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Apparently Gyumri Isn't Serzh Sargsyan's Homeland Either

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  • Apparently Gyumri Isn't Serzh Sargsyan's Homeland Either

    Interview - 25 March 2015, 16:15

    A draft agreement is on the agenda of the March 26 meeting of
    government according to which the Armenian side will allocate to the
    Russian military base Lalayan Street, Gyumri with the land under
    and adjacent to the Russian church and the land adjacent to 173/3
    Lalayan Street with buildings on it. We talked to Levon Barseghyan,
    chairman of Asparez Club of Journalists.

    Mr. Barseghyan, what are your thoughts on the decision of this

    My opinion is very simple: if the government is not from people, it
    will give up on many more other things. Apparently, Gyumri is not
    Serzh Sargsyan's homeland either, and it is not difficult for him
    to order his servants to hand the territories of Armenia to other
    countries. Apparently the Constitution is preventing them from doing
    so. Here is just another outrageous, anti-national decision. If
    tomorrow they tell them to give away their mansions, furniture,
    belongings, clothes, the government will approve that. Why not? This
    is it, there is no other opinion.

    What area is concerned?

    I can't tell for sure but the first one is the land adjacent to
    the Russian military unit which has been abandoned for years and
    there is an old Russian brick church there. It is one of the three
    Russian churches in Gyumri, as well as its adjacent territory. It is
    approximately 10-15 hectares. It is on left of the cemetery as you
    enter Gyumri via Yerevan highway.

    The governor of Shirak says there is nothing bad about giving them
    the church which they are going to repair.

    They can let them repair the church. The church is in our territory
    and is a historical and architectural monument. We do understand
    that it is a Russian church. There is a mosque in Shushi. Does this
    mosque belong to Azerbaijan? Not at all, the mosque is the property of
    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. Similarly, the church is our property. Yes,
    it is Russian, we don't want to have it changed to an Armenian
    Apostolic Church. Let it remain a Russian church. So what? Let them
    repair it, use it. But what does it mean to hand it, to allocate it?

    The rumors that Armenia is going to hand territories, this is the
    preparation, in fact, they are confirming them to some extent...
