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Elite Musicians Unite For Armenian Genocide Memorial Concert In Glen

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  • Elite Musicians Unite For Armenian Genocide Memorial Concert In Glen


    The San Gabriel Valley Tribune
    March 24 2015

    By Robert D. Thomas, The San Gabriel Valley Tribune

    Three well-known local artists will make their first appearance as the
    Glendale Trio on March 28 at First Baptist Church of Glendale as part
    of the Glendale Philharmonic's fifth annual Positive Motions series.

    Violinist Roberto Cani, the Los Angeles Opera Orchestra concertmaster,
    will join pianist Armen Guzelimian and cellist Ruslan Biryukov, the
    series' curator, in performances of Arno Babajanian's Piano Trio in
    F-sharp minor and Shostakovich's Piano Trio No. 2 in E minor.

    The concert is being performed in memory of Armenian genocide victims
    as the 100th anniversary of the start of the genocide is April 24.

    Portions of the proceeds will be donated to the Armenian General
    Benevolent Union and the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church.

    Guzelimian is well known for his work as a piano virtuoso, chamber
    musician, vocal coach and teacher. He appears often in local piano
    series, has played many times in the Los Angeles Philharmonic's Green
    Umbrella series, and has performed around the world.

    "Ruslan asked me last fall how I would like to join with Roberto and
    him for a recital," says Guzelimian, whose brother, Ira, is provost
    and dean at The Juilliard School in New York City. "I, of course, had
    heard Roberto's work with the L.A. Opera Orchestra and was delighted,
    particularly because of the pieces chosen and the fact that it would
    be near the centennial of the start of the Armenian genocide."

    The two pieces were written eight years apart, 1944 for the
    Shostakovich, 1952 for the Babajanian. "Both men were brilliant
    pianists," explains Guzelimian. "They each liked to employ folk music
    in their pieces, both received the People's Artist of the Soviet
    Union award, and both were influenced by Prokofiev's music.

    "Babajanian's piece is a masterpiece of the piano trio literature,"
    continues Guzelimian. "He wrote in a grand romantic style, similar
    to Rachmaninoff. On the other hand, Shostakovich employed fascinating
    sound effects to create eerie moods in his trio."

    For Guzelimian and people of his generation, the Armenian genocide
    resonates deeply in their psyche and that's particularly true in
    Glendale, which has a sizable population of people with Armenian

    The Armenian genocide rivals the Holocaust of World War II for its
    terror. In 1915 the Ottoman government began a systematic destruction
    of its Armenian community that resulted, according to most accounts,
    in more than 1.5 million people having perished. Present-day Turkey
    denies these allegations, in part because it claims no relationship
    to the Ottoman Empire, except for geography.

    "My maternal grandmother was left an orphan by the genocide," recalls
    Guzelimian. "She managed to escape and went first to Greece and then
    to Egypt. She had nothing -- not even a birth certificate. When she
    died, we didn't know for sure how old she was."

    Like Jews with younger generations and the Holocaust, Armenians
    struggle to keep the memory of the genocide alive in everyone, not
    just those with Armenian heritage.

    "The feelings are different for those of us in the first and second
    generation," he acknowledges. "The genocide is taught as historical
    fact now and there are, of course, plenty of pictures, chronicles and
    world news reports from the periods (1915-1918 and 1920-1923). But
    the failure of Turkey to acknowledge the truth of what happened is
    still a wound."

    Although the concert's dedication is significant, Guzelimian cautions,
    "I don't want people to be scared away from this concert thinking it
    will be a sad, somber occasion. This is great music that would stand
    on its own."

    Robert D. Thomas is a freelance music writer.
