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Journalists who lie and journalists who die

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  • Journalists who lie and journalists who die, FL
    April 27 2004

    Journalists Who Lie, Journalists Who Die

    A veteran journalist assesses the international trend of journalists
    targeted for their truth-telling against a backdrop of recent fraud
    in American newsrooms.

    By Betty Medsger (more by author)

    I wonder if Jayson Blair, Jack Kelley and Stephen Glass, the best
    known of American journalism's recently discovered practitioners of
    fraud, know about Manik Saha, Sajid Tanoli and Ruel Endrinal. While
    the U.S. trio wrote stories composed of lies, the other three
    journalists were among the many journalists in other countries who
    paid the ultimate price for revealing the truth.

    Manik Saha, a veteran journalist in Bangladesh for the daily New Age
    and BBC's Bengali-language service, died January 15 when a bomb was
    hurled at his rickshaw and decapitated him. He was well known in his
    home country for bold reporting on criminal gangs, drug traffickers,
    and Maoist insurgents.

    Sajid Tanoli, a reporter with the Urdu-language daily Shumal in
    Pakistan, was shot and killed in Pakistan January 29 by a local
    government official who was enraged about an article Tanoli had
    written a few days earlier about an allegedly illegal liquor business
    run by the official.

    ...most journalists who were killed were hunted down and murdered,
    often in direct reprisal for their reporting.
    Ruel Endrinal was killed February 11 by two unidentified gunmen. They
    shot him in the foot and then continued shooting him in the head and
    body until he fell dead. His death is believed by investigators to be
    the price he paid for speaking out against local politicians and
    criminal gangs on a political commentary program he hosted on a
    broadcast outlet in Legazpi City in the eastern Philippines.

    It is a striking aspect of the changing international journalism
    landscape that American journalism, however fine much of it is,
    currently is best known for the fraud some journalists have committed
    as journalists, sinking their own careers and damaging the reputation
    of the profession by reporting stories that were lies in full or in
    part. Blair, Kelley, and Glass have become household names, symbols
    of a corruption and malaise that many in and out of journalism fear
    may be far more widespread than we now know. In recent weeks I've
    heard several very worried editors, most of them people who have
    judged major journalism competitions, wonder how many more are hiding
    in their newsrooms.

    The slashes to journalism's reputation have occurred with painful
    frequency since 1998. They have ranged from a lack of editorial
    involvement at CNN, Time Magazine, the San Jose Mercury and the
    Cincinnati Enquirer that led to publication and broadcast of major
    accusations the truth of which is still unknown. In some cases,
    journalists were condemned because of accusations of criminal
    activity in the gathering of information (the Enquirer) and in other
    instances because of insufficient evidence for powerful claims. Since
    dozens of journalists have been forced out of the profession for
    fabricating and distorting.

    Meanwhile, Saha, Tamoli, and Endrinal and many others were killed.
    According to the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists
    (CPJ), an international organization that defends the right of
    journalists to report the news without fear of reprisal, their plight
    represents a tragic trend: the literal killing of the messenger by
    people who don't want truth revealed. Every week there are new
    reports on the CPJ website of deaths of journalists or threats to
    journalists and news organizations for trying to reveal the truth.
    Some current ones:

    · April 11: Four Armenian journalists were seriously beaten in
    Yerevan simply for covering an opposition rally.

    · April 13: Early morning arson destroyed the building that housed
    the printing presses of the biweekly The Independent in Banjul in
    Gambia. Six armed men stormed the building, fired guns, then doused
    printing equipment with gasoline and set it on fire. When journalists
    arrived at the scene, the armed arsonists tried to lock them inside
    the burning building.

    · April 12: Three Czech journalists and a Japanese journalist were
    abducted in Iraq. Their captors threatened to burn the Japanese
    journalist alive, along with two Japanese aid workers, if Japan did
    not recall its troops from Iraq.

    · April 9: Cheng Yizhong, editor-in-chief of Nanfang Dushi Bao, a
    weekly newspaper in the Guangdoing Province in China, was arrested on
    suspicion of corruption. His home was searched and publications about
    Chinese politics were confiscated. As people in the region have come
    to depend on the newspaper for investigative reporting about issues
    important to them, such as the beating death of a student last year
    while in police custody, the government took steps against the

    These and other recent actions against journalists in other countries
    contrast sharply with the breaking in the U.S. of the de facto
    promise journalists have with the public to provide truthful accounts
    of events.

