about kindergartens
    closing down as well, the Yerevan municipality denied this information
    saying that at the moment there is nothing disturbing in kindergartens.

    "I officially say that no kindergarten under Yerevan municipality
    is closed, they all function. If there appear disturbing factors,
    we are ready to temporarily cease the activity of some kindergartens,
    however the number of children absentees is minimal, there are even
    more absences in times of no diseases than now," Yerevan Municipality
    Information Department head Artur Gevorgyan told ArmeniaNow.

    Still on Monday Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan said that in order to
    keep the situation under constant control daily control is carried
    out on the spot and if in any kindergarten growth of illnesses-caused
    absences of children are registered, then we will take up measures
    to temporarily cease the given kindergarten's activities.

    "In response to opinions about closing kindergartens for a week
    I must say that the majority of parents of around 30,000 children
    attending those institutions are working and this way we create extra
    inconveniences for those people, which, naturally, is unfortunate,"
    Mayor Margaryan stressed.
