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Azerbaijan Undermines Its International Image: Does It Matter For Al

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  • Azerbaijan Undermines Its International Image: Does It Matter For Al


    Foreign Policy Journal
    March 23 2015

    by Alakbar Raufoglu March 23, 2015

    The Azerbaijan government's crackdown against independent journalists
    and has exposed its authoritarian nature to a broader western audience.

    Azerbaijan is making itself a welcome home among neighboring states
    -- from Russia to Iran, to the wider Middle East -- that deny basic
    rights to their citizenry and ignore ways democratic states treat
    their citizens.

    Does Ilham Aliyev government care about its image in the West? Until
    recently it seemed like it did.

    For years, the oil-reach Caspian country has been trying to spruce up
    its image by hosting international events such as Eurovision, Global
    Internet Forum, OSCE Parliament Assembly summit, as well as the first
    European Games, due this summer. Aliyev and his team have also been
    spending a sufficient amount of money for lobby efforts in the U.S.

    and European capitals.

    However, recent moves by the government of Azerbaijan to crack down
    on western and local organizations as well as restrict the media have
    caused a very negative effect on the country's international image
    and, according to some analysts, also on perceptions of the business
    climate in Azerbaijan.

    Azeri officials: "Why us?"

    "Why are we being targeted by the western media? Is that because we
    want to be the U.S. ally?" Azeri government emissaries, key members of
    the Parliamentary International Relations committee Samad Seyidov and
    Asim Mollazade asked an audience in Washington D.C. early last month.

    Speaking at Capitol Hill Club, Seyidov said the relations between the
    two countries sometimes are affected by the "less significant problems
    related to human rights in Azerbaijan", and this negatively affects the
    country's attempts to create closer relations with Europe and the U.S.

    America, added Asim Mollazade, should "protect freedom in my

    Unlike Azeri officials, many in the West though see human rights,
    freedom of expression, freedom of the media to investigate and report
    on the facts as essential factors for democracy, and their lack as
    a lead to corruption and authoritarianism.

    Azerbaijan once opened its doors to westerners. Slapped by Soviet
    Moscow, Heydar Aliyev, a former KGB officer and communist-era
    leader, had returned to his native Azerbaijan to head the country and
    oversee the unprecedented opening and rapid expansion of Azeri oil-gas
    industry, after taking over the governance at home in 1993. He invited
    leading western business and civil society groups to Baku, urged them
    to hire local employees, and lifted censorship from the media.

    But things have changed in Azerbaijan under his son Ilham Aliyev,
    who has succeeded in bringing the pro-western Azeri civil society
    and media to heel.

    Aliyev senior once called the media "a mirror of the society." Today,
    under his son's leadership, that mirror has been taken away from
    Azeris. Their media is nothing if not entertaining, with a daily diet
    of outrageous shows, news, and movies. Rather than using state media
    to mobilize his supporters - like his father had - Ilham Aliyev sees
    it as means to placate and distract the population.


    Current arrests of journalists and rights defenders in Azerbaijan
    are part of a broader crackdown.

    It initially started as a response to western criticism to October
    2013 presidential election.

    Once the election was over, Aliyev, who announced his victory for
    the third period, wasted no time in launching a broad crackdown on
    civil society, particularly those who were involved in the election
    monitoring process.

    Although many observers and political leaders in the West have
    expressed grave concerns about the deteriorating situation in
    Azerbaijan, the arrest of Anar Mammadli, head of Azerbaijan's most
    respected election monitoring group, as well as accusations against
    western institutions in Baku, didn't immediately have an effect on
    Aliyev government's international reputation.

    Aliyev had succeeded in blunting international and domestic criticism
    through his considerable lobby policy by pointing to his and his
    father's significant political achievements. The repression largely
    escaped international attention until last summer, when Aliyev
    overplayed his hand.

    Dozens of rights defenders, critical activists, scores of journalists
    were rounded up for allegedly undermining stability in the country;
    private media companies and NGOs came under intensive political
    pressure, and most were subjected to punitive tax penalties; and
    critical commentators--investigative journalists such as Khadija
    Ismayilova and others--were publicly excoriated by the high-level

    The arrests of journalists Rauf Mirgadirov, Seymur Hazi, Khadija
    Ismayilova and many others vastly increased the level of international
    attention on the press freedom and situation of the civil society
    in Azerbaijan.

    However, prior to Ismayilova's arrests, it was easier for the Aliyev
    government to cast the crackdown against the media as part of its
    anti-Armenian propaganda. But after Khadija's arrest even many in
    the country began sounding an alarm.

    Unquestionably the government also took advantage of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and informational war environment to
    recast his crackdown on critical dissent not as "censorship" but as
    a legitimate response to a mounting threat to national security. The
    strategy resonated because Azerbaijan does face threats from variety
    of actors in the region.

    In late December 2014, the authorities raided the local Radio Free
    Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) office, Azadliq Radiosu, taking all the
    staff for questioning, seizing computers, and sealing the offices. The
    staff was later questioned again, without legal representation,
    some in the middle of the night in their pajamas.

    The crackdown against independent journalists, activists had given
    a golden opportunity to disrupt Azeri government's narrative of
    progress. It exposed the authoritarian nature of the government to
    broader western audience and simultaneously made the government even
    more authoritarian.

    From: A. Papazian