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Backing pluralism and diversity in the media

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  • Backing pluralism and diversity in the media

    Malta Independent, Malta
    March 26 2004

    Backing pluralism and diversity in the media

    Staff Reporter

    Pluralism and diversity of media are a basic element of democracy.
    That is why the European Bishops Media committee, CEEM , meeting in
    Rome on 12 and 13 March, was happy to endorse the Recommendation
    adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe,
    concerning public radio and television broadcasting.

    We need `a strong and vibrant independent public broadcasting
    service' in Europe, at the service of cultural diversity, social
    cohesion and citizenship. This public radio and television service is
    `typically universal in terms of content and access'. It responds to
    the needs of the various social groups, including religious

    While hoping for coexistence and complementarity of the public sector
    with commercial media, we should like to reaffirm that the media
    should not have a merely commercial logic: public broadcasting and
    associative media need to be given the place they deserve.

    Public service broadcasting

    1. Public service broadcasting, a vital element of democracy in
    Europe, is under threat. It is challenged by political and economic
    interests, by increasing competition from commercial media, by media
    concentrations and by financial difficulties. It is also faced with
    the challenge of adapting to globalisation and the new technologies.

    2. Public service broadcasting, whether run by public organisations
    or privately-owned companies, differs from broadcasting for purely
    commercial or political reasons because of its specific remit, which
    is essentially to operate independently of those holding economic and
    political power. It provides the whole of society with information,
    culture, education and entertainment; it enhances social, political
    and cultural citizenship and promotes social cohesion. To that end,
    it is typically universal in terms of content and access; it
    guarantees editorial independence and impartiality; it provides a
    benchmark of quality; it offers a variety of programmes and services
    catering for the needs of all groups in society and it is publicly
    accountable. These principles apply, whatever changes may have to be
    introduced to meet the requirements of the twenty-first century.

    3. It is a matter of concern that many European countries have so far
    failed to meet the commitment that their governments undertook, at
    the 4th European Ministerial Conference on Mass Media Policy held in
    Prague in 1994, to maintain and develop a strong public broadcasting
    system. It is also worrying that the fundamental principle of the
    independence of public service broadcasting contained in
    Recommendation No. R (96) 10 of the Committee of Ministers is still
    not firmly established in a number of member states. Moreover,
    governments across the continent are in the process of reorienting
    their media policies in the light of the development of digital
    technology and are in danger of leaving public service broadcasting
    without enough support.

    4. Public service broadcasting was born in western Europe and has
    evolved by adapting itself naturally to the needs of a mature
    democracy. In central and eastern Europe it is not yet socially
    embedded, since it was `transplanted' into an environment that lacked
    the necessary political and management culture, and in which civil
    society is still weak, has inadequate resources and little dedication
    to public service values.

    5. The situation varies across Europe. At one extreme national
    broadcasting continues to be under strict governmental control and
    there is little prospect of introducing public service broadcasting
    by legislation in the foreseeable future. In the Russian Federation,
    for instance, the lack of independent public service broadcasting was
    a major contributing factor to the absence of balanced political
    debate in the lead-up to the recent parliamentary elections, as
    mentioned by the international election observation mission. Hardly
    any progress has been made in adopting the necessary public service
    broadcasting legislation that might meet Council of Europe standards
    in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Ukraine.

    6. In Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Kosovo public service
    broadcasting still only operates under regulations imposed from
    outside by the international community. Adoption of a proper law has
    been delayed in Bosnia and Herzegovina as a result of internal
    resistance to structural change and in Kosovo because of attempts to
    undermine the funding of public service broadcasting.

    7. In other countries laws on public service broadcasting have been
    adopted, but certain provisions and practices contradict European
    standards. In Armenia all the members of the Council for Public Radio
    and Television are appointed by the President. It remains to be seen
    whether the day-to-day operation of TeleRadio Moldova will be able to
    be independent after two changes made to the law in 2003. The
    appointment of a Serbian broadcasting agency has been marred by
    scandals that have yet to be resolved.

    8. More substantial progress has been made in other countries,
    although problems still remain. Changes to broadcasting laws, making
    broadcasting corporations more politically independent and
    financially viable, have been recommended by the Council of Europe in
    Bulgaria and `the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia'. There are
    still attempts to change laws in order to make them more suitable for
    a ruling majority, as with the new Croatian Law on Radio and
    Television. Severe financial difficulties are experienced with public
    service broadcasting in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia.

