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We Are Living In The Period Of Unfinished War - Gagik Ginosyan

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  • We Are Living In The Period Of Unfinished War - Gagik Ginosyan


    13:30 / 23.03.2015

    "We must be clever enough and act in a way to bring our losses to
    minimum," founder-commander of Armenia's first intelligence squad
    Vova Vardanov told at a news conference today, referring to the recent
    attacks of the Azerbaijani forces.

    "The farmer of the bordering village must too have a Kalashnikov by
    his side. The concern that the possession of arms will cause fights
    is senseless as such incidents occur while having illegal weapon. The
    residents of bordering villages must have a right to possess weapon,"
    he said, offering creation special coordinated center which will be
    controlled by the president or Security Council.

    Vardanov said that the recent cases revealed two names - Andranik
    Grigoryan who left the ammunition and passed to the enemy's side and
    Zhora Grigoryan who bravely fought but was not awarded as in Armenia
    only killed soldiers are being awarded. "We open school named after
    axed person but we must name it after a person who did not allow
    himself be axed," he said.

    Referring to the flaws, he said that we are considering ourselves
    contemporary but we do not have money for contemporary devices.

    Founder of Karin traditional dancing ensemble, freedom fighter Gagik
    Ginosyan said that it is impossible to fully prevent such incidents.

    It is necessary to understand that the enemy is solving some political
    issues. "We must understand that if we want to live in independent
    homeland we will always have this issue. We must not forget that we
    are living in the period of unfinished war. We must always have sober,
    battle-worthy army. It is the only way to bring the number of losses
    to minimum," he said, adding that it is very painful to have losses,
    but impossible to avoid them.

    "We know very well which posts are more dangerous. Such posts must
    be upgraded with newest technology while there are posts with no
    electricity," Ginosyan said, urging to cooperate with the companies
    producing newest technology and get devices for free.

    From: A. Papazian