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Disappearance of the Armenian Museum of France

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  • Disappearance of the Armenian Museum of France

    Support Committee of the Armenian Museum of France
    Mail: [email protected]
    Tel: +33 (0)783 073 628
    Petition Link:

    We must save the Armenian Museum of France.

    The Armenian Museum of France (AMF), which holds one of the largest
    collections of Armenian art in Europe, some of which master pieces were
    exhibited at the Louvre, is closed and no longer has access to its
    collection. The museum is thus obliged to decline all institution's lending
    requests that are addressed to it for the centenary commemoration of the
    Armenian genocide, which takes place in April 2015.

    Lies, broken promises, prohibiting access to the museum's team..., we call on
    the Ministry of Culture to honor its commitments and to return the Armenian
    Museum to its exhibition status.

    Remembering the facts:

    1953: A ministerial decree assigned the use of the ground floor of the
    Ennery building (59 Avenue Foch, Paris, 16th) to the AMF. The Ennery
    Museum, located on the top floor and under the authority of the Guimet
    Museum, was originated by the donation of the Ennery spouses of their hotel
    and its collection to the State (doc. n°1).

    1995: Security problems on the first floor caused the closure of the
    building. This closure was extended until 2011 due to lack of public
    funding for the upgrading. An exceptional opening on the ground floor was
    obtained through the intervention of the President of the Republic Jacques
    Chirac during the Year of Armenia in France (doc. n°2 and 3). This
    showcased the exhibition "The Paths of Armenia" which received 6000
    visitors in six weeks. During this year, several works from the collection
    of the AMF were loaned to the Louvre for the "Armenia Sacra" exhibition.

    2011: The Ministry of Culture through the voice of its Head Director of
    Heritage (Directeur Général des Patrimoines), wrote to the AMF that the
    rehabilitation of the Ennery Museum was finally on the agenda and required
    removal of the collections of the AMF for safety. He stated: "I certify the
    resettlement -of the Armenian museum- in the same Ennery building at the
    end of construction in April 2012" (doc. n°4 and 5). Collections of
    AMF were thus put in crates and moved for the rehabilitation. The Ennery
    museum was inaugurated in March 2012 in the presence of the Minister of
    Culture Frédéric Mitterrand.

    May 2012: Following the return of an AMF exhibition outside its walls,
    museum's team found all of the designated AMF rooms occupied by storage for
    the Ennery museum, and the Guimet museum authority refused to remove
    them (doc.
    n°6). On intervention of the Direction des Musées, following many requests
    from the AMF, the Ministry of Culture approved partial repatriation of the
    Armenian museum collections, which were kept in crates in their spare room
    in the Ennery building, but access to the exhibition rooms was still
    prohibited. French Presidency also recognizes the commitment of the
    Ministry of Culture to have the AMF back in its exhibition space (doc. n°8
    and 9).

    March 2014: The Guimet museum authorities changed the locks of the AMF
    premises, and denied access to AMF's team. The lack of response from the
    Ministry of Culture thus actually prevents any participation of the
    Armenian Museum to commemorate the centenary of the Armenian genocide (doc.
    n°10 to 15). Today, the museum work is totally stopped, and no one knows
    what has happened to the Armenian museum collections.

    Since April 2014: Proceedings are pending in the Paris courts so that the
    museum's rights can be restored, regain access to its collections, and
    obtain an explanation of the determination by the Ministry of Culture not
    to reinstate the Armenian Museum of France in its agreed place.

    2015: Noting has changed and the AMF situation is still the same. A
    petition that has already collected more than 8,000 signatures on
    has been launched and is addressed to the President of the Republic
    François Hollande and the Minister of Culture Fleur Pellerin.

    Press contact

    Support Committee of the Armenian Museum of France

    Mail: [email protected]

    Tel: +33 (0)783 073 628

    Information on the Armenian Museum Of France



    Petition Link



    The Armenian Museum of France, depository of the cultural heritage brought
    to France by Armenians refugees escaping the genocide of 1915, has been
    allowed in April 24, 1953 by a decree of Minister of Culture (document n°1)
    to depose his collections in the ground floor at Hotel d'Ennery, 59 avenue
    Foch in Paris with the mission to preserve them.

