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Democrat Youth Community Of Europe Adopts Statement Condemning The A

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  • Democrat Youth Community Of Europe Adopts Statement Condemning The A


    18:40, 24 Mar 2015
    Siranush Ghazanchyan

    The Democrat Youth Community of Europe (DEMYC) Executive Bureau has
    adopted an official statement condemning the Armenian Genocide. DEMYC
    Unites youth wings of political parties from about 50 countries. The
    statement reads:

    · Having in mind Pan-Armenian Declaration on the Centennial of the
    Armenian Genocide;

    · Reaffirming the principles on Human rights and standing on European

    · Condemning the genocidal acts against the Armenian people, planned
    and continuously perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire and various regimes
    of Turkey in 1894-1923, dispossession of the homeland, the massacres
    and ethnic cleansing aimed at the extermination of the Armenian
    population, the destruction of the Armenian heritage, as well as
    the denial of the Genocide, all attempts to avoid responsibility,
    to consign to oblivion the committed crimes and their consequences
    or to justify them, as a continuation of this crime and encouragement
    to commit new genocides;

    DEMYC (Democrat Youth Community of Europe) Board states the following:

    · We condemn the genocidal acts against the Armenian people, planned
    and continuously perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire and various
    regimes of Turkey in 1894-1923, dispossession of the homeland,
    the massacres and ethnic cleansing aimed at the extermination of
    the Armenian population, the destruction of the Armenian heritage,
    as well as the denial of the Genocide;

    · We commemorate one-and-a-half million innocent victims of the
    Armenian Genocide and bow in gratitude before those martyred and
    surviving heroes who struggled for their lives and human dignity.

    Moreover, we recognize, that the Genocide resulted in the death and
    dispossession not only of Armenian people but also extended to the
    Pontic Greeks and Assyrians peoples, and we commemorate them as well;

    · We join and strongly support the commitment of Armenia and the
    Armenian people to continue the international struggle for the
    prevention of genocides, the restoration of the rights of people
    subjected to genocide and the establishment of historical justice;

    · We encourage Turkey to face history and finally recognize the
    ever-present reality of the Armenian Genocide and its attendant
    dispossession, including but not limited to ensuring a right of
    return of the Armenian people to, and a secure reconnection with,
    their national hearth--all flowing from the fundamental imperative
    of achieving Reconciliation through the Truth;

    · We call upon the Government of Turkey to respect and realize
    fully the legal obligations which it has undertaken including those
    provisions which relate to the protection of cultural heritage and,
    in particular, to conduct in good faith an integrated inventory of
    Armenian and other cultural heritage destroyed or ruined during the
    past century.