    9. There is political pressure on public service broadcasting in
    western Europe too. The BBC was attacked by the British Government
    over its coverage of the war in Iraq. In Greece, Italy, Portugal and
    Spain, situations variously defined as `political clientelism',
    `state paternalism' and `partitocrazia' have prevented the full
    emancipation of public service broadcasters from direct, `hands-on'
    political control. Manipulation of information under political
    influence led to the unprecedented sentencing of TVE for its coverage
    of the general strike in Spain in June 2002. The politicisation of
    RAI caused by a unique division of the three Italian channels between
    the main political parties has been further aggravated by the current

    10. There is a growing tendency to go beyond hitherto existing forms
    of public service broadcasting regulation and define its obligations
    more precisely, often by contracts backed up by accountability
    reports to the parliament, the government and/or a regulatory agency.
    Increasing attention is paid to the financial aspects of the
    operation of the public service broadcaster. While such moves are to
    be welcomed in so far as they give public service broadcasting
    organisations greater stability, it should be ensured that they are
    not used by governments to undermine the financial and statutory
    situation of these organisations. Recent government decisions in the
    Netherlands and France have seriously affected the funding of their
    public service broadcasters.

    11. Governments have been examining possible structural changes that
    would affect the very nature of public service broadcasting.
    Privatisation plans have been discussed in Denmark and Portugal, and
    in Italy with the recently proposed broadcasting legislation (the
    `Gasparri Law'), which has since then been referred back to
    Parliament by the President. In the United Kingdom, there is growing
    concern at the government's attitude to the renewal of the charter of
    the BBC, fuelled by the very public row between the corporation and
    the government.

    12. In a large majority of countries, digital channels have not yet
    been defined in broadcasting legislation. There is also a clear
    absence of legal provisions concerning Internet activities by public
    service broadcasters in most countries. This might affect their
    ability to expand to new platforms.

    13. The coexistence of public and commercial media has largely
    contributed to innovating and diversifying the supply of content and
    has had a positive impact on quality. However, commercial interests
    are trying to reduce competition from the public sector to a minimum.
    European Union competition law is often used to attack the funding
    systems for public service broadcasting. In this respect, the
    Assembly welcomes the judgment of the European Court of Justice in
    the Altmark case, regarding compensation for discharging public
    service obligations, and urges that the situation concerning public
    service broadcasting be further clarified on the basis of this
    judgment. Commercial broadcasters also challenge the possibility of
    public service broadcasting expanding into new areas and new
    services. Recent examples include the BBC's Internet activities and
    the plans of the German ARD to turn the Internet into its `third
    pillar', which had to be abandoned under commercial pressure.

    14. Commercial broadcasters also claim that the shift to the
    multi-channel, on-demand broadcasting offered by digitalisation will
    enable the market to cater for all needs and therefore also fulfil
    the public service obligations currently assigned to public
    broadcasting institutions. However, there is no guarantee about the
    quality and independence of such provision, or that it would be
    free-to-air, universally accessible and constant over time.

    15. It is recognised that there can be an overlap with commercial
    broadcasting in popular genres. However, the growing
    commercialisation and concentration of the media sector with the
    resulting `dumbing-down' of general quality vindicates, when this
    concerns public service broadcasters, those who criticise the use of
    public money for such purposes. Public service broadcasting is
    suffering an identity crisis, as it is in many instances striving to
    combine its public service obligations with chasing ratings and the
    need to secure an audience to justify its `public' character or
    simply to attract advertising revenue.

    16. European countries and the international community in general
    must become more actively involved in efforts to develop general
    standards and good practice as guidelines for national policies in
    this area.

    17. Therefore the Parliamentary Assembly recommends that the
    Committee of Ministers:

    i. adopt a new major policy document on public service broadcasting,
    taking stock of developments since the Prague ministerial conference
    and defining standards and mechanisms of accountability for future
    public service broadcasting. The forthcoming Ministerial Conference
    on Mass Media Policy in Kyiv could include the preparation of such a
    document in its plan of action;

    ii. mobilise the relevant structures of the Council of Europe to
    ensure proper and transparent monitoring, assistance and, where
    necessary, pressure, so that member states undertake the appropriate
    legislative, political and practical measures in support of public
    service broadcasting;

    iii. consider specific measures to ensure that a legislation in this
    area in line with European standards is adopted as soon as possible
    in Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Russian Federation and Ukraine;

    iv. ensure close co-operation with other international organisations
    in maintaining its standards regarding freedom of expression;

    v. continue to press for audiovisual services to be regarded as more
    than simply a commodity in the negotiations of the World Trade
    Organization (WTO) and the General Agreement on Trade in Services

    vi. endeavour to ensure that the World Summit on the Information
    Society gives proper recognition to public service broadcasting as an
    important element in developing the information society and at the
    same time easing the shock of the rapid changes this development will

    vii. call on the governments of member states to:

    a. reaffirm their commitment to maintaining a strong and vibrant
    independent public broadcasting service, whilst adapting it to the
    requirements of the digital age, for instance, on the occasion of the
    next European Ministerial Conference on Mass Media Policy in 2004,
    taking concrete steps to implement this policy objective and refrain
    from any interference with the editorial independence and
    institutional autonomy of public service broadcasters;

    b. define an appropriate legal, institutional and financial framework
    for the functioning of public service broadcasting and its adaptation
    and modernisation to suit the needs of the audience and the
    requirements of the digital era;

    c. design education and training programmes, adapted to the digital
    media environment, for journalists.