    Inauguration of the Armenian Museum of France on October 9, 1953 with the
    attendance of French Republic President Vincent Auriol, Foreign Affairs
    Minister, Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Education.

    [image: Images intégrées 1]


    Established by Armenian refugees for the benefit of French people and for
    future generations, the museum's collections regroup nearly 1200 works
    retracing 3000 years of the history of Armenia. On October 2, 1978, by a
    decree of Prime Minister Raymond Barre, the collections were recognized to
    be of public interest and inalienable to the benefit of France.

    Archeology, religious arts, manuscript arts, profane arts, folk arts,
    paintings, sculptures, form this unique collection in Europe presented on

    For half a century in Paris, the public have been able to discover this
    exceptional heritage.

    Several works from the collection has been exhibited at the Louvre and
    Maritime Museum in Paris during the `Year of Armenia in France' in 2007.

    [image: Images intégrées 2]

    Exhibition space of the Armenian Museum[image: Images intégrées 3]

    of France, 59 avenue Foch, Paris


    In 1995, in the need of rehabilitation works the Armenian Museum of France
    and the Ennery Museum was closed to the public.

    French state owning the building, Armenian Museum of France had to wait for
    the works to be done.

    During these times the museum presented its collections through external
    exhibitions, meanwhile continuing scientific studies and restoration works.
    At the same time the realization of his web site opened
    virtually the museum to all public.

    In 2007, during the Year of Armenia in France, the Armenian Museum of
    France after the intervention of French President Jacques Chirac, has been
    authorized to open temporarily for six weeks after an urgently upgrading of
    the showroom.

    Letter from the President of the French Republic to the Armenian Museum of

    The Councillor for Education and Culture of Mr Jacques Chirac, April 13th,

    "...The Head of State thanks you and has instructed me to answer you.

    This museum has a unique collection, and this is a chance for our country
    to host it. The President is pleased that he has been associated with the
    Year of Armenia in France, with the exhibition "The Paths of Armenia."

    "... The Ministry of Culture and Communication, especially the Direction
    des Musées de France, will implement all the means at their disposal to
    ensure that the Armenian Museum collections include a place that reflects
    their importance." Document n°2

    Exhibition "The roads of Armenia" in the Armenian Museum of France
    sponsored by the Minister of Culture, Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres (Document
    n°3), March-April 2007.

    More than 6,000 visitors - the majority French - were received in
    weeks for this exceptional opening.

    The Armenian Museum of France, during the Year of Armenia in France and up
    to 2012, participates in Armenian art exhibitions and is exposed in the
    major French museums.

    Hope of a long sustained reopening for the Armenian Museum of France is

    Louvre Museum

    ` Armenia Sacra ' exhibition

    February 21 - May 21, 2007

    Musée National de la Marine

    ` Aïvazovski, la poésie de la mer ' exhibition,

    February -May 28, 2007

    Montmartre Museum

    ` de l'Arménie à Montmartre ' exhibition,

    April 4 - June 24, 2007

    Scriptorial d'Avranches, partnership with the

    French National Library

    ` Reflets d'Arménie ' exhibition,

    February 1 -May 6, 2012


    >From 2012, the desire to see the Armenian Museum of France disappear has
    arisen within certain institutions. This has resulted in illegal attempt to
    spoil the Armenian Museum of its space and forbid access to its
    collections, all this with an astonishing silence of the Ministry of


    In July 2011, the Ministry of Culture, through the voice of its Director of
    Heritage, Philippe Belaval, informed the Armenian Museum that renovations
    works must be undertaken in the building to allow the reopening of the
    Ennery museum. Same letter asked to move away the collections for security
    reasons, while certifying their resettlement at the same place at the end
    of works. Letter from the Director of Heritage (Direction des Patrimoines),
    July 26, 2011. Document n°4

    The Armenian Museum logically released its showrooms early September 2011,
    and carried its collections on hand in a warehouse in the Paris suburbs
    waiting to come back to the Ennery Hotel.

    Letter from Frédéric Mitterrand, Minister of Culture, February 23, 2012 to
    the Director of the Armenian Museum. The Minister thanked "personally and
    very deeply" the Armenian Museum for leaving its rooms available in order
    to allow the renovation of the Ennery Museum. Document n°5


    The renovation, financed entirely by the Ministry of Culture, was completed
    on time, and the Ennery Museum - beautifully restored - was inaugurated on
    March 13, 2012 in the presence of Frédéric Mitterrand, the Minister of

    In a letter from April 2, 2012, the Armenian Museum of France logically
    asked the Ministry of Culture and the Guimet Museum to notify on what date
    it will reintegrate its rooms, but the commitment of the Ministry of July
    26, 2011 was no longer considered valid.

