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Newsletter from, date: 21-03-2004 to 31-03-2004

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  • Newsletter from, date: 21-03-2004 to 31-03-2004

    [30-03-2004 'Region']
    ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
    Source : `Turkish Daily News' newspaper (Turkey)
    Author: Mehmet Ali Birand


    Seeing all the negotiations being carried out here, international
    games being played, all the pressures being exerted; reading the Annan
    plan and listening to statements being made, I can't help asking
    myself the same question:

    "We were always right on the Cyprus issue. We carried out the 1974
    intervention to defend our rights. Then what happened? What happened
    that we ended up being the wrong party in the eyes of the
    international community? We cannot simply tie this to Greek
    propaganda. There must be other reasons as well."

    Am I not right?

    Cyprus was our just cause.

    We won the support of the international community as well.

    Remember the developments until 1974.

    We did not forget what certain Greek Cypriot and Greek circles did
    after the London and Zurich agreements to destroy the Turkish
    community on the island in order to achieve the goal of unification
    with Greece. Raids onto Turkish villages by Grivas and his team, their
    massacre attempts, their retreat in the face of threats from Turkey
    and coming back as soon as things cool down, we all remember these
    very well. The last drop to pour the water out of glass came with a
    coup carried out by a Greek junta toppling Greek Cypriot leader
    Makarios to achieve Enosis.

    Turkey had no option but military intervention after this. It was the
    Greek junta and their extension in Cyprus that forced Ankara to take
    this option. Since the international community was aware of this,
    nobody opposed Turkey's intervention at that time.

    Turkey was right.

    Then how did it happen that we ended up the unjust party?

    Is the whole world setting up a plot against us? Is there a game
    being played out in Cyprus to punish us? Did we make a mistake? If we
    did make a mistake, where was it?

    Looking back, we see a few major mistakes having been made by the
    Turkish side.

    First mistake: Intervention was two-staged

    Turkey's first big mistake was that it completed the military
    intervention in two stages. The first operation was met with
    understanding in the international community. But the lack of
    sufficient preparation on the part of the Turkish Armed Forces and the
    failure to send the needed back-up in time led to a failure to achieve
    the military goals in the first stage of the operation.

    Then a 4-5 week interval followed. In the meantime, a peace conference
    was held in Geneva. There was a proposal to divide the island and
    even to create five different cantons. The military operation resumed
    when the desired outcome could not be obtained.

    But this time the whole world rose up. Turkey, which had received
    applause before, became an occupier dividing a poor and defenseless
    country. The embargo imposed by the U.S. Congress, reaction from
    world parliaments, resolutions passed in these parliaments condemning
    Turkey and accusations from the United Nations, all came at that

    The "liberating" Turkey came to be known as the "occupier."

    Second mistake: Not signing the peace deal

    You will lose what you won in a military operation if you do not make
    peace afterwards. The success will disappear.

    We were a most typical example of this.

    We kept settling on the island. And while doing it, we sent all the
    diseases in Turkey to the island. Instead of creating a model that
    would suit the needs of Cypriots, we attempted to create a second
    Turkish Republic together with its military and bureaucracy in
    Cyprus. We turned a blind eye to international realities. We wasted
    the chance to make peace that was offered to us several times.

    We kept changing policies.

    We first said we intervened in order to restore the order as created
    under the 1960 agreements. Then we came up with the thesis of
    federation. Then we presented the proposals of confederation and
    independence. We failed to win recognition from a single country for
    the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (KKTC).

    We were left alone.

    Throughout all these years, Greek Cypriots took clever steps because
    they saw better than us the course that the developments had
    taken. They turned the last corner by applying to the EU for
    membership. The train was missed as Turkey failed to prevent the
    membership attempts of Cyprus.

    Let's do better calculations for the future

    Now, the last stage is due to be played until May 1.

    If Greek Cypriots can reach the date May 2 without becoming the side
    who spoils the agreement, they will get what they want. What will
    corner them will be incorporation of the Annan plan into Cyprus'
    accession treaty. And this may be achieved by May 1. After May 1, they
    can easily block the Annan plan because they will have veto right
    after that time.

