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Nairit Workers Protest In Front Of Parliament And Speak To MPs (VIDE

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  • Nairit Workers Protest In Front Of Parliament And Speak To MPs (VIDE


    03.24.2015 18:30

    Today, the Nairit Factory workers continued their protest demanding
    17 months' worth of salaries in front of the Presidential Palace,
    eventually walking toward the National Assembly and demanding to
    speak to MPs.

    Near the National Assembly gates, they were first met with the ARF-D
    faction secretary Artsvik Minasyan, Heritage faction secretary Tevan
    Poghosyan, Prosperous Armenia party faction member Mikayel Melkonyan.

    Speaking to the protest participants, Poghosyan stated that not only
    does the Nairit workers salary issue need to be resolved, but also
    the relaunching of the Nairit factory. The MP brought up the issue
    of competition of rubber production in the international market. He
    noted that because many other companies in Armenia have also suspended
    production, the issue of rubber production is a relevant one and
    there is no demand for rubber.

    The protesters did not agree with Poghosyan, claiming that rubber
    is in demand in the international market as well. The MP once again
    stated that it was not true, urging the protesters to be realistic
    and objectively assess the situation.

    The Nairit workers also demanded to meet with the chairman of
    the National Assembly's standing committee for economic affairs,
    Republican Party member Vardan Ayvazyan. The latter suggested, during
    a phone conversation, that a group of Nairit workers meet with him
    in a closed space. However, the workers demanded that Ayvazyan came
    down to them. The latter met with the protesters, who noted that this
    was the first time they saw Ayvazyan "in public."

    The Republican was hurt by these words; "I'm usually seen around
    other people. Hello, I'm Vardan Ayvazyan."

    The MP asked the workers to realize that even though he is the chairman
    of the committee, he does not have any higher authority than other
    committee members. Nevertheless, he promised to arrange a meeting with
    the workers and the relevant bodies, including the Minister of Energy
    Yervand Zakharyan. According to Ayvazyan, Zakharyan is currently on
    a business trip, and a meeting will be organized after his arrival.

    "Why did Zakharyan and Serzh Sargsyan go to China, so they can sell
    the rest of the Nairit factory?" asked a woman within the participants.

    Another participant said that they had met with Zakharyan without
    Ayvazyan and that he was not helpful.

    The MP stated that the factory had not worked for 5 years but people
    received "loads of money." "Every director of your factory says that
    in order for Nairit to function, 900 employees are necessary. I've
    recorded it, I have the audio. I am not a chemist, they are the ones
    saying that that many workers are not necessary," said Ayvazyan.

    The latter statement hurt the workers, who expressed that it was
    not their will to be on a forced leave. According to the protesters,
    they have been continually promised that the factory would restart
    its work. "And that is the thank you for being so patient in this
    process and not migrating," said a 60-year old man.

    Note, that 1200 workers of Nairit factory are currently on a forced
    leave, while another 1000 continued to work. At the end of the protest,
    the workers formed a delegation in order to speak with MPs.

    Tomorrow the Nairit workers will gather in front of their factory at
    11 AM.