    Response from Mr. Olivier de Bernon, President of the Guimet Museum, in
    his letter of April 26, 2012:

    "The rooms occupied by your collections are not available." See photos

    "Therefore I cannot offer you more, while waiting for a better solution,
    than to seek with you in the Ennery building, a suitable place to receive
    your collections, kept in their packaging." Document n°6

    Since 2012, the halls of the Armenian Museum have been used for storage
    (empty shelves, boxes ...).

    Today, these shelves still occupy the rooms.

    [image: Images intégrées 4]

    Pictures taken during a bailiff visit on May 30, 2012, after the refusal of
    the Ministry of Culture to honor its commitment of 26 July 2011 (document
    n°4) to return these rooms to the Armenian Museum of France.

    [image: Images intégrées 5]

    After many requests from the Armenian Museum, the "Direction des Musées de
    France", given the high cost of abroad warehouse storage of collections,
    authorized only the partial return in October 2012 to the former reserve
    room at the Hotel Ennery.

    However up today it is impossible to recover the showroom. The rest of the
    collections remains stuck in the warehouse near Paris.


    In the book "La récréation" (The recess) by Frédéric Mitterrand, published
    October 24, 2013, on his visit to the Armenian Museum, the "author"
    disavows "the Minister", without comment...

    Letter from Frédéric Mitterrand, Minister of Culture, 14.03.2012 addressed
    to the Head of the Armenian Museum of France:

    "You know my attachment to the history of art particularly that of
    Armenian heritage, the Armenian Museum of France is one of the most
    successful expressions."

    "You also call my attention to the difficulties currently faced by your
    establishment...." Document n°7

    >From June 2009 to May 2012, during the time which Frederic Mitterrand was
    Minister, the director of the Armenian Museum addressed 17 letters to the
    Ministry of Culture, mainly to search for a suitable and sustainable
    location for exposure.

    Excerpt from "Recess" by Frédéric Mitterrand, page 90:

    "... On the ground floor, an Armenian museum filled with caftans and an
    incredible bric-a-brac from multiple inheritances. An old and anxious
    gentleman (note: the President of the Armenian Museum of France), out of a
    closet, panics at the idea that someone might one day be interested in this
    nice mess; he made up his mind to keep it hidden until the end of time."

    [image: Images intégrées 6]

    The case of the official residence of the Hotel d'Ennery:

    [image: Images intégrées 7]

    Remember, the rooms on the ground floor are occupied by the Armenian
    Museum, those of the first floor by the Ennery Museum, the 2nd and top
    floor houses an apartment.

    This apartment is used as the official residence of the President of the
    Guimet Museum and was completely renovated between 2008 and 2009.

    Hôtel d'Ennery, 59 avenue Foch, Paris 16ème

    Frédéric Mitterrand writes in "La récréation" when visiting the Hotel
    Ennery in November 2009:

    "I hear scraping from the top floor and notice a small staircase that
    leads to carpeted fees. "It's nothing up there, there is nothing to see,
    sir," cries the chorus of guides increasingly supplied with heart-rending
    anguish. I go upstairs, two Moroccan workers are now scratching the floors,
    giving the final touches to a superb renovated apartment that opens onto
    the foliage of the avenue. Given the price per square meter in this area, I
    mentally calculate the happiness of the mysterious tenant.

    The two Moroccans are excited by my surprise visit, they saw me on TV and
    are very talkative in telling me about the workflow. The procession that
    followed me hears this innocent confession in stony silence. Some very
    pale, some others red as a lobster, all looking at their feet. Finally,
    someone denounces: the `official residence' of the Museum's President, he
    said under his breath. I shorten the agony and left the whole company
    petrified. There are other abandoned museums like this in Paris,
    disappeared from the field of view of the State which is in charge yet, but
    not lost for everyone ... " (page 91 of the first edition).

