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ANCA Launches 'March To Justice' Online Advocacy Campaign

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  • ANCA Launches 'March To Justice' Online Advocacy Campaign


    18:40, 27 Mar 2015
    Siranush Ghazanchyan

    The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) has launched "March
    to Justice," - a robust interactive global on-line platform for the
    growth of sustained grassroots engagement in support of justice for
    the Armenian Genocide and durable security for the Armenian nation.

    Timed to coincide with the Armenian Genocide Centennial commemorative
    activities across the U.S. and around the world, March to Justice -- -- is designed to help expand the impact of
    individual activists and community groups by providing an easy-to-use
    online action tool to materially increase the pro-Armenian voice in
    public policy and civic life.

    "In 1915, Armenians were forced to march, as survivors, to endure
    the horrors of genocide," explained ANCA Executive Director Aram
    Hamparian. "Today, we join with allies worldwide to march once again,
    this time as citizens, to secure the justice the Armenian nation
    requires to survive."

    Individuals are asked to visit, watch the
    inaugural March to Justice video, and then take three simple steps
    to add their voice to the global campaign for truth:

    1) Record or share a brief video outlining why, this Armenian Genocide
    Centennial year is the time to strengthen our call for justice for
    the Armenian nation

    2) Send letters to elected officials and international leaders
    (automatically addressed based on the country of the sender) demanding
    justice for the Armenian Genocide. America-based advocates will have
    the opportunity to share their views with the UN Secretary General
    Ban Ki-Moon, President Obama and Vice-President Biden, and Senate and
    House members with just a few clicks. International advocates will
    be reaching out to the United Nations, and in the case of Australia
    and Canada, top government and party leaders.

    3) Easily share the video and actions taken with friends and family on
    popular social media platforms - from Facebook and Twitter to Google
    Plus - with just a few clicks.

    Each action taken will be recorded on an interactive map which will
    track the steps toward justice taken by activists around the globe.

    The vision for the platform was devised by ANCA Information Technology
    Director Nerses Semerjian, who joined the ANCA's Washington DC team
    in late 2014. "Our communities around the globe are working hard -
    24 /7 - to secure a just resolution for the Armenian Genocide, ensure
    Artsakh freedom, support a strong Armenia, assist our brothers and
    sisters in the Middle East - in a myriad of different ways," said
    Semerjian. "We wanted to launch a simple platform that would harness
    the power of all these forces for justice, help them share their
    views and values with elected officials at unprecedented levels,
    and leverage the global commitment of a united Armenian nation."

    In the upcoming weeks and months, the ANCA's March to Justice campaign
    looks forward to teaming up with organizations and local community
    groups to help expand their voices in the public policy arena with
    this simple online application.
