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ANKARA: Armenia Focused On Hampering Bilateral Relations, Says Turki

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  • ANKARA: Armenia Focused On Hampering Bilateral Relations, Says Turki


    Journal of Turkish Weekly
    March 25 2015

    25 March 2015

    Turkish Parliament Speaker Cemil Cicek has said that even though
    Turkey is "approaching Armenia with candidness in an effort to resolve
    the 1915 incidents," Yerevan focuses on the events to hamper the
    normalization process between the two countries.

    "We see that Armenia chooses to focus on intensifying its anti-Turkey
    events organized within the concept of the centenary of the 1915
    incidents, rather than carrying the normalization process further on
    the path towards April 24. This is despite all the well-intentioned
    initiatives coming from our country," said Cicek during a speech titled
    "Turkey-U.S. Relations in the 21st Century" at the Center for Strategic
    and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington on March 24.

    He said there was "no change" in Turkey's stance toward normalizing
    relations with Armenia, adding there was still hope for it to improve.

    "The condolences messages and statements about these issues by our
    president and prime minister are important steps taken in this way,"
    Cicek said, referring to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's message
    issued in April 2014.

    Cicek also said Turkey had opened all of its archives to researchers
    and wished that the Armenians would do the same.

    "We want the exploitation [of the subject] to be removed and for
    peace to be supported by enlightening historical facts. We are ready
    to give support to any kind of research," he added.

    The year 2015 marks the centenary of the 1915 Ottoman Armenian mass
    killings during World War I.

    While Armenia and a number of other countries and international
    organizations legally refer to the incidents as genocide, the Turkish
    state does not accept the term.

    The Turkish Foreign Ministry's view of the issue, published on its
    website, states that Turkey "does not deny the suffering of Armenians,
    including the loss of many innocent lives, during the First World War.

    However, a greater numbers of Turks died or were killed in the
    years leading up to and during the War. Without belittling the
    tragic consequences for any group, Turkey objects to the one-sided
    presentation of this tragedy as genocide by one group against another."

    25 March 2015
