03.27.2015 13:34
Arayik Asatryan, another resident of the buildings at 23, 25 Teryan
Str. and 37 Lalayants Str., the area of which has been announced an
eminent domain, has faced court. "Local Developers" company, owned by
businessman Samvel Mayrapetyan, filed a suit demanding that a court
decision evict Asatryan from his appartment by means of the Compulsory
Enforcement Service. Yesterday, however, the Court of General
Jurisdiction of Kentron and Nork-Marash Administrative Districts
delayed the proceedings for nearly 3 months, until June 29. Teryan
23 resident and "Mer Kaghake" ("Our City") civil initiative member
Vardan Geravetyan (pictured) told about the court decision,
connecting the latter with other similar developments in the case.
Earlier, the company had filed suits against 3 other residents,
while the latter entered court with counter suits demanding that
their right to private property be respected and the harassment
against their estate stopped.
"Basically, the court neither wanted to present in a bad light in
front of us, nor in front of Mayrapetyan. They left the decision to
the Court of Appeals. We assume that today's hearing being delayed for
so long is due to the fact that the court is waiting for the other
3 cases' verdicts by the Court of Appeals. It is more than obvious,
that Arayik Asatryan would have also submitted a counter suit, had
the hearing proceeded," Geravetyan said when speaking to
During yesterday's court hearing, the residents of the three buildings
organized a rally in support of Asatryan. They moved toward the
government building then to the Kentron and Nork Marash Court of
First Instance.
All the resident of the buildings at 23, 25 Teryan Str. and 37
Lalayants Str. have been faced with similar issues. They have received
letters saying that they could not sell their apartments to anyone
other than to the "Local Developers" company. The company claims that
they are offering a price set by the law- the market value plus 10%.
However, the residents claim that they have been offered 2 1/2 times
lower than the market value. The alternative to offering money would
be an appartment in another building. The residents, however, are not
pleased with the latter option either, saying that the conditions in
the proposed building are not satisfactory.
03.27.2015 13:34
Arayik Asatryan, another resident of the buildings at 23, 25 Teryan
Str. and 37 Lalayants Str., the area of which has been announced an
eminent domain, has faced court. "Local Developers" company, owned by
businessman Samvel Mayrapetyan, filed a suit demanding that a court
decision evict Asatryan from his appartment by means of the Compulsory
Enforcement Service. Yesterday, however, the Court of General
Jurisdiction of Kentron and Nork-Marash Administrative Districts
delayed the proceedings for nearly 3 months, until June 29. Teryan
23 resident and "Mer Kaghake" ("Our City") civil initiative member
Vardan Geravetyan (pictured) told about the court decision,
connecting the latter with other similar developments in the case.
Earlier, the company had filed suits against 3 other residents,
while the latter entered court with counter suits demanding that
their right to private property be respected and the harassment
against their estate stopped.
"Basically, the court neither wanted to present in a bad light in
front of us, nor in front of Mayrapetyan. They left the decision to
the Court of Appeals. We assume that today's hearing being delayed for
so long is due to the fact that the court is waiting for the other
3 cases' verdicts by the Court of Appeals. It is more than obvious,
that Arayik Asatryan would have also submitted a counter suit, had
the hearing proceeded," Geravetyan said when speaking to
During yesterday's court hearing, the residents of the three buildings
organized a rally in support of Asatryan. They moved toward the
government building then to the Kentron and Nork Marash Court of
First Instance.
All the resident of the buildings at 23, 25 Teryan Str. and 37
Lalayants Str. have been faced with similar issues. They have received
letters saying that they could not sell their apartments to anyone
other than to the "Local Developers" company. The company claims that
they are offering a price set by the law- the market value plus 10%.
However, the residents claim that they have been offered 2 1/2 times
lower than the market value. The alternative to offering money would
be an appartment in another building. The residents, however, are not
pleased with the latter option either, saying that the conditions in
the proposed building are not satisfactory.