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Kant wants to be friends with Manas

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  • Kant wants to be friends with Manas

    Agency WPS
    DEFENSE and SECURITY (Russia)
    March 19, 2004, Friday


    SOURCE: Russky Kurier, March 16, 2004, p. 2

    by Vitaly Strugovets

    Operational conference of the United Headquarters of the Organization
    of the CIS Collective Security Treaty begins in Moscow. Lieutenant
    General Vasily Zavgorodny, Senior Deputy Chief-of-Staff, says that
    the conference will be attended by chiefs-of-staff of national
    armies, General Secretary Nikolai Bordyuzha, and Major General Sergei
    Chernomordin, Commander of the Central Asian Fast Response Collective

    The decision to establish the United Headquarters as "a permanent
    working body of the Organization of the CIS Collective Security
    Treaty and its Council of Defense Ministers" was made almost a year
    ago, in April 2003. Fifty-five staff officers represent members of
    the Organization of the CIS Collective Security Treaty in accordance
    with their financial contributions. Russia accounts for 50% of the
    budget and other countries (Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
    and Tajikistan) 10% each.

    Chief-of-staff always represents the country whose defense minister
    is currently chairman of the Council of Defense Ministers. Nowadays,
    it is Tajikistan. Needless to say, chief-of-staff is quartered in his
    native country and not in Moscow. Daily activities of the United
    Headquarters are supervised by senior deputy chief-of-staff. The
    United Headquarters commands army groups - West, Caucasus, and
    Central Asia.

    Military experts call the Organization of the CIS Collective Security
    Treaty a mini-NATO. There truly are some aspects similar to both
    alliances. For example, whenever a country of one of the bloc finds
    itself under attack, all of the alliance regards it as an attack on
    all. This is a major difference between the Organization of the CIS
    Collective Security Treaty and the 1992 Treaty. "There are but two
    organizations in the world nowadays that view security matters as the
    first priority. They are NATO and the Organization of the CIS
    Collective Security Treaty," General Secretary Nikolai Bordyuzha
    (formerly Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian
    Federation, head of the presidential administration, and Ambassador
    to Denmark) said not long ago. He believes therefore that the two
    alliances must interact. "The Organization of the CIS Collective
    Security Treaty already has a plan of cooperation and interaction
    with NATO," he said. "Distance between military bases of the
    Organization of the CIS Collective Security Treaty and forces of the
    counter-terrorism operation in Afghanistan (that means NATO) is under
    three dozen clicks." Needless to say, Bordyuzha meant airfields in
    Kyrgyzstan, Kant and Manas. According to what information this
    newspaper has compiled, the Council of Foreign Ministers of the
    Organization of the CIS Collective Security Treaty has already
    drafted a document which will suggest military cooperation between
    bases in Kant and Manas.

    Unlike NATO, however, its CIS analog is financially unstable. That is
    what generates friction among its members. It is clear nowadays that
    the Organization of the CIS Collective Security Treaty owes its
    existence mostly to the Russian budget. All its structures are
    financed by Russia by at least 50%. Actually, Russian contribution is
    even larger than that. Consider for example the Kremlin's decision to
    sell military hardware to countries of the Organization of the CIS
    Collective Security Treaty at the prices demanded from Russian
    buyers. Not even NATO has come up with that. This lenient terms
    regime only applies to the units involved in international
    contingents these days, but official Moscow contemplates its
    application to all armed forces of all members of the Organization of
    the CIS Collective Security Treaty. This assistance may even be made

    Russia is also prepared to face the bill of training officers for CIS
    national armies. 2,700 men from armies of the Organization of the CIS
    Collective Security Treaty are being trained in Russia. Members of
    the Organization of the CIS Collective Security Treaty pay $1,000 for
    every trainee annually. The subject of training them without charge
    is being considered now. Russia pays for maintenance of the forces
    comprising the nucleus of all army groups of the Organization of the
    CIS Collective Security Treaty. First and foremost, the matter
    concerns AF bases in Kyrgyzstan and Armenia.

    Aircraft based in Kant, for example, are officially recognized as a
    part of the Fast Response Collective Forces. Still, Russia alone
    finances the base. It will cost $10 million to outfit the base only,
    and annual maintenance is estimated at $4 million more. It is not
    exactly a "grant" as some politicians present it.

    As a matter of fact, the anti-Taliban coalition pays Kyrgyzstan
    $7,000 for every takeoff or landing in Manas. It is this easy money
    that spoils the relations between Moscow and Dushanbe, Bishkek,
    Astana. The United States alone intends to transact over $6 million
    to Kyrgyzstan by way of military assistance (discounting what this
    country is paid for the use of the Manas facility, that is). The sum
    is double what Kyrgyzstan received in 2003. Kazakhstan is promised
    helicopters, military transport planes, and ships under 1,000 tons
    water displacement. Considerable technical aid is promised Tajikistan
    too. Forget Central Asia for a minute. Even official Minsk in the
    course of the recent "gas crisis" began talking of the necessity to
    take money from Russia for "the military objects located on the
    territory of Belarus."

