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Armenia planning contribution to Iraq force

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  • Armenia planning contribution to Iraq force

    Associated Press Worldstream
    July 29, 2004 Thursday 4:58 PM Eastern Time

    Armenia planning contribution to Iraq force

    YEREVAN, Armenia

    Armenia drew closer to contributing to the U.S.-led forces in Iraq on
    Thursday, when the Cabinet approved a Defense Ministry decision to
    join an agreement governing the coalition forces there.

    Armenia's leadership has decided to contribute, and a Defense
    Ministry official said the former Soviet republic is discussing
    sending 10 explosives experts and three doctors to Iraq. The official
    said Armenia is also offering to send military trucks.

    Armenia has close ties with Russia, but has sought to step up
    relations with the United States since the 1991 Soviet collapse. The
    Caucasus Mountain nation's neighbor and foe, Azerbaijan, has sent 150
    troops to Iraq.