    After May 1, the Turkish side may find itself in a position which is
    far worse than the Annan plan.

    This is the real danger.

    Let's leave conspiracy theories aside and see, perhaps for the first
    time, the truths clearly. Let's derive lessons from past
    mistakes. Instead of putting the blame on others, let's understand our
    own realities.

    [25-03-2004 'Armenia-Azerbaijan']
    Source : `Echo' newspaper (Azerbaijan)
    Author: H. Aliev, E. Alekperov

    Bulgarian news agency reports about the conflict. The Defense
    Ministry of the Country Does Not Confirm this Statement

    Clashes occurred between the military forces of Azerbaijan and Armenia
    stationed in Kosovo. This information was provided by Bulgarian
    `Novinar' news agency. This fact is brought forward by the agency as
    one of the proofs of the failure of KFOR peacekeeping forces in
    Kosovo. "KFOR-units are able to keep two communities (Serbian and
    Albanian - Ed.) apart for a certain period of time, but it cannot last
    forever. Moreover, when the contingents of such countries as
    Azerbaijan and Armenia serve together in the international coalition".

    According to the reports by `Novinar', the first clashes took place
    already during the transportation of the servicemen via Budapest. The
    agency also notes that there is a report of one `person killed',
    however it is not specified who he was - Azerbaijani or Armenian
    military man.

    In its turn, the Defense Ministry of Azerbaijan refutes the report of
    the Bulgarian news agency. The Defense Ministry press-service
    reported to `Echo', that there are no Armenian servicemen in Kosovo
    altogether. The press service keeps stating that official Yerevan
    planned transportation of the peace contingent within the Greek
    battalion. However, as this office reports, the plans of the Armenian
    side fell flat. Besides, the press service also emphasized the fact
    that Azerbaijani military men are transported to Kosovo via Turkey and
    not via Hungarian capital. "Therefore, the reports of the Bulgarian
    press do not correspond to reality".

    Commenting on the aggravation of the situation in Kosovo, the press
    service noted that `fortunately, our servicemen did not participate in
    military conflict". The press service reported that 32 Azerbaijani
    military men are in Gradush village near the city of Grizren.

    Meanwhile, despite the statements of the Defense Ministry of the
    country, Armenian media officially reported that on February 12 a
    platoon of RA armed forces left for Kosovo. "Within the Greek
    battalion, the Armenian platoon will participate in peacekeeping
    mission in the Balkans".

    It is to be mentioned that the information source within the Defense
    Ministry of the country also doubts whether `Novinar' reports are
    true. In its view, the Bulgarian press might confuse details related
    to the murder of Armenian serviceman by the Azerbaijani officer Ramil
    Safarov. The incident, as it is common knowledge, occurred in
    Budapest. At the same time, the source confirmed the reports of the
    Bulgarian news agency on the Armenian peacekeeping contingent in
    Kosovo. However, according to the source, Armenian military men serve
    at quite a distance from Azerbaijani peacekeeping units.

    Besides, he noted that Azerbaijani peacekeepers are transported to
    Kosovo via Turkey. The expert excludes the possibility of the clash
    between the peacekeeping forces of Azerbaijan and Armenia also for the
    reason that this information did not leak anywhere. "In case this
    happened, international community would be informed", the source

    It was also noted that the recent events in Kosovo kept the
    Azerbaijani peacekeeping in full fighting capacity.

    [23-03-2004 'Region']
    Source : `Azg' newspaper (Armenia)
    Author: Hakob Chakrian

    On March 16, upon the initiative of Writers' Union of Armenia a forum
    of intellectuals was organized. It was devoted to Russian-Turkish
    (March 16, 1921) and Kars (October 13, 1921) treaties. The forum
    called on RA National Assembly to denounce the Kars Treaty and to
    apply to State Duma of the Russian Federation with a claim to annul
    the articles of Russian-Turkish treaty concerning Armenia.

    What is this initiative conditioned by? The appeal to the National
    Assembly on addressing State Duma is still more incomprehensible in
    the sense that Kars Treaty is not simply a duplicate of
    Russian-Turkish treaty. Russia also has its signature under it
    similarly to Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey.