    Despite this refurbishment, the official residence has been occupied only
    for a few months. It has been vacant since 2011. Since then, the President
    of the Guimet Museum now occupies another official residence in the 16th
    district of Paris.


    Since the letter from the Guimet Museum's Director on April 16, 2012
    prohibiting the return of the Armenian collections at the Hotel Ennery,
    despite the validity of the ministerial decree of 1953 and despite the
    written commitment of 26 July 2011 from the Ministry on the reintegration
    of the Armenian Museum collections, the 17 letters sent by the Armenian
    Museum to the Ministry of Culture - between April 16, 2012 and May 27, 2014
    - remain unanswered.

    Letters from the President of the French Republic to the Armenian Museum
    of France

    The Chief of Staff of François Holland, on March 13th, 2013

    "Stay assured that has been noted with a particular attention your wish to
    have the Armenian Museum of France reinstated in the two rooms on the
    ground floor of the Ennery Museum in Paris, occupied by your collection
    until September 2011, as it has been promised by the Head Director of

    The Presidency thus recognizes the commitment of the French government to
    restore the Armenian Museum into its halls. Document n°8

    The Chief of Staff of François Holland, on October 31st, 2013

    "The President of the Republic received the correspondence in which you
    share your repeated concerns about the fate of the collections of the
    Armenian Museum of France at the approach of the centenary celebrations of
    the Armenian genocide. At the request of the Head of State, your comments
    have been shared to the new Minister of Culture and Communication to make
    it proceed with the careful consideration of this matter. She will keep you
    directly informed of the follow up given to your intervention.` Document

    The Ministry of Culture did not contact the Armenian Museum of France.


    While the public was invited less than a year ago to the Ennery Museum's
    opening without any limitation, and the apartment on the top floor has
    undergone renovation, security problems were put forward as a reason to ask
    for, once again, the departure of the collections of the Armenian Museum in

    Letter from the President of the Guimet Museum, Ms. Makariou to the
    Armenian Museum of France, February 6th, 2014

    The president of the Guimet Museum, Mrs Sophie Makariou, successor of Mr.
    Olivier de Bernon, informed the Armenian Museum of France on her desire to
    place in the Guimet warehouse in March 2014 the Armenian museum collections
    that had been partially reinstated in October 2012 in the reserve room of
    Hotel d'Ennery, while indicating the search for an exhibition solution for
    the Armenian Museum. Document n°10

    The Armenian Museum, by a letter on February 25, 2014 to the Director of
    the Guimet Museum, sensing a new eviction maneuver this time definitive,
    answered that it refuses to move without any confirmation on a new
    exhibition space, and emphasized the commitment of the State end the
    Ministry to restore it to its exhibition rooms in April 2012.

    In a new letter, it is now water infiltration problems that threaten the
    ground floor and these are put forward to call for the departure of the
    collections. Note that the reserve room of the Armenian Museum is located
    on the ground floor, and if water infiltration problems with the roof of
    the building had been detected, it would be all the collections, including
    the ones of the Ennery Museum on the 1st floor that should be immediately
    evacuated (not to mention the official residence on the top floor!).

    Letter from the Head Administrator of the Guimet Museum, Mr. Frederic
    Sallet to the Armenian Museum of France, on March 12th, 2014

    The head administrator of the Guimet Museum, Frederic Sallet, informed the
    Armenian Museum that he contacted several transportation companies,
    offering to arrange the transfer of the collections before the end of
    March. Document n°11

    All amicable remedies have been exhausted, the dozens of letters warning
    about the situation of the Armenian Museum addressed to the President of
    the Republic, the Ministry of Culture and the Director of Heritage remained
    unanswered, the Armenian Museum of France has now no other choice to seek
    the help of a lawyer to assert its rights.

    On March 24th, 2014, arguing the commitments of the State, the lawyer
    informs the head administrator of the Guimet Museum, Frederic Sallet, that
    the Armenian Museum refuses this forced relocation. Document n°12


    The locks of the building have been changed, so the Armenian Museum of
    France no longer has access to its collections. The Armenian Museum is
    forced to cancel the lending requests from other museums for the 2015
    exhibitions, and a TV team from France 2 which came to cover the story has
    been prohibited to access to the collections. The relocation of the
    collections is "ongoing".

