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STRATEGY DOOMED TO FAILURE And The Turkish Dream Of The American Con

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  • STRATEGY DOOMED TO FAILURE And The Turkish Dream Of The American Con


    Friday, 27 March 2015 13:59

    The Turkish authorities' recent foreign policy strategy and especially
    the intensification of diplomatic efforts in the American direction
    are visible to the naked eye.

    The steps taken by official Ankara reflect the concerns of the
    country's authorities related to the stance of the international
    community on the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and, in
    particular, the possible emphasis of the USA President's annual speech.

    The Turkish authorities' actions and different-level statements reveal
    this tactics: the Armenian Genocide is presented in other words -
    'general pain', 'sad news', or that not only Armenians became victims
    of the 'mournful events', but also representatives of other nations
    professing the Muslim faith. Along with the denial, they try to exert
    pressure on the international community for impeding the further
    process of recognition, and if we pay attention to the statements of
    the country's President, Prime Minister and other political figures,
    we'll see the obvious goal.

    But, a goal is one thing and the contradicting reality is another
    thing. Turkey feels itself defeated in the European direction -
    it got furious about the resolution on the 100th anniversary of the
    Armenian Genocide adopted on March 3 at the Political Summit of the
    leading political force of the European Parliament - the European
    Popular Party. The resolution "The Armenian Genocide: the Turkish
    Responsibility and European Values" condemned the crime committed at
    the beginning of the 20th century and called upon Turkey to recognize
    it. It is noted in the resolution that the archives of some states -
    Germany, Great Britain, USA, and France - contain irrefutable evidence
    on the commitment of the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire by
    the Young Turks' government. The resolution condemns the destruction
    of thousands of Armenian cultural monuments in Turkey. It calls upon
    Turkey to accept its own history and recognize finally the fact of
    the Armenian Genocide, to pay reimbursement, as appropriate to a
    European country, and to ensure the Armenians' right to safe return
    and reunification with their national home.

    The resolution calls on the EU, the Council of Europe member-states,
    international organizations, to all the goodwill-people, irrespective
    of their ethnic and religious affiliations, to join efforts to restore
    the historic justice and to pay the worthy tribute to the memory of
    the innocent victims of the Armenian Genocide.

    Based on the EPP resolution, the European Parliament presented on
    March 12 its annual report on human rights and democracy, in which
    it urged all the European countries to recognize the Armenian Genocide.

    Paragraph 77 of the report reads as follows: "Ahead is the 100th
    anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, and the European Parliament calls
    on all the member-states to legally recognize it, as well as calls
    upon the EU member-states and institutions for further contribution
    to its acknowledgment".

    A day after the publication of the report, on March 14, Press Secretary
    of the Turkish Foreign Ministry Tanju Bilgic issued a statement,
    condemning the appeal of the European Parliament for the recognition
    of the Armenian Genocide. According to the Turkish official, the
    appeal displays a one-sided approach and is a document containing
    requirements lacking any logic and legitimacy.

    Bilgic commented in his own way on the passage of the EPP's resolution,
    in which hope was expressed that the recognition and condemnation of
    the Armenian Genocide by Turkey would open a new page in the process
    of reconciliation between the two nations. By the way, the resolution
    is concluded with these lines. In contrary to this, the Turkish
    Foreign Ministry spokesman noted that such moves could damage the
    improvement of the Armenian-Turkish relations. It is clear that the
    European values are unacceptable for Bilgic, because they advocate
    Genocide recognition and condemnation, which could become a basis
    for the reconciliation process. The Turkish logic differs from this -
    it is the recognition that damages the reconciliation process. It is
    clear that due to the collision of this logic, the EU closed its doors
    before this state. Those wishing to join the European family should,
    at least, be guided by the values of this family.

    The Turkish diplomacy decided to show activity in the United States -
    Turkey's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Serdar Kilic
    participated in the 35-th conference of the US-Turkish alliance of
    organizations (ATAA) in Washington, during which he touched upon
    the issue of the Armenian Genocide. According to the Turkish Anadolu
    News Agency, Kilic openly stated what he wanted - they will continue
    struggling against the U.S. recognition of the Armenian Genocide. He
    called for using joint efforts to crown successfully this struggle.

    The Turkish Ambassador disclosed his main goal, noting that it hurts
    him that and that Armenians'
    goal is to force the U.S. to recognize the Genocide and thus to damage
    the Turkish-American relations.

    The Ambassador's statement proves once again that Turkey doesn't
    refuse of its denial policy; moreover, it notifies of its concrete
    goal - to conduct an anti-Armenian policy at the American legislature.

    Let us pay attention to another idea by the Ambassador - the best
    way of the struggle is to ensure a representation at the U.S. Congress.

    In the current conditions of the USA-Turkey relations, when the
    political strategy of the American regime on restraining Turkey in
    the Middle East is obvious, it is absurd to expect ensuring Ankara's
    presence in the Congress. It is a Turkish absurdity or Erdogan's
    unrealizable dream.

    Let us note that Turkey has assumed a new strategy not only in the
    foreign-, but also in the domestic policy. It is known that Turkey is
    preparing for the June 7 elections to the Great National Assembly,
    and the Turkish authorities pay special attention to the Armenian
    candidates. It is quite clear that this country aims to involve
    Armenian intellectuals in the denial process as well. The Turkish
    state is sure that the issue will be easily resolved through the
    efforts of the elected Armenian MPs.

    According to the Armenian experts on Turkish issues, Armenian
    candidates at the Majlis elections can be, first of all, from the
    leading 'Justice and Development' Party, as well as the Kurdish
    'People's Democratic' and Kemalists' 'People's Democratic' Parties.

    The Turkish elite's calculations are obvious - they involved Armenian
    candidates also in the political forces, which are not governmental,
    but are controlled by the authorities; it allows making a clear idea
    of their future parliamentary activities.

    The conclusion is as follows: Turkey's new strategy is doomed to
    failure, both in the foreign and domestic policy. Their organizational
    activities in the political, diplomatic, and scientific spheres
    related to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide - to deny
    the Armenian Genocide, the people's deprivation of homeland, and the
    confiscation of their property - are not expected to be a success.

    Similarly unsuccessful is their aspiration to make the Armenian
    intellectuals a political tool in the domestic issues.