    There is a strong impression among many that journalists are killed
    primarily in the crossfire of wars and street violence. Research by
    CPJ found instead most journalists who were killed were hunted down
    and killed, often in direct reprisal for their reporting. Of the 346
    journalists killed in the last 10 years for carrying out their work,
    only 55 journalists, 17 percent of the total killed, died in
    crossfire, while 263, 76 percent, were killed in reprisal for their
    reporting. The others were killed in other violent situations, such
    as violent street demonstrations.

    In its investigations of slayings of journalists in the last decade,
    CPJ, a New York-based organization that tracks attacks against
    journalists and defends press freedoms, found only 25 cases in which
    the person or persons who ordered or carried out a journalist's
    killing have been arrested and prosecuted. That means that in more
    than 90 percent of the cases, those who killed journalists did so
    with impunity. The motive usually was to prevent journalists from
    reporting on corruption or human rights abuses, or to punish them
    after they have done so. Of the 263 who were murdered, 53 were
    threatened before they were killed. In 20 cases, journalists were
    kidnapped and subsequently killed. While the kidnap and murder of
    Wall Street Journal journalist Daniel Pearl in 2002 is well known,
    there have been several cases, most notably in Algeria and Turkey,
    where journalists have disappeared and never been seen again after
    being taken into custody either by government or opposition forces.

    More than 30 journalists were killed during the last decade in
    Russia, 19 of them targeted, often by the mafia, in retaliation for
    their stories, according to CPJ. In Chechnya, 11 were killed in
    crossfire or by mines, but at least four were killed there for their
    reporting on the war, usually for investigating human rights abuses
    by the Russian military. In Rwanda 16 journalists were killed in the
    last decade, 14 of them massacred by Rwandan Armed Forces and Hutu
    militias in April 1994. more than 90 percent of the cases, those who killed journalists
    did so with impunity.Like their fallen and imprisoned colleagues
    abroad, most American journalists produce honest work that they hope
    will help citizens be informed and active participants in democracy.
    They realize that the use of false information destroys trust, the
    most essential ingredient in the bond between journalists and the
    public, and they are rigorous in their efforts to be accurate.

    In addition to being tainted by the actions of journalists who have
    lied, American journalists have been criticized in the past year for
    being timid in their coverage before the war against Iraq. Some
    critics say journalists should have displayed more skepticism and
    independence in their coverage of the Bush Administration's case for
    going to war, including the claim that Iraq possessed weapons of mass
    destruction. Given what we now know could have been known before the
    war started, that criticism carries serious implications for the
    potential power of missing information in a democracy.

    Some foreign journalists are startled when they look at the
    malfeasance that has been occurring here since 1998.

    Peruvian journalist Gustavo Gorriti, who has endured severe
    persecution for his reporting, wrote eloquently in 1998 of the
    influence of American journalists in inspiring some of the most
    important investigative reporting in Latin America in the last two
    decades. There, in national cultures in which journalists often had a
    reputation for corruption, the ones who boldly revealed official
    corruption gained the confidence and respect of the public. In
    numerous instances, governments have been forced to change, indeed,
    have forced out, because of stories that revealed corruption.

    ".....The influence of American journalism was decisive," wrote
    Gorriti. "Its principles of thoroughness, fact-checking, editing, the
    effective separation between editors and publishers - all this
    influenced us profoundly.

    "Given these standards, we can scarcely fathom the recent
    journalistic wreckage in the United States. How did competence and
    integrity dissipate in so many American newsrooms?"

    We need to search for the answers to his question. We also need to
    ask how the trust can be rebuilt - among journalists and between
    journalists and the public. Since public relations has come to
    dominate many public and private institutions, people have felt that
    it was very difficult, if not impossible, to separate fact from spin
    in news stories. In the present season of malfeasance, many readers
    feel they are being asked to separate fact from fiction. What a
    mockery of the trust essential between journalists and the public,
    and what a mockery of the courage displayed daily by journalists
    everywhere who risk their lives in order to deliver truthful
    information to the public.

    There probably are numerous personal and institutional factors that
    have contributed to the individual acts of dishonesty that are now
    being revealed. Surely one of them is me-ism, an overwhelming
    preoccupation with the promotion and success of the self. For that
    reason, I think it is unlikely that Blair, Kelley and Glass could
    understand the idealism that shaped the courage of Saha, Tanoli and

    Betty Medsger, a former Washington Post reporter, was the founder of
    the Center for the Integration and Improvement of Journalism at San
    Francisco State University. She currently is a writer and journalism
    education consultant based in New York. ([email protected])