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Anti-Armenian Acts On The Rise In Turkey

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  • Anti-Armenian Acts On The Rise In Turkey


    Thursday, March 26th, 2015 | Posted by Asbarez Staff

    Graffiti on the wall of St. Mary's Church in Istanbul says '1915,
    a blessed year'

    ISTANBUL--Anti-Armenian hate speech graffiti appeared on the walls
    of an Armenian church, around the same time as the Mayor of Ankara
    called Armenians "disgusting." All this ahead of the 100th anniversary
    of the Armenian Genocide.

    The St. Mary's (Sourp Astvadzadzin) Church in the Bakirkoy neighborhood
    of Istanbul was desecrated with hate speech graffiti that read "1915,
    a blessed year," reported Today's Zaman newspaper.

    Another message on the church was read: "What does it matter if you
    are all Armenian when there is already one Ogun Samast," referring
    to the convicted killer of Hrant Dink, after whose death many Turks
    took to the streets with placards that read "We are all Dink. We are
    all Armenian."

    Another insciption on the church wall reads: 'What does it matter if
    you are all Armenian when there is already one Ogun Samast'

    Today's Zaman wrote that its reporter visited the site on Wednesday
    morning and found that the graffiti had been painted over. But an
    administrator at the church said, "This type of thing happens all
    the time." The Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul refused to comment
    on the matter. No criminal complaint has been filed.

    The incident comes hot on the heels of another racist slur against
    Armenians in Turkey. It was reported on Tuesday that Ankara Mayor
    Melih Gokcek had filed a criminal complaint against Turkish-Armenian
    journalist Hayko Bagdat on defamation charges after Bagdat posted
    lighthearted tweets on his Twitter account referring to the mayor as
    an Armenian after the March 2014 local elections.

    Gokcek appears to believe it an insult to be called an Armenian
    as his lawyer petitioned the Ankara Prosecutor's Office, saying,
    "The statements [by Bagdat] are false and include insult and libel."

    Ankara Mayor Melih Gokcek

    Ankara mayor says being called an "Armenian" is an insult Ankara Mayor
    Melih Gokcek has filed a criminal complaint against Turkish-Armenian
    journalist Hayko Bagdat on defamation charges, after the latter
    jokingly posted tweets referring to him as an Armenian after the
    March 2014 local elections.

    According to the Diken website and the state-run Anadolu news agency,
    Gokcek's petition to the Ankara Prosecutor's Office stated that Bagdat,
    who has more than 300,000 followers on Twitter, wrote a series of posts
    in the wake of Gokcek's victory in last year's March elections. One
    of Bagdat's messages said: "It is official; they gave the capital
    city to an Armenian. What a shame!" according to the petition.

    The petition also said a Twitter hashtag "melihgokcekermeniymis"
    (Melih Gokcek turns out to be Armenian) was allegedly used by Bagdat
    in his tweets on the social media website.

    Gokcek's lawyer said in the petition that the mayor is "a citizen of
    the Turkish Republic who loves his country and his nation" and that
    Bagdat is aware of this. "The statements [by Bagdat] are false and
    include insult and libel," the petition said.

    In addition, the mayor filed a lawsuit with the court claiming that
    he was insulted by being called "Armenian."

    Gokcek also sued Bagdat in civil court, demanding compensation of
    10,000 liras for psychological damages. Bagdat announced the lawsuit on
    Twitter, saying: "Turns out Melih Gokcek sued me demanding 10,000 liras
    for calling him "Armenian, dude. We are going to have so much fun."
