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BAKU: Aliyev wins "duel" with Armenian minister at EU conference

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  • BAKU: Aliyev wins "duel" with Armenian minister at EU conference

    Azeri leader wins "duel" with Armenian minister at EU conference - TV

    ANS TV, Baku
    19 Mar 04

    Presenter Qanira Atasova Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has
    addressed the international conference "Towards a Wider Europe: The
    New Agenda" in Bratislava. The "Xabarci" programme has ANS's special
    correspondent Zaur Hasanov on the line. Hello, Zaur.

    Hasanov on the phone Hello, Qanira.

    Atasova Zaur, what were the key points in the president's speech?

    Hasanov President Ilham Aliyev mostly spoke about two issues. He first
    touched on Azerbaijan's economic achievements. He said that the
    Azerbaijani economy has been successfully developing since 1996. On
    average, our GDP grows by 10 per cent every year while inflation
    accounts for two per cent. The share of the private sector in GDP has
    been constantly growing and has reached 74 per cent now. Our budget is
    socially-oriented and 70-80 per cent of budget funds are allocated for
    social needs.

    In his address, the president attached major importance to the
    Nagornyy Karabakh issue. According to him, the unresolved status of
    this problem poses a very serious threat to the whole of the Caucasus,
    including to oil and gas projects being implemented by Azerbaijan and
    Georgia. He said that there are 1m refugees in Azerbaijan, i.e. its
    every eighth citizen is a refugee. Their life is full of suffering and
    their patience has run out. Saying that their patience has run out,
    Ilham Aliyev pointed out that the patience of the entire Azerbaijani
    people has run out.

    I would like to note that Ilham Aliyev appreciated the activity of the
    OSCE and other mediators. But he also said that it was useless. Ilham
    Aliyev spoke about the expectations that the EU would support a
    settlement to this problem.

    I want to say that Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan is
    addressing the conference now. Speaking about the Nagornyy Karabakh
    problem, he said that there was neither a winner nor a loser in this
    conflict. Like Azerbaijan, Armenia regards itself as a defeated
    party. According to him, if Azerbaijan says it has 1m refugees, we can
    say that 400,000 Armenians lived on Azerbaijani territory before the
    start of the war. If they are not refugees, who are they?

    This was a very interesting picture. When Ilham Aliyev was speaking,
    Oskanyan was shaking his head. When the latter was speaking, the
    Azerbaijani president was laughing. Many people, in fact, regarded
    Oskanyan's arguments as ridiculous. For example, Oskanyan spoke about
    the Nagornyy Karabakh Armenians' right to self-determination because
    they want to be near their friends, i.e. the Armenians. But the
    Azerbaijani president said that it was impossible for one nation to
    have two states. In this case, let the Armenians living in many
    countries exercise their right to self-determination. He appealed to
    the world community, saying that if the Armenians take this step in
    many countries, what kind of trouble and crisis this step will
    cause. So, this was a kind of duel, and I can say that we won this

    Atasova Thank you, Zaur.