    It does not take a genius to see that Russia cannot hope to satisfy
    all of the demands its "allies" come up with. Financially, that is.
    It follows that weapons and military hardware should be offered.
    Sources in the United Headquarters say that these deliveries exactly
    will be in the focus of attention of the operational conference of
    the Organization of the CIS Collective Security Treaty in Moscow.
    Defense ministers will even visit Granit, the foremost provider of
    antiaircraft means for the Russian Armed Forces. It is common
    knowledge that antiaircraft defense is our allies' major headache.

    Official commentary

    Major General Sergei Chernomordin, Commander of the Fast Response
    Collective Forces: The Taliban has never been abolished

    Chernomordin: Headquarters of the Fast Response Collective Forces is
    located in Bishkek. The operational group comprising officers from
    all countries is quartered there too. National armies of participants
    of the Organization of the CIS Collective Security Treaty are
    represented in the Fast Response Collective Forces by a reinforced
    battalion each. These are units of permanent combat readiness that do
    not need a lot of time to up their readiness status. These units are
    fully staffed and equipment. Whenever the order is received, the
    units are ready for combat in the plains or in the mountains in
    virtually no time. These are not ordinary units. I mean, infantry.
    The Kazakh Armed Forces for example are represented by a battalion of
    paratroops. Hence the weapons - light weapons and portable grenade
    launchers. The battalion is quite mobile, up to missions in all
    conditions. The national army of Tajikistan is represented by a
    similar unit. Kyrgyzstan is represented by a battalion of
    mountaineers. All Kyrgyz servicemen are seasoned fighters. The
    nucleus of the Kyrgyz battalion is comprised of the veterans who
    fought in the Batken region in 1999.

    The battalion tactical group of the Russian 201st Motorized Infantry
    Division is equipped and trained for mountainous warfare. It has
    tanks, armored personnel carriers, mobile artillery systems. All
    these units will be promptly airlifted to the endangered area and
    deploy there. I do not doubt their efficiency.

    Question: Do the Fast Response Collective Forces have an action plan?

    Sergei Chernomordin: We have the deployment plan for potential
    actions on the territory of any of the four countries. Usually, all
    officers and units of the Fast Response Collective Forces remain at
    their permanent quarters, working in line with their own curricula.
    They come together only in the special period. they have to be
    drilled constantly, taught to operate in the designated area. That is
    why our units are deployed in Tajikistan today, and tomorrow
    exercises may be run in Kazakhstan or Kyrgyzstan. This is how we
    train our units the year round. Along with everything else, we remain
    in close contact with the CIS Counter-Terrorism Center and national
    armies. Whenever necessary, the Fast Response Collective Forces may
    operate under the command of a national defense minister. Together
    with armed forces and other security structures, of course. If the
    appropriate decision is made, I will submit to the defense minister
    of the country where our involvement is needed. Or else, I may
    operate independently.

    Question: What do you think of the situation in Central Asia?

    Sergei Chernomordin: The counter-terrorism operation has hurt the
    Taliban but never abolished it altogether. Moreover, Taliban
    detachments mount more and more resolute attacks on forces of the
    counter-terrorism coalition and the government of Khamid Karzai.
    Tribal strife continues as well. Instability has not been routed out,
    nor weapons have been laid down. Trafficking via Central Asia to
    Europe and America increases in scope. This is what worries the
    governments of Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Russia, and Kyrgyzstan first
    and foremost. Traffic means inevitable infiltration of the
    territories of Central Asian countries by armed gangs.

    Specialist's opinion

    The Fast Response Collective Forces is the Central Asian army group
    of the Organization of the CIS Collective Security Treaty. It
    comprises Kazbat paratroops battalion, battalion of Kyrgyz
    mountaineers, Tajik paratroops battalion, Russian motorized infantry
    battalion (of the 201st Motorized Infantry Division quartered in
    Tajikistan), and communications units. Numerical strength approaches
    1,500 men. Aviation of the Fast Response Collective Forces based in
    Kant includes ten SU-25 and SU-27 aircraft, nine military transport
    planes, four training planes, and two helicopters (all of them
    Russian). Meeting of the Council of Defense Ministers in December
    2003 found it necessary to up numerical strength of the Fast Response
    Collective Forces 2.5 times this year. Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and
    Russia are expected to provide another battalion each, Tajikistan two

    The Caucasus group comprises units of the Russian and Armenian
    armies. Russia is represented by the 102nd Military Base in Gyumri.
    There is also a considerable antiaircraft group - a wing of eighteen
    MIG-29 aircraft and a battery of complexes with radars.

    The West group was first mentioned during President Vladimir Putin's
    visit to Belarus in May 2002. A group 3,000 men strong was mentioned
    then. The Defense Ministry of Russia explained afterwards that the
    group would comprise some units of the Moscow and Leningrad military
    districts, Baltic Fleet, and the Belarusian army. Whenever necessary,
    they would follow common operational plans. United headquarters were
    established for the duration of command exercises on two occasions.