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Russia absents in UN vote on human rights in Turkmenistan

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  • Russia absents in UN vote on human rights in Turkmenistan

    Russia absents in UN vote on human rights in Turkmenistan

    Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Moscow
    23 Apr 04

    Russia has absented in the UN Human Rights Commission's recent vote on
    Turkmenistan, which is said to violate human rights of ethnic
    minorities, including Russians, a Russian newspaper has reported. The
    participation in the development of Turkmen energy sector "looks much
    more attractive to Moscow than the protection of human rights of its
    own citizens", the newspaper suggested. The following is the text of
    Viktoriya Panfilova's report entitled: "The UN is no authority to
    Turkmenbasy. Moscow conspires with Asgabat by refusing to support a
    resolution on protection of national minorities in Turkmenistan" and
    published by Russian newspaper Nezavisimaya Gazeta website on 23
    April; subheadings inserted editorially:

    The other day in Geneva, the UN Human Rights Commission adopted a
    harsh resolution condemning the violation of human rights in
    Turkmenistan, with 25 countries voting for the resolution, 11 against
    it, and 17 abstaining from voting. The document states inadmissible
    facts of "discrimination in the sphere of education and employment of
    ethnic Russians, Uzbeks, and other national minorities," "arbitrary
    arrests, incarceration, and curtailed freedom to obtain information
    and self-expression."

    Symptomatically, the abstaining countries included Russia, whose
    citizens living in Turkmenistan are considered people of second
    quality and know first-hand what discrimination is. It seems that a
    hypothetical opportunity to take part in the development of Turkmen
    energy resources looks much more attractive to Moscow than the
    protection of human rights of its own citizens.

    The official position of Moscow was voiced by Russian Deputy Foreign
    Minister Yuriy Fedotov, who declared: "Basically, we proceed from the
    fact that so-called 'country-specific resolutions', particularly those
    made by the UN Human Rights Commission, can hardly improve the real

    Russia's 'absolute indifference'

    It is unclear how much attention Moscow paid to the fact that in
    appreciation of the support he received from Russia, Turkmenbasy
    Turkmen President Saparmyrat Nyyazow signed an edict on construction
    of yet another fountain in place of the recently demolished Russian
    Theatre of Drama in Asgabat. It seems that the Russian-speaking people
    have become accustomed to absolute indifference displayed by the
    historical homeland to their problems and do not count on help from
    bureaucrats from Smolensk Square Russian Foreign Ministry seat or the

    The Russian indifferent position unties Nyyazow's hands, and as a
    result the discrimination of ethnic minorities in Turkmenistan is
    worsening. Specifically, the specialists who graduated from higher
    education institutions after 1993 outside Turkmenistan are to be
    dismissed by 22 May of this year. Representatives of national
    minorities are not allowed to hold positions in financial and military
    structures, the judicial system, or the police and other security
    services. In addition, teachers and doctors have been dismissed as
    well. In an overwhelming majority of cases, those are Russians,
    Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Armenians, and children from mixed marriages. Even if
    one of the parents is Turkmen, more lenient treatment should not be

    Human rights situation worsens

    It stands to reason that President Nyyazow has not reacted in any way
    to yet another portion of criticism on the part of the international
    community. Turkmenbasy respects no resolutions, especially that they
    are adopted on a permanent basis. Last November, for example, a
    document condemning the violation of human rights in Turkmenistan was
    adopted by the UN General Assembly. "Unfortunately, the Turkmen
    government has not resolved the problems raised by the UN Human Rights
    Commission. On top of it, the human rights situation in Turkmenistan
    noticeably deteriorated in 2003 and early months of 2004," Aaron
    Rhodes, the International Helsinki Federation executive director, has

    Sympathizing country

    Notably, Ukraine proved one of the 11 countries sympathizing with
    Turkmenbasy. Similar to Moscow, Kiev hopes to sign a gas contract for
    25 years. It is unclear, however, whether Turkmenistan has enough gas
    for everyone who wants it.

    Recently, Russia itself was classified into the same group as
    Turkmenistan and Belarus, drawing criticism from the UN Human Rights
    Commission. Last week in Geneva, an EU resolution on Chechnya was
    discussed. The EU's main complaint is that the crimes being committed
    in Chechnya have not been properly investigated. So, Moscow has no
    time now for some compatriots living in the "spiritually close"