    In other words, even if State Duma annuls the points of
    Russian-Turkish treaty, pertaining to Armenia, still the fact that
    Russia signed the Kars Treaty, will not allow RA National Assembly to
    abrogate the treaty unilaterally without Russia's
    agreement. Apparently, the initiators of the forum missed this
    circumstance, which raises doubts concerning the validity of the

    Ajarian crisis demonstrated that in the case of Kars Treaty, the
    problem lay not only in the validity of reconsideration process but
    also in controversial approaches and speculation with these issues on
    international level.

    Speaking about speculations, I mean Turkey. Its interests clashed with
    Georgian and Russian resistance. That is, the problem of Kars Treaty
    appeared on the agenda not only in Turkey but also in Georgia and
    Russia. With the only difference that if in Armenia it was due to the
    initiative of the Writers' Union, in the countries mentioned it was
    the result of the peculiar reaction of the Turkish Ambassador to
    Azerbaijan, Unal Chevikoz.

    On March 17 in Baku, Chevikoz declared to the journalists that Turkish
    authorities, in accordance to Kars Treaty of 1921, are entitled to
    deploy troops in Ajaria. Further, he added, `I think no explanations
    are required in this aspect. The treaty will remain in force, and it
    is already sufficient'. Georgian ambassador to Moscow, Constantine
    Kemularia objected to it. He noted that in compliance with the Kars
    Treaty, Ajaria cannot hope for the assistance of Turkey. He also
    emphasized, `Any comments on the treaty are senseless. It is already
    invalid. At present, international relations are built on the
    realities of XXI century. Totally different relations appeared to form
    between Russia and Turkey, Georgia and Turkey, Georgia and Russia".

    In its turn, Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs presented its
    objection to Georgian Ambassador in Russia, declaring that Kars
    Treaty, signed in 1921 among Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey,
    lost its validity. At the same time, the statement of MFA of Russian
    Federation reminds about Turkey's agreement to cede Ajaria to Georgia
    under the condition that Ajaria be provided with the highest autonomy
    status. In this period, Russian national newspapers started to
    actively criticize Chevikoz, viewing his declaration about deployment
    of troops in Ajaria as a challenge.

    The approaches of the countries in question towards the Kars Treaty
    are conditioned by the interests they have in Ajaria. By the
    willingness to station troops in Ajaria, Turkey recognizes the
    validity of the Kars Treaty. Georgia considers it `to be invalid' in
    order to exclude any interference (Turkey included) in ensuring
    territorial integrity of the country. As for Russia, despite its
    opposition to Turkish interference, by preservation of the status quo
    in Ajaria, it plans to influence Georgia and insists, in an attempt to
    account for its actions, on the validity of the Kars Treaty.

    In other words, Georgia has polar views with Turkey and Russia on the
    issue of the validity of the treaty, whereas Russia and Turkey are in
    agreement. As regards the initiative of the Writers' Union of Armenia
    on reconsideration of the treaty, though Georgia involuntarily
    supports the Armenian stand, viewing this issue as anachronism, still
    it should be kept in mind that it is Russia that is the strategic
    partner of Armenia.

    Moreover, if RA National Assembly resolves to meet the appeal of the
    forum, it will have to apply with the claim `to recognize the points
    on Armenia of the Russian-Turkish treaty (16 March, 1921) invalid' not
    to Georgian parliament but Russian State Duma. Since State Duma will
    not be able to ignore this position held by MFA of Russian Federation
    on the treaty affecting the national interests of Russia, the claim
    will probably be rejected. And it means reconsideration of the Kars
    Treaty is not feasible.

    Yerevan Press Club of Armenia, 'Yeni Nesil' Journalists' Union of
    Azerbaijan and Association of Diplomacy Correspondents of Turkey
    present 'Armenia-Azerbaijan-Turkey: Journalist Initiative-2002'
    Project. As a part of the project web site has
    been designed, featuring the most interesting publications from the
    press of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkey on issues of mutual
    concern. The latest updates on the site are weekly delivered to the