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CNF to Provide 445000 Euros To Support Specially Protected Areas

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  • CNF to Provide 445000 Euros To Support Specially Protected Areas

    CNF to Provide 445000 Euros To Support Specially Protected Areas

    17:28 March 25, 2015

    Caucasus Nature Fund (CNF) plans to provide 445,000 Euros to support
    specially protected areas of nature in Armenia, as CNF Executive
    Director David Morrison said during his meeting with Nature Protection
    Minister Aramayis Grigoryan on 25 March.

    David Morrison noted that the management plan of "Dilijan" National
    Park for 2016-2020will be submitted for the approval of Nature
    Protection Ministry already in August.

    The perspectives of the activities of Znagezour Biospheric Complex
    were discussed in a new format as a single complex. The parties
    attached much value to the pilot project of biodiversity monitoring
    planned to be carried out in "Khosrov Forest" State Reserve. Minister
    Aramayis Grigoryan proposed to introduce a parallel monitoring program
    in Zangezour Biospheric Complex area.

    From: A. Papazian