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President Erdogan's Trademark Paranoia

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  • President Erdogan's Trademark Paranoia


    17:36, 25 Mar 2015
    Siranush Ghazanchyan

    Two large Turkish dailies, 'Hurriyet' and 'Today's Zaman', on March
    19, 2015 reported unprecedented attacks on the Armenian diaspora by
    the Turkish President Racep Tayyip Erdogan.

    According to 'Today's Zaman', the Turkish President stated: "Oh
    Armenian diaspora, Oh Armenian administration, ...Bring your documents,
    and we will task the historians, our historians, political scientists,
    even archeologists and lawyers [with studying them]... let's seek
    the truth here."

    It looks like Mr. Erdogan is suffering from amnesia or has disjointed
    from reality or doesn't know what has transpired in the last 100
    years vis-a-vis his society, academia, and the international community
    regarding the Armenian Genocide.

    It seems everyone other than Mr. Erdogan knows the truth. Over 400
    historians, Holocaust scholars, and genocide experts have given the
    authoritative answer to this issue and concluded that what happened
    to the Armenians was genocide.

    The International Association of Genocide Scholars, the leading group
    tasked with researching and studying genocides, in a June 12, 2006
    letter to Mr. Erdogan, then the Prime Minister of Turkey, stated:
    "Scholars who advise your government and who are affiliated in other
    ways with your state-controlled institutions are not impartial. Such
    so-called 'scholars' work to serve the agenda of historical and moral
    obfuscation when they advise you and the Turkish Parliament on how
    to deny the Armenian Genocide."

    Mr. Erdogan's suggestion to create "historians commission" to study
    the Armenian Genocide is redundant. It's akin to Holocaust deniers'
    demand to create "historians commission" to prove whether the Holocaust
    took place.

    The Turkish President stated: "The truth should be sought in the
    archives." Many witnesses during the Istanbul Military Tribunal (1919
    - 1921) of the perpetrators of the Armenian Genocide, testified that
    the documents of CUP, the government in power at the time, had been
    removed and Interior Ministry archives had been burned by Talaat Pasha,
    Minister of Interior, prior to fleeing the country.

    Whatever is left of these archives are granted limited viewing to a
    small group of selected historians who a priori have demonstrated their
    support of Turkish government's genocide denialist narrative. So the
    Turkish archives openness argument is a clever way to mislead and to
    divert attention from the real issue, the crime of genocide.

    How about third country archives such as that of Britain, France, the
    United States, Canada, Vatican, and even then-Turkish allies Germany
    and Austria, among others? How about the hundreds of photographs
    by war correspondents, massive eyewitness accounts and coverage by
    Western journalists, missionaries and NGOs?

    'Hurriyet' reported that Mr. Erdogan said: "The greatest massacres
    targeting Muslims in the Balkans and in Caucasia happened in the same
    period. In Anatolia, many as Armenians were harmed." For him
    to equate Armenian and Muslim loses is deceitful. The two losses are
    not interrelated. The Armenian loses were due to Ottoman government
    premeditated and centrally-planned race extermination. The Muslim
    losses were due to Turkey taking side in a global war. It is an
    Orwellian charade for Mr. Erdogan to compare the two losses.

    Finally, the sultan of the new Ottomans stated: "The Armenian diaspora
    is trying to instill hatred against Turkey everywhere in the world
    through campaigns on genocide claims." It is not only the Armenians
    who are calling on the Turkish government to recognize the Armenian
    Genocide. In addition to the international community, thousands of
    righteous Turks are calling on Mr. Erdogan and the Turkish government
    to end the 100-year-old callous policy of denial.

    Mr. Vatche Demirdjian, the President of the Armenian Canadian
    Conservative Association (ACCA),commented on Mr. Erdogan's paranoid
    statements and conspiracy theories by stating: "Mr. Erdogan's comments
    are sign of desperation and bankrupt policy." He added: "Armenians
    hold no grudge against Turks. On the contrary, we acknowledge that
    many righteous Turks during the Genocide risked their lives to save
    their Armenians. We also value the 40,000 Turkish intellectuals,
    historians, journalists, and civil society members who have signed
    an online "I apologize" proclamation asking the Turkish government to
    atone for its predecessors' crimes against the Armenians and humanity."
