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Armenian Investigators'Re Deprived Of Full Investigation Of Permyako

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  • Armenian Investigators'Re Deprived Of Full Investigation Of Permyako


    Siranuysh Papyan, Interviewer
    Interview - 30 March 2015, 16:00

    Interview with Yervand Varosyan, advocate and representative of the
    successors of the Avetisyan family

    The chairman of the Russian State Duma has announced that Permyakov's
    trial will be in the territory of Armenia, and this is what the
    Armenian people have asked for. Is this what the Armenian people
    demanded and what developments have been there relating to this case?

    We shouldn't have had anything to ask others for. We simply should
    have acted appropriately on the first day. The government agencies,
    namely the police should have worked instead of talking to journalists
    until Permyakov appeared in the Russian base. We shouldn't have asked
    anything from anyone.

    Three months have passed since the incident. Wasn't this time enough
    for the society to have at least some information on the case, rather
    than the incidental news?

    We always try to give some information, especially relating to the
    conclusions of experts, but we know about the case investigated by the
    Armenian Investigative Committee only. We don't know anything about
    what is happening on the Russian side, what they are investigating,
    where they are investigating, so we cannot make assessments.

    What do you think about the work done by the Armenian investigators?

    Do they have enough freedom to investigate or is the Russian side
    dominant in the investigation of the case?

    The Armenian investigators cannot conduct a full investigation
    when Permyakov is not under the jurisdiction of Armenia. As to the
    questions about the quality of the investigation by the Armenian
    investigators, the results of it, their answers will be received after
    the investigation is completed. At the moment, I can state that we
    haven't encountered obstacles by the Armenian investigators.

    You, the representatives of the successors of the Avetisyan family,
    held a press conference and published some information. What are your
    next steps?

    They will depend on the course of the investigation. There are
    important forensic conclusions which have not been received yet. As
    soon as they are received, we will have the answers to some questions.

    If questions remain without answers, we will identify our further

    It was stated during the press conference that sweat found on the
    clothes and Permyakov's sweat belong to the same group but the genetic
    examination will find out whether Permyakov was wearing those clothes
    or not.

    It is early to talk about this. As soon as the conclusion is received,
    it will be obvious whether the clothes were on the same person or
    another person with the same blood group.

    Is news about Permyakov having mental disorders refuted already?

    I wouldn't like to rush forward and I think the relevant expert
    should make an assessment. Not a lawyer but an expert can give a
    comprehensive and final answer to this question.

    Would this case have been revealed if it had not involved a serviceman
    of the Russian military base? Is Russia setting obstacles to Armenia
    and do you have such concerns?

    We cannot claim that we don't get any information because the
    accused serves in the Russian military base. Investigation of any
    case is confidential. As to the effectiveness of the investigation,
    our investigative body is deprived of an opportunity for a full,
    effective investigation.

    The Russian Prosecutor General's Office answered Zaruhi Postanjyan's
    letter but has not answered the letter of the Armenian prosecutor
    general. In legal terms, is it possible to delay the response for
    three months? Why no answer has been received so far?

    Unfortunately, there is no time limitation for the Russian prosecutor
    general to respond. It may be difficult for them to answer, I can't
    tell why they have not answered yet, or at least I am not aware if
    any response has been received. Nevertheless, we don't want to dwell
    on this correspondence, its content and deadlines. Let's come back
    to them after the correspondence is over, and it is known to us what
    was written in the letter and what was written in the reply.

    The relatives of the Avetisyan family claim this can't have been
    committed by one person. Do you believe one person could have committed
    manslaughter without anyone around the place hearing any noise?

    It's too early to make a final assessment. I hope that the study of
    conclusions of all the forensic examinations will answer at least
    this question.

    Nevertheless, in your opinion, could one person do it, judging by
    the facts that we have at hand?

    The facts at hand do not exclude this but it's impossible to answer
    this question in full.

    Allocation of 133/3 Lalayan Street to Russia was criticized on these
    days. Do you think it was the right time for doing this, provided
    the pending questions on Permyakov's case?

    This is a political issue rather, I don't know whether it is correct
    for an advocate to answer this question, so I will answer this
    question as a citizen. I don't like the allocation of a territory of
    one country to another country.

    If you see gaps or problems in this case, how fast will you react and
    reveal to the public the problems that are in place? Can the society
    expect unbiased information and assessments of this?

    We are not the one who investigates but we will make our assessment,
    of course. We will do everything within the powers vested in us by law
    to have the investigation proceed in a way it is supposed to proceed,
    and the public should be informed about the problems if any.

    I think a relevant expert, not a lawyer should answer this question
    to be comprehensive and exhaustive.

    From: A. Papazian