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Khosrov Frangyan: 100 Years Of Expecting Repentance (PHOTOS)

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  • Khosrov Frangyan: 100 Years Of Expecting Repentance (PHOTOS)


    11:00, 02.03.2015

    By Ani Afyan

    "Survivors" is a new project launched by Armenian ahead
    of the centennial of the Armenian Genocide perpetrated in the Ottoman
    Turkey in 1915-23.

    "Survivors" is the stories of common people who lost their childhood
    and homeland.

    "Survivors" is a hundred years of memories and pain, hundred years
    of expecting retribution.

    "Survivors" are a diminishing group of people who won't lose their
    hope for acknowledgement of their pain.

    "Survivors" is 105-year-old Khosrov Frangyan.

    Allons enfants de la Patrie,

    Le jour de gloire est arrive !

    Contre nous de la tyrannie,

    L'etendard sanglant est leve...

    105-year-old Khosrov is singing Marseillaise, the French anthem,
    making a smooth transition through the Arab motifs to the song of
    Musaler Armenians.

    Despite his hard 105-year-long life that was full of hardships, he
    managed to preserve flow of spirits and subtle sense of humor (PHOTOS).

    Khosrov Frangyan was born in the summer of 1910 in Kebusie village
    at the coast of Mediterranean Sea. His parents, Aristakes and Sima
    Frangyans, had three children - Khosrov, Hakob and Iskuhi, the latter
    fell ill and died when she was eight.

    "In 1938 the Turks came to collect taxes. They claimed to be one of
    us. But I said that Turks don't change. Today they say "yes", and
    tomorrow they would say "no". This is how the Turks usually act. They
    can easily go back on their words. We had no money to give them. We
    were breeding cattle and cultivating land - this is how we lived. 'If
    you have no money, we will take the cattle,' they told us and took
    away the only cow we had," Khosrov grandpa says.

    In 1938 residents of seven Armenian villagers located near Musa
    mountain locked the doors and went down to the coast, cherishing
    hopes that we would all come back one day.

    "Come back?.. no way, we lost it. The French handed our village over
    to the Turks and sent ships to take us away," he continues.

    The ship took them to Syria and dropped them in Ras al-Bassit, near
    Kessab. They lived in tents for some time, later the villagers were
    granted territory where today's Anjar was founded in 1939.

    "I left my family in Anjar and went to Beirut where I earned my living
    by washing dishes or working at the construction. Then I left for
    Damascus, where I worked for an Englishman."

    By that time, Khosrov was engaged and was thinking about a wedding.

    Nektar, his wife-to-be, was waiting for him in Anjar. One of the days
    he took a day off to go home for his own wedding.

    "We got married on May 9, 1945. The sounds of zurna [Armenian musical
    instrument - ed.] were heard in the village for three days. So much
    joy and happiness - all this is gone!" he waved his hand in sorrow.

    "How did you get acquainted?"

    "They lived in a neighboring house. I had eyes for her. She was skinny
    when we got married, just 40 kilos. She grew fat when we got married,"
    he laughed.

    In 1946 their daughter Sonya was born, and in a year the couple
    decided to move to Soviet Armenia. In 1947 the Frangyans were already
    in Etchmiadzin where their son Boris was born. In two years Khosrov
    was labeled as "nationalist dashnak" - member of Dashnaktsutyun -
    and he was deported to Siberia.

    "They gave me a paper and said: 'Sign that you are a dashnak'. But I
    have never been. 'Sign, do it!' they ordered. I was forced to sign. If
    they decided something, you could do nothing".

    Khosrov and Nektar were sent to Altay region of Russia. He was offered
    to become a tractor driver.

    "I told them I knew no word in Russian. But they said there were no
    men in the village. 'You will learn'. And I did it, I wrote Russian
    words in Armenian letters in my notebook. When the day of exam came, I
    offered to be the first to answer. My Russian was poor, but I was good
    at mechanics. 'Well done, Khosrov", they told me and gave a license."

    In Siberia Nektar gave birth to Khachatur and Varduhi. Khachatur is
    a priest now and lives in the Netherlands. He has named his first son
    after Khosrov. In 2000s the grandpa visited them, but refused to stay
    there, he said it is better at home.

    In 1956 the Frangyans came back to Etchmiadzin. Khosrov started
    working at a food processing factory.

    "He is still good at counting. He calculates the bill quicker than
    the inspector from the gas company does with her calculator," his
    daughter Varduhi said, showing a family album.

    "You were handsome," I noticed.

    "Yes, I was", he said proudly.

    "Dad, tell her how many lovers had" his daughter asks ccunningly.

    "Ooo, they were many" he said, but his immediately turned sad when
    looking at a photo of his wife.

    Nektar died in 1995 on the eve of the 50th anniversary of their

    "We lived side by side for 50 years. We built our house together. She
    really supported me."

    Twenty years ago Khosrov grandpa suffered a stroke. He is paralyzed
    almost on the whole right part of his body. Nevertheless, he lives
    an active life.

    Khosrov grandpa is happy. He lived a hard but long life that was full
    of troubles and joys. And the only thing that darkens his live is
    the pain unshared by those whose ancestors deprived him of homeland
    so cruelly.

    Photos by Arsen Sargsyan/

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress