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We have never been closer to a nuclear deal: EU's Mogherini

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  • We have never been closer to a nuclear deal: EU's Mogherini

    We have never been closer to a nuclear deal: EU's Mogherini

    Sat Mar 28, 2015 6:26PM

    High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and
    Security Policy Federica Mogherini delivers a statement upon her
    arrival to attend talks over Iran's nuclear program in Lausanne,
    Switzerland, on March 28, 2015. ((c) AFP)

    High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and
    Security Policy Federica Mogherini says the six countries engaged in
    talks with Iran over Tehran's nuclear program have never been closer
    to a deal.

    "As you know, we have never been so close to a deal. We still have
    some critical points that need to be solved, and we are working over
    the hours, over the weekend to bridge the gaps. I will not go into the
    details of the negotiations. It's not the right time to do it. I hope
    we manage to do it in the coming days," Mogherini told reports in
    Lausanne, Switzerland, on Saturday evening.

    She added, "We are always optimistic... As I said, we have never been
    so close in the last weeks. I think we've made substantial progress so
    the work of the last weeks has been very positive. There still are
    some points on which we have to work hard to find solutions."

    "I think if there is the common ground that unites us all in the
    negotiations, we can have a good deal - a deal that can be solid. A
    good deal for everybody and having a good deal would be obviously very
    important for us," the EU foreign policy chief pointed out.

    Mogherini's remarks come as Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad
    Zarif earlier on Saturday held separate talks with his German and
    French counterparts over the outstanding issues between the parties to
    the negotiations.

    Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif (center) speaks to
    reporters after separate meetings with his German and French
    counterparts in Lausanne, Switzerland, March 28, 2015. (c) AP

    Zarif told reporters that he had an "excellent" meeting with the
    German and French foreign ministers.

    "I had a very good meeting with both, we discussed all the issues that
    need to be resolved," he said.

    Iran's top diplomat added, "I think we can in fact make the necessary
    progress to be able to resolve all the issues and write them down in a
    text that will become the final agreement. It depends on how long it
    will take to do that but we are prepared to work diligently in order
    to move forward and I think that there is every indication that we can
    in fact move forward."

    Also on Saturday, senior negotiators from Iran and the United States
    sat down for another round of negotiations in Lausanne.

    Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif (R), head of the Atomic Energy
    Organization of Iran Ali Akbar Salehi (2nd R), US Secretary of State
    John Kerry (L), and US Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz (2nd L) wait
    at the start of a meeting on nuclear talks in Lausanne, Switzerland,
    March 28, 2015. (c) AP

    Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council - the
    United States, Britain, France, Russia and China - plus Germany are
    seeking to clinch a comprehensive nuclear deal as a deadline slated
    for July 1 draws closer.

