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Arissian lectures at Haigazian University

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  • Arissian lectures at Haigazian University

    Department of Armenian Studies, Haigazian University
    Beirut, Lebanon
    Contact: Ara Sanjian
    Tel: 961-1-353011
    Email: [email protected]


    BEIRUT, Wednesday, 14 April, 2004 (Haigazian University Department of
    Armenian Studies Press Release) - On Friday, 19 March 2004, the
    Department of Armenian Studies hosted Dr. Nora Arissian, who delivered a
    public lecture entitled "The Armenian Genocide in the Memoirs of the

    Syrian-born Arissian is a graduate of Damascus University and received
    her Ph.D. from the Institute of Oriental Studies at the Armenian
    National Academy of Sciences in Yerevan. She currently works in the
    Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Damascus and is the author of "The
    Armenian Calamities in the Syrian Mind: The Position of Syrian
    Intellectuals toward the Armenian Genocide," published in Arabic in
    Beirut in 2002. This book presents and analyzes the views and attitudes
    of 43 contemporary Syrian thinkers on the Armenian Genocide (historians,
    writers, journalists, political figures, etc.), almost all of whom
    condemn what befell the Armenians during the First World War.

    Arissian emphasized the importance of Syrian primary documents and
    periodicals in analyzing the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire
    during the First World War. These sources, however, have not to date
    been accorded by Armenian Genocide scholars the importance, she thinks,
    they deserve, especially in comparison to data emanating from European
    and American governments, organizations and individuals.

    Syria was not an independent, sovereign entity at the beginning of the
    twentieth century, said Arissian. It did not, therefore, have diplomatic
    or official documents, through which we can analyze today an official
    Syrian standpoint toward the ongoing Armenian Genocide of 1915. That is
    why the memoirs and oral testimonies of individual Syrians are even more
    important than usual to understand the popular attitude toward these
    massacres and deportations. These sources can also help us explain the
    causes behind and the events of the Genocide from an Arab viewpoint.

    Arissian said that Syrian Arabs today are largely sympathetic to the
    Armenian plight during the Genocide. This attitude is partly conditioned
    by the pan-Turkist ideology prevalent in the Ottoman Empire at the time,
    which also aimed at the forced Turkification of other non-Turkish
    elements in the empire, including Arabs. Arab intellectuals explain the
    Genocide committed by the Young Turks as the "logical conclusion" of
    earlier anti-Armenian massacres and other instances of violence in the
    Ottoman Empire.

    Arissian classified the various Syrian sources on the Armenian Genocide
    currently available into four broad categories:
    a) Newspapers published by Syrians both inside the country and in exile.
    Arissian's research has uncovered 500 articles making extensive
    reference to Armenians and their suffering in 33 different political
    periodicals published between 1877 and 1930. (She is now compiling these
    articles into a book which will be published in Lebanon soon.)
    b) The oral testimonies of actual witnesses of the Armenian Genocide.
    Arissian has recorded the testimonies of 25 Arab witnesses, all born
    between 1880 and 1919, including some who were the children of Armenian
    women deportees. The information they provided was useful as regards the
    various regions from which the Armenians had been deported as well as
    the relationship of the Syrians with the Armenian deportees.
    c) The oral testimonies of the children of Arab tribesmen who witnessed
    the Genocide. Arissian described her interviews with the sons of the
    governor in 1915 of the region of Sabkha (40 km south-west of Rakka),
    the chief of the Arab al-Jarba tribe, the leader of the Kurdish al-Malla
    tribal confederation, and with the writer, Abd al-Salam al-Ujayli, whose
    father was a village headman and a director of deportations in the Rakka
    region in 1915.
    d) The published memoirs of political, cultural and other public
    figures. The discussion of the latter formed the last and most extensive
    part of Arissian's lecture.

    Arissian argued that the published memoirs of the writer and politician
    Fakhri al-Barudi (1889-1066), the revolutionary activists Fawzi
    al-Qawuqji and Ahmad Qadri (1893-1958), as well as the Ottoman diplomat
    Amin Arslan (1893-1958) make only passing references to the Armenians
    when discussing the characteristics of the Young Turk regime in the last
    years of Ottoman rule. The lecturer dealt in more depth, however, with
    the works of the politician Fares al-Khuri (1877-1962), the lawyer and
    political activist Fayez al-Ghusayn (1883-1968) and the cultural and
    public figure Muhammad Kurd Ali (1876-1953). Al-Khuri dwelt at length on
    the murder of his fellow Ottoman parliamentarians of Armenian descent,
    Krikor Zohrab and Vartkes, and its repercussions in the Ottoman
    Parliament. Al-Ghusayn was briefly imprisoned as a political opponent by
    the Young Turk regime during the war years and finally escaped to join
    the rebel forces of Sharif Husayn in Arabia. Al-Ghusayn has a number of
    writings that describe the Armenian deportations and massacres, the most
    significant of which is a series of articles entitled 'The Massacres in
    Armenia,' which was first published in the Egyptian periodical
    al-Muqattam and was then reissued as a 62-page booklet. In various books
    that he compiled, Kurd Ali in turn described the Armenian Genocide, the
    forced migration of Armenians to Syria and tried to analyze the
    possibility of the acculturation of these Armenian migrants into their
    new milieu. Finally, Arissian also mentioned in this last part of her
    lecture that another Syrian author, Yusif al-Hakim (1879-1979),
    described in his memoirs, 'Syria and the Ottoman Period,' the massacres
    against the Armenians in Cilicia and the neighboring northern districts
    of modern Syria during the failed counter-revolution of 1909, which
    aimed to return Sultan Abdulhamid II to power as an absolute monarch.

    During the question-and-answer session that followed, Arissian admitted
    that young Syrian Arabs are not generally aware of the sources she has
    researched and the information that they contain, but she expressed
    commitment and some optimism that Armenians must strive to spread the
    appropriate knowledge and help form a favorable public opinion.

    Haigazian University is a liberal arts institution of higher learning,
    established in Beirut in 1955. For more information about its activities
    you are welcome to visit its web-site at <>.
    For additional information on the activities of its Department of
    Armenian Studies, contact Ara Sanjian at <[email protected]>.