    On March 31st, 2014, the Armenian Museum no longer has access to its
    collections. Access to the Hotel d'Ennery is cut off. The keys to the gate
    of the building on the avenue have been changed, and the guard of the
    Hotel d'Ennery informs in front of witnesses that he has been ordered to
    block access to the Armenian Museum of France to its President and anybody

    Letter from the Armenian Museum of France addressed to the President of
    the Republic of March 31st, 2014 concerning the prohibition that has been
    made to access its collections. Document n°13. The letter remained

    Calendar coincidence? Pressure attempt? On March 31st, 2014, the Armenian
    Museum of France received a bill of 35,000 =82¬ for storage costs (April 2012
    - March 2014 period) for the collection that could not be reinstated in the
    Hotel d'Ennery, due to the occupancy of its rooms by the Guimet Museum.

    The storage company, the Chenue Company, that manages the storage of the
    largest national museums, were aware of the deadlock orchestrated by the
    Guimet Museum and the Director des Patrimoines. Note that since April 2012,
    when the company was made aware of the blockage, and in the expectation
    that the Ministry of Culture would unravel the situation, no invoice was
    sent to the Armenian Museum.

    Letter from Frederic Sallet, head administrator of the Guimet Museum, to
    the Armenian Museum of France, on April 4th, 2014. Mr. Sallet informed the
    Armenian Museum that he had received the letter from its lawyer on its
    refusal to move, but still for safety reasons, he "invites" the Director of
    the Armenian Museum `to be present to assist and monitor the transfer
    operation and set aside (...), transfer that will be supported materially
    and financially by the public institution (note: the Museum Guimet)' and is
    at the disposal of the Armenian museum to communicate the date of the
    transfer. After changing the locks on the building, Mr. Sallet thus takes
    the unilateral decision to move the Armenian Museum's collection! Document

    Since April 2014, the Armenian Museum no longer has access to its
    collections, and is unable to respond to lending requests from the MuCEM
    in Marseille, the Catholic Institute of Valencia, and Museums of Toulon and
    Monaco for the centenary commemoration of the Armenian Genocide.

    Letter from the President of the Armenian Museum of France
    to Frederic Sallet, head administrator of the Guimet Museum, on April 24th,
    2014. Document n°15. Mr. Sallet was questioned about his behavior and his
    decision to move the collections of the Armenian Museum. The letter
    remained unanswered.


    In early April 2014, the Armenian Museum filed a request in front of the
    Administrative Court, but the judge of Administrative Court considered that
    this case does not fall under its jurisdiction, but under the High Court
    (Tribunal de Grande Instance).

    On May 13, 2014, on the eve of the hearing, a surprising event occured: The
    Prefet of Paris came in requesting the Prosecutor of the Republic of Paris
    and asked for the incompetence of the High Court, after the initial
    rejection by the Administrative Court on April 10, 2014.

    Letter from the Armenian Museum to the President of the Republic, on May
    26th, 2014, explaining the situation faced by the museum, and asking him
    to intervene for the commitment of the State to be respected. Document
    n°16. The letter remained unanswered.

    On June 4th, 2014, at the hearing, the High Court was agreed with the
    opinion of the Prefect of Paris and declared itself incompetent to judge
    the case. However, the judge proposed a mediation. The Armenian Museum
    accepted the mediation, hoping to participate in 2015 with its collections
    to commemorate the centenary of the genocide.

    On June 6th 2014, the management of the Guimet Museum made known through
    his lawyers, its refusal of the mediation.

    The situation regarding the access to the Armenian Museum collections has
    been completely blocked ever since.


    Still today, nobody knows what has happened to the Armenian Museum
    collections left inside the Hotel d'Ennery in March 2014.

    Facing the blocking of legal proceedings, and the moral duty of the
    Armenian Museum of France to participate in the commemoration of the
    centenary of the Armenian genocide of 1915, the Support Committee of the
    Armenian Museum of France has launched a petition and started to
    communicate over social networks.

    More than 13,000 supporters around the world - from Facebook and
    - have asked for this unique heritage to be rescued.

    One question remains: Why this desire for destruction of the Armenian
    cultural heritage in France, on the eve of the centenary of the 1915

    Press contact
    Support Committee of the Armenian Museum of France
    Mail: [email protected]
    Tel: +33 (0)783 073 628
    Information on the Armenian Museum Of France
    Petition Link
